First Weigh In Today

Well done Charlotte.......FANTASTIC.

Rachel....come on girl. You are so good at motivating us guys. Its girls like you and the others on this site that have made me stick to my diet. Me and you are pretty much the same weight/height etc. Together lets give Charlotte and Elle a run for their money.....what do you say? If they can do it we CAN and WILL.

Shazpaz -thats the spirit!!!!!

Rachel - you are getting lots of good vibes!!!!! How's it going today?
That was great to lose that weight, but I was a bit disappointed that they think I should stop at 11 stone and not go down to 10 stone.

Just re-read this thread...what's your height? that should give you a good idea of what your ideal weight is?
I am 5'7" and I know I will be at my best at 10 stone.
I agree charlotte. Im 5ft 5in and I will be aiming for about that weight.

I know I know Shaz and Bea but my motivation is just not there yet. I havent stopped thinking that im going to do it though!! I really do appreiciate the support honestly!!
Hi know as well as I that this diet only works when your in the 'zone'. It will happen. One day you'll wake up and there will be no looking back.......until then just stick with what your doing,a low cal 'normal' diet.

Good luck.

Charlotte......I'm 5ft 6 and at 10 stone I look pretty skinny. I look fab at just under 11. It depends what you want to look like. I want to have a few curves.
Fantastic.. well done, keep it up! its well worth it in the end!
At the moment I look like a Biafran, thin with all this fat left on my protruding stomach. I can't see how 2 stone is going to do anything to my awful stomach. I am doing all the exercises under the sun on it. It is just so big I look like I am pregnant. I do have a hernia but that isn't contributing to the fat, just feels like a donut around my protruding bellybutton.

The last time I was 10 stone I still had to wear size 14 clothes....
Aw Charlotte, you never know, it will work its way off!! I have a bit of sagginess but am putting my special oil on every day which should help the skin to keep elastic enough to shrink back!
mine is more than a sagginess it is a mound that sticks out. It is disgusting and I can't see that I will ever get rid of it.
No chance via the NHS or I would have one tomorrow. They don't do it anymore because it's considered cosmetic. All I can get done is the hernia repair.
I agree charlotte. Im 5ft 5in and I will be aiming for about that weight.

I know I know Shaz and Bea but my motivation is just not there yet. I havent stopped thinking that im going to do it though!! I really do appreiciate the support honestly!!

You really need to be in frame of mind and god know it took me over a year to get in the frame of mind for going on LT!!!!
By keeping on site the site it does help with your motivation and you will just "go for it" of these there any goal, item of clothing, party, family do - that you can aim might help!!

Take care
mine is more than a sagginess it is a mound that sticks out. It is disgusting and I can't see that I will ever get rid of it.

Do you have a hernia? You mentioned this? Have you mentioned to your are getting pretty slim so its unusual to have a round mound in your tummy area???? (((((hugs)))))
Thanks Bea, Yeah I have a dress and new years eve that I really want to be skinny for. My friend always comes home for new years eve and she is as slim can be so I really want to look good. I dont want to be skinny just HOT!!
WOW you are really knocking the pounds off!! Well done!!!