Gaga's Bulging Epic Battle......

Aw hope little kitty is ok. Love your attitude hon, weight will go, just don't give up. :)
Love and best wishes to kitty xxx
Thanks guys. I'm an emotional wreck to be honest about it and can't stop crying. I have no bleedin' idea how I'm supposed to get an essay done (and be like finished) today with all this going on!!!

Super stressed gaga!
ladygaga said:
Thanks guys. I'm an emotional wreck to be honest about it and can't stop crying. I have no bleedin' idea how I'm supposed to get an essay done (and be like finished) today with all this going on!!!

Super stressed gaga!

Aw gaga, totally understandable babes.
Hope ur wee kitties fine, I'm thinking about ya xxx
Thanks gals. Just phoned my mate and going to go for a walk round his for yet another coffee then off to tesco to buy some treats for puss when she gets home.

Sorry for my whingeing today- I just can't think straight.
ladygaga said:
Thanks gals. Just phoned my mate and going to go for a walk round his for yet another coffee then off to tesco to buy some treats for puss when she gets home.

Sorry for my whingeing today- I just can't think straight.

Good idea babe :) they do some real cheap Market value White fish that Monty loved when she came home from the vets after she was poorly (cooked in some milk if your puss is ok with milk)
Shut up you divvy, your not moaning. That's what we're here for :)
Treats sound like a good idea :D xx
Does that mean I can have treats too in the form of a certain chocolate spread in a pretty glass jar?
DustQueen said:
Do you have a manky toe and have to go to the vets? NO!!!

^ ^ ^


You can have a treat, a new mag or some coke zero :D xx
Hey Lady G!!

Wow sounds like you have been having a really tough time hunni!! :(

Cant believe you had a sts, what a bummer. Glad you are still focussed and motivated though. Its hard to push through it sometimes so well done for still sticking to it!

I am sure your metabolism will fire back into action soon any you will lose loads and be catching me up again. I am still on the run from you though!! :p

Hope everything starts to calm down a bit for you chick. You 'whinge' on here all you want, but I hope you feel happier soon as I hate to think of you being sad. :cry:

Heep your chin up are doing great!! :) xxx
Hahaha....just noticed...dont 'heep' your chin up, Im sure you have a very lovely chin and dont need to heep it up!! But 'keep' your chin up....and keep smiling!!:D xxx
Hiya babe.

How's kitty? xx
Thanks so much for your support guys. Kitty is feeling very sorry for herself bless her. Not being able to groom herself is really starting to irritate her and she's clearly in pain. Having to feed her off a spoon too as she can't seem to eat with the collar on (any ideas dusty what you did with Monty??)

Here's a pic to show the evidence bless her xx....

I'd just like to point out that the biscuit jar behind is the tool's and is filled with ginger nuts which I hate so definitely no picking on my front!!!