Frances' PP Diary

I was really busy at work, still kinda busy today so my brain was knackered and I kinda fell into bed after eating a loada noodles and snacks LOL!! An ok day other than that :p

Oh my god its Thursday!? Weigh In!! You lost half a pound... yaaaaay!!! :D :D Good loss hon, I'm hoping for a half off this week (kinda ate a lot of food so lucky if I get that hehe) xx
I was really busy at work, still kinda busy today so my brain was knackered and I kinda fell into bed after eating a loada noodles and snacks LOL!! An ok day other than that :p

Oh my god its Thursday!? Weigh In!! You lost half a pound... yaaaaay!!! :D :D Good loss hon, I'm hoping for a half off this week (kinda ate a lot of food so lucky if I get that hehe) xx
I have only discovered noodles.. Alway assumed I didn't like them so never tried them.. But had them about 2 weeks ago and I love them.. Yum yum..
I have also just discovered a love for pepper sauce.. Yum Yum also.. And only 1pp per portion.. :D

Yea WI was this morning.. Only down a half.. pretty crap but I have IBS and without being graphical its playing up (ish) not in a suffering way but lets just leave it at that.. lol
I have only discovered noodles.. Alway assumed I didn't like them so never tried them.. But had them about 2 weeks ago and I love them.. Yum yum..
I have also just discovered a love for pepper sauce.. Yum Yum also.. And only 1pp per portion.. :D

Yea WI was this morning.. Only down a half.. pretty crap but I have IBS and without being graphical its playing up (ish) not in a suffering way but lets just leave it at that.. lol

I always presumed I only like super noodles but now I just make my own with the sharwoods or amoy noodles and I PREFER my low pp version with actual chicken in them. Last night I had em with chicken and I put on cayenne pepper and this mixed spicy stuff. Blew my head off but I loved it LOL!

I suffer from mild IBS hon... really sucks! I was suffering last week. Argh! hope that eases off for you soon... I'd be happy enough with half off heehee, its all a loss!!
I always presumed I only like super noodles but now I just make my own with the sharwoods or amoy noodles and I PREFER my low pp version with actual chicken in them. Last night I had em with chicken and I put on cayenne pepper and this mixed spicy stuff. Blew my head off but I loved it LOL!

I suffer from mild IBS hon... really sucks! I was suffering last week. Argh! hope that eases off for you soon... I'd be happy enough with half off heehee, its all a loss!!

Ha.. i presumed I didn't like noodles coz i dont like super noodles.. hee hee.. Damned super noodles putting us all off..
I had the birds eye baked to perfection chicken with garlic butter with my noodles last week and mixed in peas, sweetcorn and carrots.. YUM YUM YUM!
Dubchick81 said:
Aww Hope your Mam is doing better? And today goes better than yesterday.. By the sound of things they can't be much worse..

Yesterday my was dead 2yrs 9months so had a pretty shitty day myself.. :cry:

Had a sneaky WI this morning (and yesterday morning) and hav gained a half since yesterday :( So not looking great for tomoro.. Am hoping its just coz I had a heavy dinner yesterday n will be ok for tomoro.. Will hafta wait n see..

Delighted about the 'butter' thing. I wasn't having any spread on my bread coz the purple book says a ptn is the tiniest amount (has a pic n looks like it wudn cover a corner!) Will go back to buttering my toast (when i say butter u kno I mean flora light spread right?) x

I couldn't get on minimins on my phone for hours!! I went nutso! Oh dear looks like I'm addicted!

I'm sorry about your Mam huni, it must be so hard when an anniversary rolls around ((big hugs)) to you to xx

Must point out that 15g/1 tbsp of flora light works out at 1.5pp on the calculator so. would count as 2pp -
10g / 2tsp is 1pp
.... but cos I'm cheeky & daft I use just under a tbsp & count it as 1pp - hope this makes sense!

