Gaga's Bulging Epic Battle......

ladygaga said:
I know....damn stupid work! Just sneaked online! How's tricks?

Not bad should be asleep but not eating :)
I hope that seeing as work is keeping you so busy, it is also making you too busy to think about food too!! lol

Hope everything is going good for you diet wise chick xxx
Hey beautiful are you all doing? Those weekend munchie-monsters better not have found any of you (mentioning no names Clair hehehe!) I'llbe catching up with the diaries as soon as I can and hope I won;t have to get my whip out!!! Tough love mantra and all that jazz!

Well Gaga is very tired and irritable. Not sleeping well post nights and they are soooooo busy that no time for MM fixes sadly. Had every single bodily fluid possible sparyed at me the past 2 nights and not being able to come home and have a shower is just filth! It's taking me 45 mins to fill the bath by boiling water so guess that adds to my mood hey!!

Diet wise- still TS all the way baby! Sneaky weigh intoday and it's saying STS so am trulky gutted about that. Feel like I have been in the 15's for months!! They better start moving soon or drastic action will be required. Could be water intake as don't tend to drink as much when on nights as then I can't sleep as constantly peeing so I won't blame exante just yet hehehe!

So just 2 more nights to go. Tomorrow will defintely have MM time as tis an agency shift so know I can get online!

Definitely missing you guys-sorry I am not around for usual gaga madness .....normal service will presume on Tuesday......promise

Much love skinny peeps in training xxxx
ladygaga said:
Hey beautiful are you all doing? Those weekend munchie-monsters better not have found any of you (mentioning no names Clair hehehe!) I'llbe catching up with the diaries as soon as I can and hope I won;t have to get my whip out!!! Tough love mantra and all that jazz!

Well Gaga is very tired and irritable. Not sleeping well post nights and they are soooooo busy that no time for MM fixes sadly. Had every single bodily fluid possible sparyed at me the past 2 nights and not being able to come home and have a shower is just filth! It's taking me 45 mins to fill the bath by boiling water so guess that adds to my mood hey!!

Diet wise- still TS all the way baby! Sneaky weigh intoday and it's saying STS so am trulky gutted about that. Feel like I have been in the 15's for months!! They better start moving soon or drastic action will be required. Could be water intake as don't tend to drink as much when on nights as then I can't sleep as constantly peeing so I won't blame exante just yet hehehe!

So just 2 more nights to go. Tomorrow will defintely have MM time as tis an agency shift so know I can get online!

Definitely missing you guys-sorry I am not around for usual gaga madness .....normal service will presume on Tuesday......promise

Much love skinny peeps in training xxxx

Ewwwww at fluids :( you poor thing
Loving the skinny peeps in training :D
We do miss you terribly :(
Glad you are still on the wagon and nights are bound to play havoc with your water/sleep etc hopefully the weight will fall off when you come back to normality :)
You'll be sorry when you catch up on my diary ;) I want a grovelling apology hehe
Body fluids, oh how I miss them being thrown at me! Not :)
Oh no Mama- what happened there sugar? They found you this weekend? they were clearly giving Clair a wide birth judging by her diary (muchos apolgies Clair).

So now its 02:30 and Gaga= tired and grumpy. Had a massive row with the tool earlier via email then on the phone which was not nice at all. I always seem to be in the wrong no matter what I do...:(

Diet- still on track luckily but still feeling so fat. Wish this weight could just disappear overnight! Wouldn't that be fab?

My ebay addiction is definitley worsening. I'm now hooked on Fat face size 18's.... had some gorgeous skirts which all fir beautifully for bargain prices and a coupl of tops too. Wish they were a smaller size but hey it's better than a 26 after all.

My stress levels are still huge. Thought it might help me to list what's bugging me so I can see if I can change any. So fra on gaga's head is;

The tool, money, my job, jamaica, oh the essay (deadline thurs!), puss cat, my uni course, boiler, job application.....

Ouch that sounds like a lot. Now time to get sorting through them and plan my attack. Essay just has to get done on Mon and Tues otherwise I'm screwed. Cat's having her op on Tues so not a good day for essay writing but got to be done. As for the others.....hey ho!!!!

So no time to get attacked with more bodily fluid me thinks. Sorry not been around much xxxx
Awww Gaga ;(

Can you not ask for an extention on your essay?
What about sitting down and talking to the tool?
Pussy cat WILL be ok, well she wil be after much pampering and fish and treats like that. I know its such a worry babe xx
Whats the worry about your job?
Your boilers a worry to me too, im starting to smell ya from here :) jokes xx

Oh and i totally get your ebay addiction ;) although im just looking, not buying (woo i thought i was the stereophonics then)
Anyways babes, im only here if ya wanna wee "chat"

Love ya xx
cheers doll. Just re-read my post back and what a total whinge tool I have turned into hey. Really tempted with an essay extension but I have no time after it to get it done, plus I need to pass it to get my credits to start year 2 in Sept. Totally my own fault for leaving it so late. Hopefully will sleep today and feel better tonight.

