GemBritney LL Diary

thanks joy and pinkie xxx
Week 5 day 1

WI... lost 5lbs!!!! soooo happy..... must have been all the water iv drank! also got the NEW toffee bar today so looking forward to trying that later!!!!:talk017::talk017::talk017::talk017:
Yay! Well done Gem!
thanks magic and dale!
Very well done you def deserve it
thanks all!!
Excellent GB. Well done you. The water certainly helps doesn't it?:)
yes... aiming for 6 500ml a day plus shakes and coffee.... xxx
Week 5 day 3

Had a nice long walk today .... nice bit of fresh air.... really been upping the water..... literally having like a min of 5 bottles a day.

the naughty little kitten got in my LL bag on saturday where all my packs were and the little terror pierced to with his claws lol...
so had to seal them up and use them the first few :p
Cute :kitty:
yes the kitten and dog are my babies!!!!
What a loss - that's absolutely amazing!
thanks gingette x
Week 5 day 4 went to see the saturdays in concert... left feeling fat and ugly.... gosh i wish i was them!!!!
You've got way too much personality to be in a girl bland!
Darling! I did their make up several times. They're just normal girls to be honest. Really sweet but with bare face they're just average young ladies :)
You are beautiful the way you are and you'll be even more gorgeous in a few months time!
If you need a makeover just hit me up ;)

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Your Job sounds pretty amazing Mags ;)
And Gem most of these girls arnt anything special. Its all Make-Up and Air-Brushing and all that other rubbish that makes them all 'gorgeous'. And yeah they may be skinny but you will be too soon. They dont have anything on you! And who wants to be a stick anyway? Were women were ment to have a few Sexy Curves! Chin up Chick