Freaky Food Combinations!

I have ground black pepper on fresh strawberries. Never thought it was weird because all my family do it.
Before SW, my lunch was BBQ supernoodles, with chopped up avocado in it, and if particularly hungry on white bread butties, oh my days :( miss them.
Cheddar cheese and apple, definitely. But with blue cheese it has to be finely sliced ripe pears.

My dad was from the north east and they used to have apple pie or Christmas cake with Wensleydale cheese. The ideal was a plain Christmas cake (no icing or marzipan) with a whole Wensleydale of the same size, so you could take a slice from each.
And talking of chocolate spread - whatever happened to the Green and Blacks version of nutella? I used to be able to get it in Waitrose but not any more, and it was nicer than nutella.
Hannah:) said:
My favourite used to be crisp sandwitches - No butter - Not had in a long time!!

Haven't had a crisp butty in such a long time but this is the only way ill eat it. Has to be white bread though!
acc said:
Yes,with butter!

Can't stand butter! I only have butter on toast! :)
I spent most of last night trying to think of any other weird food combinations I've had over the years, and then remembered that I used to be given sugar or treacle sandwiches as a kid!

I also used to like vanilla ice cream with ovaltine or horlicks powder sprinkled over it!
I have ground black pepper on fresh strawberries. Never thought it was weird because all my family do it.

I have a little balsamic vinegar on mine. again, not weird to me because I was raised that way. YEARS before cheffy peeps started doing it lol.
Seriously MLM - I am rapidly loosing respect for you. Next you'll be telling me Marmite & Banana sandwiches are nice - at which point I will assume you are my SW consultant because she's the only person I know who likes them! :)

What.The.Hell. Nothing involving Banana is nice. NOTHING. EVER. :sign0137: :9529:

I like marmite, but MonsieurLaMinx says they have to put it in glass jars to prevent the evil seeping out.

Why don't they do cheese and apple on a stick at parties?
They're quite happy to stick cheese and pineapple on a stick so why not other fruit?

Probs coz apple goes brown so fast in the air.

Do you know whats really really really really nice. So nice in fact that in my heyday I once ate so much of it that I actually made myself sick - and thus can no longer eat it by the association, however, I still know it was nice...

Blue Stilton on Ginger Biscuits, preferably the thin ones so you dont crack a molar.

ALSO, peanut butter, thats been put on already toasted bread, and then put under the grill till the peanut butter goes all bubbly and dries a little. OMG.

And... once upon a time, I used to eat McFries dipped in McChocolate Milkshake. Im surprised I havent died of a heart attack before now to be honest...
And... once upon a time, I used to eat McFries dipped in McChocolate Milkshake. Im surprised I havent died of a heart attack before now to be honest...

my sister does that. ewwww. and my stick thin brother also does it. makes me want to slap him because I swear, if I even smell a mcmilkshake I gain a pound lol.
I'm with you on everything up to mcfries in milkshakes, but cos i don't like milkshakes :)

& Mr MLM is right about marmite - devils food, along with coconut.

I used to put apple sauce between 2 slices of bread, fry it in a pan & sprinkle with sugar. Yum!
vicki rose said:
Years ago I used to have fish finger & ketchup sandwiches.
When I was at college I used to live on chips beans and cheese.

That's not freaky - that's heaven! I love fish finger n ketchup sandwiches! With loads of butter and sometimes a slice of plastic cheese. Yumo! Xx

Minks ;)
vicki rose said:
Years ago I used to have fish finger & ketchup sandwiches.
When I was at college I used to live on chips beans and cheese.

Never eaten fish fingers - let alone in a sandwich!