Gaga wants a happy diary back and I'm desperate to weigh 14 something which I fear will be like never!!! xxxx

Thanks for posting and I'm uber proud of you for being so strong willed babes. xxx
Hi gaga! Weekend monsters let me go woo hoo !!

So sorry your having a tough time ..,, think essay needs to be your main focus now and you can do it . Can you lock yourself away for a few days somewhere ?

Sending you big hugs and support to get through it and hope everything else is better today xxxx
ladygaga said:
cheers doll. Just re-read my post back and what a total whinge tool I have turned into hey. Really tempted with an essay extension but I have no time after it to get it done, plus I need to pass it to get my credits to start year 2 in Sept. Totally my own fault for leaving it so late. Hopefully will sleep today and feel better tonight.

Gaga wants a happy diary back and I'm desperate to weigh 14 something which I fear will be like never!!! xxxx

Thanks for posting and I'm uber proud of you for being so strong willed babes. xxx

I got all my strength from you gaga, that tough love last week worked wonders so thanks babe xx
Sorry you are having such a hard time chick. I think its a good thing to list whats bugging you as often writing it down gets it out of your head and sometimes dont make it seem so bad. :)

Sounds like you have a good plan tackling the essay and the moggie first and then seeing to the rest later.

You have done really really well to stick to plan with all that going on though chick, just goes to show how strong you are!! :)

Take each day as it comes and you will definitely be in the 14's soon, maybe tomorrow but if not then next weigh in for sure!! You gotta be trying to catch me up remember :D

Have a great day Lady G and keep smiling!! :D:D xxx
ladygaga said:
Oh no Mama- what happened there sugar? They found you this weekend? they were clearly giving Clair a wide birth judging by her diary (muchos apolgies Clair).

So now its 02:30 and Gaga= tired and grumpy. Had a massive row with the tool earlier via email then on the phone which was not nice at all. I always seem to be in the wrong no matter what I do...:(

Diet- still on track luckily but still feeling so fat. Wish this weight could just disappear overnight! Wouldn't that be fab?

My ebay addiction is definitley worsening. I'm now hooked on Fat face size 18's.... had some gorgeous skirts which all fir beautifully for bargain prices and a coupl of tops too. Wish they were a smaller size but hey it's better than a 26 after all.

My stress levels are still huge. Thought it might help me to list what's bugging me so I can see if I can change any. So fra on gaga's head is;

The tool, money, my job, jamaica, oh the essay (deadline thurs!), puss cat, my uni course, boiler, job application.....

Ouch that sounds like a lot. Now time to get sorting through them and plan my attack. Essay just has to get done on Mon and Tues otherwise I'm screwed. Cat's having her op on Tues so not a good day for essay writing but got to be done. As for the others.....hey ho!!!!

So no time to get attacked with more bodily fluid me thinks. Sorry not been around much xxxx

Oh hun :(

Well firstly Booo @ tool can I come over and slap him?????
Why is jamaica on the bad list?
Well done on the diet, yeah I think that would be nice when you start the diet it makes you goal weight and then you have to stick to the diet for the allotted time or you will be made fat again you know weight loss in lieu kind of thing lol
I find fat face sizing small myself! When I could squeeze into 16s other places my fat face pj bottoms wouldn't even pull on let alone do up!!
Poor puss but glad it will be sorted soon
Muchos love to the gaga x
Miss you x
Thanks again ladies- your posts do sure cheer me up and make me think I CAN do this.......

Loving Dusty's post about fat face coming up smal in sizing....! I find sizes so unreliable tho. Last night I wore a pair of Saunsuburys 22 trousers for work which OK were on the loose side but yet had a size 16 top on!! I think right now I am a 20 bottom and a 16/18 top. The skirts from Fat Face fit beautifully in a 18, doubt trousers would tho with my thunder thighs tho hehehe! Bought another skirt and a dress from next last night- man my ebay addiction is truly going crazy!! Still at these prices it's nice to have lots of options of what to wear whilst I'm slimming down rather than just a couple of pieces from Sainsburys which is what I was doing!!

So it's WI later on and looks set for a STS.....again! Man I am getting a bit fed up if I'm honest. I dread to add up what I've lost this month as think it would be a big fat zero. Must be my nutella curse coming back to bite me on my shelf-arse!! Hey ho....what will be, will be. Gaga won't lose faith and onwards and downwards I will carry on. I have to as I have to be a stone behind Miss Mac- can't let her win now can i??? (only kidding honey!)

