Getting my mojo back!

Well breath spare citric acid or not hasn't affected your weightloss this week! Don't worry about it mad use it if you want to. I must confess day 3 and I've neem tetchy the past hour - not hungry per we but on edge and wanting to have something but nothing in particular.
How did you get on, Kira? Safely over the worst and in ketosis I hope! If you're totally focused I've started a 'boot camp' no messing, doing this 100% thread and it would be great to have you along!! (Will post link later as an on iPod at moment.) That goes for anyone on here who wants to commit totally to the plan - all welcome!

Thinking I could take some mint leaves and parsley into work today for the dragon breath as I've been mainlining breath spray and I don't think it's working. Seriously it isn't fun! I'm scared of someone else getting in our (small) office lifts with me and passing out! I know it's not lack of water - you wouldn't believe how much I drink. Just epic keto-breath. Yum.
Spangly you are doing fab and very inspiring! And I so need re-inspiring as I fell off the waggon last night. DH and I opened wine and started to discuss"stuff" I did eat carbs too and long short have hangover and feel c***! Self inflicted. So aiming to recover today as I've had 2 slices of toast with nurofen! Aim to get back 100% tomorrow.
Hi Kira. Hope you survived the hangover. I hate the way I feel really anxious and gloomy and self-critical when I have a hangover. Tomorrow is another day!!

I've had an odd and grumpy day, which culminated in me breaking my 100% with a white coffee. Not huge in the grand scheme of things but I'm a bit troubled that I craved it. I had a lot of self-pity going on today as I was mega busy - and at least I didn't use it as an excuse to binge!
You avoided a binge and that is the main thing. A white coffee in the grand scheme of things is not even really going off plan! Have a good day today. I'm not on plan today either and will try and get on track tomorrow.

Dh had throes surgery and there was a blip last night so lacking on sleep although all is well with him today. I just can't face hardcore at the moment.
Was that throat surgery, Kira? I hope all went well for your DH. Sounds serious. Are you ok?
Morning Spangly. DH had a nodule removed from his thyroid and surgery was Saturday morning. It went well it seemed but later Saturday evening he felt unwell and was swollen and at midnight they had to do an emergency operation and open him up again. Anyway all went went they discovered and internal bleed and sorted it and t surgeon called me around 2am Sunday morning to say all was ok.

I had a worrying couple of hours as they were having difficulties in deciding how to anaesthertise him again afte ethe intial throat surgery. 3 anaesthetists later they managed!

Dh is home and doing well and I even managed a S&s day yesterday with amazing ease! Probably because I was running around all day didn't have time to think about food or lack of it at all! Even when I did dinner for kids I just didn't feel I needed any. Alas if all days could be like that!

Ooh! Was it your second week weigh in yesterday or is it tomorrow? Hope you had a better day yesterday? Once you have this second week under your belt you will sail, through this!
Wow. That all sounds very stressful, Kira. I'm glad they sorted him out though.

I'm full of crooked thoughts today about switching to low carb. I know it's mind games, but I wish my mind would butt out! If I'd achieved what I wanted to by low carbing I wouldn't be back on sns, would I?! Just been reading recipes and watching cookery shows and so on (love The Incredible Spice Men!)... But haven't caved. Feeling discouraged, which is all in my head, as my weigh in is tomorrow and I seem to love assuming the worst. Mental! Especially as I've stuck to it.

What's really bugging me at the moment is that although my trousers are getting noticeably looser in the leg, they're still tight round my waist :-(. Just how big had I got??!!!
Spangly please keep going on S&S at least get another week under your belt. You are going through that "I'm deprived phase" or at least your brain is telling you that. Look at this way. You spent the money on the packs, don't waste the money (I'm sure you'd use them lose carbing) but remember being in ketosis means you lose those fat cells quicker.

keep going for now and then switch to low carb which will enable you to continue losing as a slower but easier pace. Aim to do S&S until at of September even it will give you that head start. It's funny when on vlcd I have a sudden desire to cook and look at recipes and watch cookery shows! Nuts I know!

