Getting skinnier and healthier with SW

Aw, after reading your post I’m now thinking about how much my oven needs cleaned…. I’m sure it can wait til tomorrow though!

We always have a family day out to the safari park in the summer and take a picnic. My sister is doing SW too so we'll definitely need to take plenty of SW friendly foods with us. I’ve just done a search and found a thread full of ideas

Good luck avoiding the chocolate – I hope you do better than me…..!
Sounds like you've had a very productive day! My boyf brought his steam cleaner over when he moved in and did the bathroom and it was sparkling on Saturday so can imagine what your oven looks like!
Sounds like a plan re applying for jobs now...very organised!
Woo legoland will be fab! But I'm rubbish with picnics, I just want all the bad stuff!! Xxx
Success Express- boost necessary

Hi ladies :)

Bev- thanks for those links, had a look at some of them and got some ideas of bits I can pack. Someone that I follow on fb that does SW made 1 syn samosas the other day, so going to try and get some samosa paper. Think they would go down a treat at a picnic and know that hubby and dad will love them as snacks.

Ging- I love the sound of the boy! I've never known a man have a steam cleaner, I think that's amazeballs!! I love mine! :) and its so nice that he helps around the house, Chris is quite good but not steam cleaner good! Lol. Are you enjoying having him around so far?

Sooooo, I am weak and gave in and had a takeaway instead of soup last night. But I was good, I ordered a chicken kebab, no pitta, no sauce. While hubby was out collecting, I whipped up my own little syn free garlic and onion dip, which was gorgeous with it. They grill all the chicken, so should be any syns, but ill count 2 just incase.
Then I had 4 mini eggs (3 syns), and a reeses mini peanut butter cup (2.5 syns),
so about 7.5 syns for the day, not bad at all.

Food Plan for today:
B: fruit, pineapple, mango, raspberries, strawberries, kiwi, blackberries
L: carrot and coriander soup with roll (hex b)
D: undecided :-s

Going to have today as success express to see if I can lose this week, feel like last few weeks have been a bit poor really, I hope my weightloss isn't slowing down too much :-S still got a lot to go to only be loosing .5 and 1 lb a week. Really want to feel skinnier when I go to Spain!!

Going to try and get some wii fit in today, and possibly another 3 mile walk with the pooch, I'm sure he would love it :)
best get out of bed. My weird neighbours are playing awful music loud anyway, and I'm sure Mylo will want his morning cuddles.

Have a good day all xxx
Sounds like you really weren't that weak on the takeaway! You were very well behaved considering!! I normally just go all out once I've decided to go for the takeaway!!

Living with te boy is great...although it doesn't feel much different really...he was here a fair amount anyway! It will feel weird knowing I'm in NYC and he's here!

When are you off to Spain?!! Xxx
OMG Legoland is awesome! I haven't been in years but I used to spend like an hour panning for gold :p
The queues for rides are going to suck though during school hols! Make sure you go on pirate falls and the dragon roller coaster- so awesome! We're thinking of going when the weather picks up as G has never been before.

I remember the food there being pretty crap and overpriced as you said- like half arsed chips that are cold and soggy and you wait forever for them!
Tuna sweetcorn pasta salad might be nice for a picnic, will keep you going. If you like salad cream light it can be pretty low syn! (am not really a mayo fan myself)
In picnic sort of scenarios I think I'll just leave the others to bring what they want and bring myself my own bits. Those samosas sound cool though!

Happy bunny :)

So today has been much better than yesterday!! :)
i got myself in such a foul mood last night. I had a quick weigh about half 6, and it was saying I'd put on 2lb, I was gutted!! I've been so good instead of just chowing down on chocolate as I please. I got in such a mood, I ordered a chippy! :-S I wanted a chicken wrap and chips, but they called us back to say they didn't have any wraps!! :-(( so then was even more annoyed and scoffed all my chips and some of Chris' battered nuggets. Woops.

Thought better of it this morning, and had a really good talking to myself, and was good all day. Went shopping with a good friend I hadn't seen for ages, bought some skinny jeans, and some new underwear sets. About bloody time, mine were getting a bit worse for wear. Lol. 2 more this month, get some more next month.

