Gaga's Bulging Epic Battle......

Oh I got really excited when I read uploaded and pictures :D

Bloody hell gaga, what a difference :D
Well done you :D xx
That's amazing Gaga, what a difference and such an inspiration to us newbies :eek:
Wow there's a massive difference! There's something obviously wrong with your hubbies eyes!!! He should be telling you how amazing you look everyday!!!!!
Well done :-D
Hey gaga absolute ab fab 6lbs is amazing .. You should be very proud chick ur pics say it all keep going your a true inspiration.. Have a lovely day x x
Wow, that's an amazing difference - it's great seeing the pictures together. You are doing sooooooo well, it's fantastic. Sorry OH is being so unsupportive, the difference is brilliant. Congratulations ladyg :):)
you look amazing - what a difference a couple of months makes! keep it up chick, you are doing brilliantly!
Wow! Just seen these! What a difference you look great :D so pleased for you! :D
You have no face though lmao was that deliberate? ;)
They are slightly less riskay than the ones we discussed ;) lol
Thanks ladies. I do feel great and it's nice to see the difference in photos too and get your feedback as well as I get nothing at home. Not sure if I'll ever be brave enough to post the underwear shotrs I've been doing every 4-5 weeks for fear it may evoke vomiting from a lot of you as they are truly repulsive!!!

So today is a part good day. Decided to be WS today as haven't eaten for 10 days so thought it would make a nice treat to have an ham and mushroom omlette tonight. Really looking forward to that but have been nibbling on bits of cheese throughout the day too (boo!) Got sister out-law coming on Fri for dinner so will eat then too just because I cannot be bothered to explain the diet but will stick high protein/low carb and definitely no pud!!! Then the rest of the week is strict TS/ shred no iffs or butts.

Bit disappointed as my girlie weekend to Brighton has now been cancelled. My bestie is undergoing IVF and just gets so stressed with it all that she doesn't want to go so it's all off. I truly undertand for her but am gutted as that was my plannend weeked off and was kind of keeping me going!! Now don't know what to do....whether to just keep on going or have a weekend off another time....oh the decisions.

On a VERY positive I have made it through all 27 mins (yes you lying cow Miss Michaels...20 mins my arse!) of level 1 of the Shred. Woo hoo indeed. Hubbie worked out that I only needed to do 8mins 20secs to improve on last time but i kept on going. Admittedly my jumping jacks were low intesity and my skipping ropes were more of a mini jog but I kept on going. The muscle twinges are immense already so dread how it will feel tomorrow but hey I did it and will do it again for sure!!! Came upstairs all sweaty and proud of myself to tell him I had done it and all I got was "nice one, I'm going for a fag now!". Wow that man is really getting on my saggy areas. Just a little bit of praise or a compliment would mean so very much from him.....

I'm doing this diet for me and I'm feeling great so stuff him and his 29" jeans....

Hope today is a good one for all of you too. Much love xxxxxx
Well done on the shred :D I couldn't/wouldn't find the energy to do it today BUT I swear I'm back on with it first thing before going into town :D I did use my treadmill for 20 mins tho so I'm not as lazy as I sound hehe

You hubbies getting right on my goat now lol but like you say your doing this for you, so sod him. I think you've done amazing so far Hun and I'm really proud of you xx

*slaps wrists for nibbling cheese* :giggle:

Omelette sounds delish. I've decided I'm gonna do TS till Sunday then I'm having a WS day :D something to look forward too eh :)

Oh by the way, you'll not be able to walk tomorrow :D yep it's a killer lol

Ttfn xx
Well done Gaga on the 6lb loss....thats amazing!!:eek:

And well done for getting the confidence to put some pics look great and I can certainly see a big difference!!

You are doing amazingly well hunni and have such will power....a true inspiration!!
That's fantastic work on the shred you must feel so proud of yourself. And you're so right, 20 minutes is a little on the misleading side!

I reckon we'll just have to organise a minis weekend in Brighton instead :)
Hi LadyG, I've just had a proper catch up on your diary and can't believe how bloody brilliantly you're doing. You have stayed so strong and determined, earning every bit of your success.

As for the pics Mrs! :D You look incredible! :D You can see a massive change in your shape, you must feel so motivated when you look at those.

I'm not sure what planet your OH is on?? How can he not have paid you a compliment? You need to kick him into touch and remind him how lucky he is to have you!! You're not alone though, I think most men live on another planet! :D:D xxx
cybill said:
That's fantastic work on the shred you must feel so proud of yourself. And you're so right, 20 minutes is a little on the misleading side!

I reckon we'll just have to organise a minis weekend in Brighton instead :)

Awww great idea ;)
On a VERY positive I have made it through all 27 mins (yes you lying cow Miss Michaels...20 mins my arse!) of level 1 of the Shred. Woo hoo indeed. Hubbie worked out that I only needed to do 8mins 20secs to improve on last time but i kept on going. Admittedly my jumping jacks were low intesity and my skipping ropes were more of a mini jog but I kept on going. The muscle twinges are immense already so dread how it will feel tomorrow but hey I did it and will do it again for sure!!! Came upstairs all sweaty and proud of myself to tell him I had done it and all I got was "nice one, I'm going for a fag now!". Wow that man is really getting on my saggy areas. Just a little bit of praise or a compliment would mean so very much from him.....

I'm doing this diet for me and I'm feeling great so stuff him and his 29" jeans....

Hope today is a good one for all of you too. Much love xxxxxx

Woo Hoooo :banana dancer:
You did the shred :happy096:
Well chuffed for ya :D

As for your hubby :rolleyes:
A smoker ? :eek:
Sounds like he may be a bit jealous, as he can see you getting rid of your crutch of food, and weight .... but can he get rid of his ? ;)

Lovin your theory Miss Marge....

Quick post this evening I'm afraid ladies as the apprentice is beckoning me. Been up since 06:00, got home at 09:00 and can happily say i have just done all 27 mins of the shred again! Still exhausted but found it a tad easier tonight so feels good. Have to say I don't ache at all today, just felt a bit bear-hug like last night!!!

2 shakes down, 4 litres of water gone plus a lotta black coffee so ultraslim bar here I come.

Promise to catch up on diaries tomorrow- just had to stop by and gloat hehehehe xxxxx
Well done have every right to gloat!!
Woo hooooooo.......forgive me ladies but I have just shredded again! Get me Miss Michaels- all 27 mins of ya xxxx

Sorry been rubbish at diary catching- now PJ's and bed so promise to catch up in the morning. Luffs ya all xxxx