get through today and see what weigh in is tomorrow.
Had a sneaky weigh in and its as I suspected: STS :(. I guess it's just my body evening things up after last week but I feel quite rubbish about it. What if sns isn't low enough carbs for me? Ack. Just need to keep my head down and keep on with it...
You know it's low enough carbs - you lost 15 lbs last week! You've said that your trousers are getting noticeably looser on your legs - so you know you are losing inches even if your body isn't necessarily losing them in the place that you would choose! A week of lower loss is likely to be followed by a week of higher loss - you wouldn't want to miss that would you?!
Yes, true and right as ever! Was just having a little sulk and tantrum. It will pass!
It's not all about the scale numbers. I have a post that helped me when I first started a VLCD. It's at start of my thread but ill copy n paste it here x
For the first month: In the first week of a VLCD you could lose a tremendous amount of weight, this can be seen daily on the scale, dropping 1-2 or even 3lb each day. Although encouraging and this makes you feel immediately lighter - this is not a true fat loss. This is mainly due to an empty stomach, water, and stool release. Your true fat loss will come after day 4 when you are in Ketosis (fat burning) and the only way you can put this lost fat back on is to over consume food, carbs and sugar mainly. Your weight in the first weeks should be great and dependant on how much you need to lose, age, dieting history etc it can range from 7lb to 1stone for some clients, (the biggest loss we have recorded is 23lbs for a gentleman who was over 30stone). After this in your second week it is normal to expect to shed at least half the weight loss again, and therefore the first two week are generally a great kick start to your journey. This is one reason it is recommended to follow a VLCD plan for a minimum of 1 month. The weeks that follow should bring a weight loss of approximately 3-4lb for most ladies and a little more for men. This generally averages out to 1stone each month and is a good bench mark for your weight loss, (if continuously lower it is worth checking your plan to ensure you are in ketosis, and not over measuring foods). Weight loss on any programme can plateau and we generally find a small loss in week 3, the body tends to think there is something wrong due to the great weight loss and may pause for a little, if this happens just continue and it should correct itself for week 4. The worst thing to do is give up or eat as this just confirms to the body that it was right to pause. The figure of 3-4lb is quite scientific and I will try to explain - for each pound of fat you lose you need to consume 3,500 calories less than your body requires, using the concept of a VLCD of around 500kcal over a week you consume 3,500kcals. The average ladies requires 14000kcal per week / the average man 17500kcal you are therefore just over 10000kcal short of your body's energy requirement and this should bring a weight reduction of 3lb each week. Add to this the structure of the diet, ie Ketosis, Low Carb, Low Sugar etc you generally find that you can lose extra as well, especially if you can drink plenty of regular water. 3- 4 Litres of water (this must be steady through the day and not all in one go !!!) The first month is so very hard, but you do really need to stick in there for one month to see the results. We all think that as we are not eating, the weight will drop off. Everyones Metabolic burn rate is different and generally after the first two weeks a 3-4lb is to be expected compared to a 1-2lb following conventional diet programmes. It is natural to want it to happen now and straight away, but we do need to let nature take it's natural course, your body to convert to fat burning, stop panicing and settle down into the programme, this all happens in the first month. One stone per month weight loss is the general amount most clients can expect to shed, sometimes a little more in the first month, so if you lose more than 14lb in one month it should be counted as a bonus
You're all so right, and so wise. Deary me. I had got myself into a bit of a pickle earlier!! Have pulled self together and will aim for an early night as I think I'm probably just knackered so have lost my sense of perspective a bit.
Just weighed and yep, STS this week. At least not gone up, right?
You lost 15 lb in 2 weeks and stuck to it 100%. If you could go back 2 weeks and tell yourself that would happen you'd have been really happy wouldn't you?! It means you're more likely to have a good loss this week too. I had a sneaky weigh in this morning and I've put on half a lb! But I'm feeling smaller so I'm happy - I also have a couple of days to official weigh in so still a chance... Last time I did the diet I lost 1 lb in the second week - it's obviosly what my body does.
Morning Spangly. A STS after a 15lb loss last week is pretty good. It's not a gain so a STS is great compared to that. You've have some great responses to your initial post and I hope you'll keep going on SnS. Remember its not forever it is a temporary food replacement and all the lovely low carb food will still be there. You are doing great because you are sticking to plan and exercising your will power and strength in making choices.

have a good positive day.