Just wrote another 500 words on the essay which is not bad for a night shift for me. Done all my references too so that's another job done. Here's hoping I can crack on the next 2 days and get this little sod outta my life- well until Sept when I start the next module hey!

Boiler man is coming tomorrow too so hopefully clean Gaga will be restored as well as happy Gaga. Some part has blown so they had to order it in which meant no hot water for us and having to boil up pans on the hob taking me 45 mins to run a bath!!!! Not pretty and not good for my mood hey! I had to wash the tool's hair and his back the other day and it felt like a vision ino the future when we would be pensioners or something- did make me chuckle!!!

So only 4 more hours til home time from work for me then beddy-byes, WI, boiler repair then essay-ville for Gaga.....oh how I long for aday of nothing-ness. Told myself if all goes well then crackle nail varnish will be mine as a treat.

Happy Monday peeps and thanks again for all your support- I truly couldn't do this without you all xxxxx
ladygaga said:
Thanks again ladies- your posts do sure cheer me up and make me think I CAN do this.......

Loving Dusty's post about fat face coming up smal in sizing....! I find sizes so unreliable tho. Last night I wore a pair of Saunsuburys 22 trousers for work which OK were on the loose side but yet had a size 16 top on!! I think right now I am a 20 bottom and a 16/18 top. The skirts from Fat Face fit beautifully in a 18, doubt trousers would tho with my thunder thighs tho hehehe! Bought another skirt and a dress from next last night- man my ebay addiction is truly going crazy!! Still at these prices it's nice to have lots of options of what to wear whilst I'm slimming down rather than just a couple of pieces from Sainsburys which is what I was doing!!

So it's WI later on and looks set for a STS.....again! Man I am getting a bit fed up if I'm honest. I dread to add up what I've lost this month as think it would be a big fat zero. Must be my nutella curse coming back to bite me on my shelf-arse!! Hey ho....what will be, will be. Gaga won't lose faith and onwards and downwards I will carry on. I have to as I have to be a stone behind Miss Mac- can't let her win now can i??? (only kidding honey!)

Just wrote another 500 words on the essay which is not bad for a night shift for me. Done all my references too so that's another job done. Here's hoping I can crack on the next 2 days and get this little sod outta my life- well until Sept when I start the next module hey!

Boiler man is coming tomorrow too so hopefully clean Gaga will be restored as well as happy Gaga. Some part has blown so they had to order it in which meant no hot water for us and having to boil up pans on the hob taking me 45 mins to run a bath!!!! Not pretty and not good for my mood hey! I had to wash the tool's hair and his back the other day and it felt like a vision ino the future when we would be pensioners or something- did make me chuckle!!!

So only 4 more hours til home time from work for me then beddy-byes, WI, boiler repair then essay-ville for Gaga.....oh how I long for aday of nothing-ness. Told myself if all goes well then crackle nail varnish will be mine as a treat.

Happy Monday peeps and thanks again for all your support- I truly couldn't do this without you all xxxxx

Awww bless you :)
Honestly fat face not forgiving and yes it was my whole arse thigh waist area it had a problem with (and these were pjs surely they are not supposed to be skin tight)
Yes I def think eBay is the way to go I have a few nice things for a little bit smaller than now that I am dying to get into :D
Good luck with the WI Hun don't get too disheartened my weight never goes down when I mess about with my sleeping patterns/don't get enough sleep, maybe that is contributing (that and less water than usual) x good luck hun x
Yay for boiler man and great work on the essay :D
Think you deserve some crackle my darling x much love xxx
Morning hon, you're doing great I see, minus boiler and jamaica worries! Good luck for the WI, you inspire me so please be proud of yourself no matter what the results are. Big hugs xxx
Thanks guys. WI was sadly a STS so no catching up with Miss Mac this week for me. Bit gutted to be honest but know the water wasn't going down as well as it should and the sleeping habits do play havic with my system so here goes for yest another week......onwards and downwards I plod......

Trick is not to get disheartened. I know the weight will come off eventually. I just have to be realistic with myself and look at what went wrong- and I know that it wasnt cake!!!

So today is puss cat's trip to the vets. Poor old sould. I am very worried about her. Probably a good job I odn;t have children considering how much my beloved cats mean to me! Think the vet thinks I'm a bit loopy but i do love them so much. I reckon the toe will definitely be removed and who knows....maybe even more at this rate. I just hoope she is ok with the aneasthetic.

So essay is still not complete and today is my last day to finish it.....ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Much love xx