Getting my mojo back!

Thanks, Kira

This year has been an interesting one. I think the past few years have been, in fact. I opened a door when I did Lighter Life. It changed things for me quite radically and not quite as I'd expected it would. Losing the weight showed me a whole set of different possibilities... and freaked me out a bit if I'm honest. Who am I? Can I even begin to answer that question?!

Well... although I've had a year of being slim followed by a year of yo-yo-ing followed by a year of being all over the place... I'm kind of learning to accept that. It reminds me of the bit in When Harry Met Sally where "someone is looking at you in Personal Growth" :D. Yep... that's me, looking at me, in the Personal Growth bit of my life/bookshop/Kindle

What have I learned?

I love being slim but I also love carbs (!!). Would be good to get a balance here.
I love drawing and painting and actually have a gift for it.
I love writing (ditto).
I used to love my job but have got myself promoted above the work I actually loved and found satisfying. This is ok as it allows me to pay for the lifestyle I want for my family, but it is not ok in other ways. (Current book I'm reading on this, "Your Money or your life: Vicki Robin" is AWESOME... and is already provoking me to make some really useful changes/tweaks...

So, despite the low-ness, on the whole I think things are changing for the better. I just want everything to be "perfect", "now".

I am enough. (Mantra of the week.) Yep. I really am.


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Thanks, phoenyx.

It's good to feel less alone. Sometimes these mental and physical battles get to be a bit too much to cope with alone.

I will prob go back to vlcd in January. There is so much going on right now. I know there is always an excuse but I do need to be committed if I start again.

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Spangly showed my D's your sketch he loved it. The shading is great! You are really talented!

i somehow managed to complete a vlcd day yesterday and I'm going to try and keep going. I know if I stop dieting or trying I could much more by new year. Have you considered using the vlcd packs now and again maybe breakfast and lunch and having a meL for dinner? Simply a way of keeping calories in check without hardcore calorie counting? Even 5:2? Use vlcd packs for fast days? It's worth a try and that is more doable.

remember you are not alone as many of struggle mentally not just with sticking to a vlcd but also with having. A simple breakfast lunch And dinner concept! Sounds so easy doesn't it?! Sigh!
Don't get disheartened whatever you decide to do.