Gemma's Food Diary - Extra Easy


Hi all, i'm new here and also new to the SW diet (as of thursday). I was just wondering, is this a good start to my day for the extra easy plan so far? Any input is greatly appreciated.

Day 3

Breakfast...Bowl of fruit - apple, orange, kiwi, banana with mullerlight fruit yoghurt.

Mid-Snack...(HEXA&B) 2x Laughing Cow triangles (extra light), 2x Ryvita Fruit Crunch.

Lunch...tuna (water) with v. low fat natural yoghurt, 2x boiled eggs, grated carrot, cucumber, tomato & onion with 2x tbsp light salad cream followed by Hartleys (low cal) jelly pot and a banana.

Dinner...small beef steak, sweetcorn, cabbage, mushrooms, small amount of gravy. Meringue with v. low fat natural yogurt and fruit.

salad cream 1.5
hartleys low cal jelly pot 0.5
gravy 2.0
meringue 3.0
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I really feel like i am eating too much. My main problem with holding my weight is that i don't eat enough and now that i am following the SW plan, i feel like i am eating too much.

Could any SW regulars reply here if my day has gone okay or not please. It would be greatly appreciated by a newbie.
You day looks good to me although you need to include carbs. You don't appear to have any except for your heb. With extra easy you can mix meat and carbs at every meal. Your menu looks more like a red day. But if you aren't hungry, don't eat for the sake of it.

Another thing for your syns - are you having light or extra light salad cream as there is quite a difference in the syns as I found out after not counting enough syns?

A lot of regulars don't visit the site on a weekend so you may get more replies during the week.

Good luck with it and don't be afraid to eat!;)

Tania x

Thanks for your reply. I'll get some more carbs added.

For the salad cream, it was light so thanks for pointing that one out to me, i will def be buying extra light next time.

I do seem to have lost 5lbs though, not sure if it is in weight or money yet haha

This is def the best diet i have ever tried and it seems to work which is such a surprise, it's great.
Day 4

Breakfast...Bowl of fruit - apple, kiwi, banana with mullerlight fruit yoghurt.

Mid-Snack...(HEXA&B) 2x Laughing Cow triangles (extra light), 2x Ryvita Fruit Crunch.

Lunch...Jacket potato, beans and salad. Carrots, cucumber onion and tomato with light salad cream.

Dinner...Beef Steak, Cabbage and Sweetcorn with small amount of gravy (i did also have dry roasted potatoes but i got a phonecall and they burnt :-( lol).

I may have some fruit in a few if i am hungry.

Light Salad Cream 1.5
Gravy 2.0
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Day 4

Breakfast...Bowl of Special K with a banana on top and milk (HEXA&B).

Lunch...3 slices of ham, 2 boiled eggs, cucumber, tomato and spring onion with 2 tbsp salad cream. Also had 1 Ryvita after.

Dinner...Small jacket potato and beans. Bowl of fruit with mullerlight yoghurt.

Syns: 1.5 salad cream
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Didn't really eat alot today. Wasn't really feeling hungry.

Day 5

Breakfast...2x Ryvita and 2x Laughing Cow Triangles (HEXA&B).

Lunch...3 slices of ham, 2 boiled eggs, cucumber, tomato and spring onion with 2 tbsp salad cream.

Dinner...Small jacket potato and beans, onions, spring onions, tomatoes and cucumber. Bowl of fruit with a meringue and low fat natural yoghurt.

Syns: 1.5 salad cream
Hi there

Hope you are feeling OK. Online syns says Heinz Light Salad Cream is 2 per tbsp. Not sure what brand you are using tho.

Tania x