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Forgot to add - I suffer with IBS 2 & totally know where you're coming from!!!! Hate it when it flares up :(
I also live with my folks like you both - but with my OH 2 - VERY crowded!!!! Luckily we get on ok but it's driving us both bonkers not having our own space... it's still not possible for us to move out though :(
Hope you are having a better day lovely

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Hi Hun
Y do all us gud ppl have IBS! It's vile! I got it bad today feel shocking x bless us ibs sufferers! No fair!
I know... Its all the rage these days... lol..
Thankfully (I'll probably pay for saying this!) I dont "suffer" too much with it anymore and dont have too many trigures either.. When I say I dont "suffer" I mean there's not too much pain involved.. Just discomfort when things "dont move"... Which is the type I have!! As apposed to things moving too quickly.. (Sorry this is all very graphic and wayy more than ya need to know!!)
Anyway, I WI again this morning and was down 1 from last week.. So am gona take todays WI.. I know to some it may b cheating myself but I dont think it is.. :D

CG am much better thanks.. Had it out with my Dad n its all better (wont say sorted coz he's still a d1ckhead! :D )
I know 2years 9months to most isn't really an anniversary but to me it feels like one.. 13th of every month is a teary one for me :'(
But ya kno what, i'm happy she went when she did coz she didn't suffer at all and wasn't sick for long so was the best way.. :) All smiles for Mammy :D
Thanks girls.. You are all brilliant on here.. Dunno how I got by without this site!!! xxxxxxx
Aw bless u about ur mum love x I am same on my dads anniversary n fathers day! Your only human!
I know wot u mean about the moving business! It's all or nothing innit! Lol I'm on fibogel drinks at mo to maintain regularity lol (soz) ;-)
See if they help! Grr to it! X
Yea I was taking them.. With Milpar.. AND senokot.. And STILL had no affect.. But that was back when I was really bad.. I've still not been "officially diagnosed" as I won't go for the test!! Doctor says he can't put on record I have it officially until I go for it but I do have it.. But i'm happy with that ha ha ha.. Ain't no way in hell i'm having that test done.. Have enough instruments going places I dont feel comfortable with being a woman without that as well.. lol
My main triggure is ready meals n processed foods.. All my friends n ppl in work think i'm just really good and love cooking (which I do) and that's why I cook fresh meals daily.. but really its coz I know I'll suffer if I eat processed meals.. Nothing good about me.. :D haha
Bless ya x what test is that then? My doc not mentioned that to me. I been on mebeverene but got a rash from it so stopped taking em. But I need summit else to try n sort me so I will try the fibre supplements lol x
I've to have a colonoscopy to have my diagnosis confirmed.. Our health service are pants hun!! Its probably just to get more money out of me :mad:
Its €55 per GP visit and €130 for that test.. Don't get me wrong if it was something that I was undiagnosed I'd pay the money.. My healthy is my health.. But I know what the problem is so its just to put on my record that I need to have it done.. Feck that!! Ain't nothing going up there!!!! :eek:
Friday - 16th September

Water: 600ml 600ml 600ml
Drinks: Tea. Can carlsberg (6)

Brekkie: Porridge - 3pp

Lunch: 2 baby batch, toasted - 5pp

Dinner: Veg soup. Chicken (4) chips (8) Mini desert (5) - 17pp

Snacks: Eclair sweets (9)

PP's Used: 40/29
Weeklies Used: 11/49
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Dubchick81 said:
Water: 600ml 600ml
Drinks: Tea

Brekkie: Porridge - 3pp

Lunch: 2 baby batch, toasted - 5pp


Snacks: Eclair sweets (9)

PP's Used: 17/29
Weeklies Used: 0/49

Hope that isn't all you ate ;) xx

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Saturday 17th September


Drinks: Tea. 350ml Vodka - 30pp

Lunch: 2 sausages (4) 2 bacon medalions (1) 2 toast (5) - 10pp

Dinner: BE Baked2Perfection Chicken (4) Noodles (5) - 9pp

Snacks: MP Chickatees - 2pp

PP's Used: 51/29
Weeklies Used: 22/38
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Sounds like a yum day, did you manage to eat the 8pp. I've used 11 weeklies today so far... Wee blowout going on ;) x

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Just wanted to say I seen the wedding pix on here, n they r lovely Hun x u look fab, love ur dress lovely colour n ur Jono looks sweet, u make a lovely couple xxxx
Aww. Thanks Liz.. Very kind of u.. :)
Sarah, food diary all updated.. Used up LOTZA weeklies.. Just about to put up todays too.. Oops.. Went to Wexford for the night with Jono n had a FAT day today, loved it.. Back on it in the mornin' :D
Hope u both had a lovely weekend?
Sunday 18th September

Water: 2 glasses

Drinks: Tea.

Brekkie: 2 Bacon medalions , 2 toast - 7pp

Lunch: Chicken Soup n button roll - 14pp

Dinner: Chicken tenders x4 Chips - 19pp

Snacks: Jaffa Cakes - 4pp

PP's Used: 44/29
Weeklies Used: 15/16 Oops...
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