Galorious - lifes ups and downs.

Just had my sweet porridge. Wasn't sure at first as it's so different from LL porridge. I had to add a teeny bit sweetner and then it tasted like rice pudding! So I quite like it now although I'll always think of it as rice pudding, not porridge. The milky packs all have a Carnation Evaporated Milk taste to them which I admit I do rather like. It makes me feel like I am being decadent and not on a diet at all!

Tiredness levels picking up. To be honest I suspect I need to cut down on the old coffee. I am a total addict. Three of us techy types in an office, hunched over our pc's getting pulled into our work, sometimes it seems like getting up to make coffee is our only exercise! We love it and order huge packs from Roast and Post, really good stuff. I only start feeling human around lunchtime and mug number 3. I am pretty sure it isn't good for me. I'm trying hard to get at least half a litre of water down me in that time too. I certainly seem to be more thirsty and I find it good to keep my belly feeling full the first few days.

Day 2 going good so far, but it's late day 3 that hurts for me! I'll plan round it.....
Carefull of drinking too much coffee hun!!!!

It'll cause you to retain water if you drink LOADS..... Trust me!!! I found that out lol.....

Thanks for the advice Deezer. I definately need to cut down on coffee, I've got the jitters now!

I actually have wrist weights kicking around the house somewhere. I've used them on my ankles when walking about but never thought to put them on my wrists. Cracking idea! I'll dig them out when I get home. Cheers!

Thanks for the advice Deezer. I definately need to cut down on coffee, I've got the jitters now!

I actually have wrist weights kicking around the house somewhere. I've used them on my ankles when walking about but never thought to put them on my wrists. Cracking idea! I'll dig them out when I get home. Cheers!


Good when your polishing and hoovering!!! Lol....
lol Deezer It might actually make me do some housework!!

Just had the lemon, yoghurt and white chocolate bar and OMG it's delicioius. I feel like I've been really naughty. Definately some of these going on my order!
Didn't like the mushroom pasta though. Choked it down. Also noticed there wasn't a Mac and Cheese pack in my samples. Gutted.

Really hungry tonight.
Not tried the mush pasta!! Dont fancy it!!!

The mac cheese over cauli..... is lush....

I like all the bars!!! I'm easily pleased ; )
Having such a variety of stuff to eat should make it easier to stick to....I hope!
Hey hun good luck on day 3 :)
Thanks Stef. I'm feeling odd this morning. I think I'm a little hungry, but I also feel really bloated and not much like eating. I've taken Deezer's advice on cutting down on the coffee and am starting my day with Green Tea instead.

How are you today? Are your scales behaving any better?

It's day 3 and I'm not sure what to expect really. I think the first time I was on LL, it was the end of day 4 that I felt really bad. Not sure if I'm hungry or not today but my belly feels huge. Hoping it passes but given that I dropped just about everything I picked up yesterday, I'd say Aunt Irma is on the way (sorry really geeky IT Crowd reference there). I was really snappy with my teens yesterday. Their first day back at school as well but I am honestly sick and tired of picking up the same stuff day in and day out. I was probably a bit nippier with them than I needed to be. Not sure if it's the lack of carbs or what.

UP: The circumference of my belly
DOWN: My mood! And hopefully my coffee intake.
I feel ya!!! I may stab someone today!!! lol...

Prob is a bit of carb withdrawl too hun!!!

: (

Cottage pie! wow ....I'm liking.

I LOVE this diet.

Definate TOTM signs ....booo. No wonder I feel like mugging small children for their chocolate. Got to make my son's birthday cake tonight. That could be challenging. Hey ho!
Goodluck with the cake making.

Well done you have done great so far. Yes the cottage pie is delicious.
Mugging small children for there chocolate lmao you have just made my day with that! So funny!
Sounds like you've got through today ok hun, day 4 tomorrow ahhh how quick is it goin!!! Xx

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Kicking my Day 4 off with a musli bar. OH MY GOD, how delicious are they! I'd eat them as normal breakfast bars. There is more an more on the diet I like. Think I'll put in an order tomorrow once I've tried another couple of shakes. Brought the hazelnut one with me to work today.

Been getting frustrated with my scales. The glass top keeps dislodging and every time I get on, I weight something different. I'm going to stick them back together tonight and if that doesn't work, I need to get new ones or weight at Boots once a week. Might get fancy fat measuring ones.

Made my son's birthday cake last night without much in the way of disasters. I did catch myself licking the spatula before I tossed it in the sink. Isn't it amazing how many bad habits we have that we're not even aware of!? Tonight will be the clincher though. I'm not going to decide now if I'll have a slice or not, I'll wait and see how I feel. Right now I am still really hungry and judging by the lack or dog breath and energy, I am not yet in ketosis. BOOO. It took me 4 days first time I did LL so I won't panic till tomorrow, and it'll all depend on whether or not I have cake tonight. Why oh why can't someone invent carb free cake??

UP: My frustration levels at not being in ketosis yet
Down: Hopefully, my weight!
Don't have the cake!!!! U will prob be on ketosis tomorrow but if u do have it who knows how much longer it would take, is that one slice of cake really worth ruining ketosis 2morrooo???

Well done on making the cake though and not licking the bowl lol

Hmmm hazelnut shake its so nice! Haven't tried the muesli bar wasn't sure if I would like it or not!
Have a great day and happy birthday to ur son :) xx

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I vote for no cake
You're dong great and just approaching the benefits of ketosis hang in girl.
Love you're Up Down bit of diary might adopt that
oh and happy birthday to son
Noooo to cake, Stef is right you are probabaly sooo close to getting into ketosis and if you have cake tonight you will set yourself back and have to go through the first few days all over again and all the horrible feelings that come with it. You may even find after having some that it wasnt even worth it. Cake will still be about when you come off this diet and you will find that there are always reasons/excuses to come off the diet but you are only setting yourself back even further and making it harder on yourself. So many people struggle to get back on the wagon after having a 'treat' that they lose motivation. If you do decide to have some then i hope ketosis kicks in quickly for you but the carbs and sugar consumed from it will make it harder. Enjoy tonight whatever you decide :)