Went to sainsburys to pick up some picnic bits for tomorrow, and realised I'd packed my cross the body bag I'd normally take on a day like this. So had to buy a new one. Not quite my lovely dkny bag but probably a bit more practical cos its bigger. Lol.
Attempted to make some samosas to take with us tomorrow, turned our quite well, only 2 syns each, quite chuffed. Then quickly popped to WI where I really thought I had gained, but I STS again! I let out a little squeal. Lol. Sort of kicking myself that I had chips now, but oh we'll, really can't complain!! Need to give myself a real kick up the bum this week!! Got 4 weeks til we go on hol and I'd like to lose another 8lb, so going to have to be good!

Our group is moving from Thursday to Monday as its changing location so it will almost be like a mid-week weigh when I go on Monday, I expect to see a loss!
Food diary for today:
B: kiwi, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, mango and pineapple
L: subway salad, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, sweetcorn, carrot, turkey breast, honey mustard dressing (3 syns)
D: boiled rice, chicken chow Mein, beef in black bean sauce (8 syns?) prawn crackers?

Food plan for tomorrow:
B: mango, pineapple possibly strawberries
Then for the rest of the day I've packed:
brown roll with ham
velvet crunch ( 4.5 syns)
sweet chilli chicken pasta
cous cous (1 syns)
samosas ( 2 syns each)
mini kinder ( 2 syns)
mini babybel
carrot sticks and dip

got lots of snacky foods ready because we've got a very long day and don't want to tempted by convenience food.
I am really quite excited. :) will be such a nice family day out!!
Will try and get some good pics :)

STS is a good result, well done. You're picnic ideas for Legoland look good, I'll need to keep a note for when we go to the safari park for the day.

When you weigh in at home do you try and do it about the same time as you get weighed at class? That will probably give you the most accurate reading. I don't often weigh in at home but if I do, I always do it after work but before dinner as that's the time I'd be at class.
Ooh chili chicken pasta sounds so good! What did you put in that?

How was Legoland?!? Which were the best bits? :D

Well done on your STS- means you have a good chance of getting a nice loss in for Monday hopefully ;) I'm often pleasantly surprised by my mid-week WI's, especially after the weekend when I expect a +!

Legoland was amazing!


Hi ladies, had a fabulous day yesterday :)

bev: when I weigh at home, I weigh generally in the morning, but I have an idea of if I'm loosing from morning weighs, I think they're probably more accurate but no weigh in in the mornings here. But il sometimes weigh on a Wednesday, so a day before Wi, about the same time as weigh in, before dinner, and it was seeing 2lb gain. Wondering now wether I'd drank a lot Wednesday but I can't remember now.

Sophie: the pasta was yummy and super easy, possibly a few syns as didn't check, but it was just penne, pasata and sweet chilli chicken chunks stirred in. It was a great option cold as still tasted yummy and the sweet chilli chicken gave the pasta a lovely flavour so it wasn't boring.

Legoland was amazing, but I so need to go back without the kids, just me and Chris, or maybe mum and dad too but we missed like half the park taking the kids. I wouldn't have not took them, it was great how much fun they had, but wouldn't have queued for lame rides. Lol. And we honestly didn't even make it in to certain sections. Lol. Maybe when it's a bit warmer but before the schools break up, well go midweek again.

Foodwise I was pretty good, no angel but I could have fallen off the wagon.
B- mango and pineapple
S- green tea and a bit of my chicken pasta
L- roll with ham in ( hex b), 2 homemade samosas ( 4 syns), chicken pasta, melon, about 4 chips (2 syns), bake well slice (7.5 syns) hot chocolate ( I was frozen, 5 syns?)
D- baked potato, sour cream, guacamole, salsa, tortilla chips, chilli. God knows how many syns but was lovely and I didn't eat too much.

Oh and mid afternoon I had 1 mini doughnut. But I could have been awful, we stopped on the way there, Chris had a breakfast burger, mini hash browns, everyone really ate, I just got a green tea and ate when I got back in the car. At lunch, the others had baguettes, my sis brought tons of biscuits, cakes, crisps etc, and mum wandered around all day feeding the kids sweets. Could have been worse. We stopped at a pub on the way back and my jacket pot with chilli was yummy but I hate beans and the chilli had beans in, so I didn't eat much, just the tiny bit I could pick off the top that didn't have beans in.

My favourite bit of legoland was either Atlantis, I loved the sharks and fishes or the pirate falls water ride ( luckily we all bought the rain cover things, or we'd have been drenched and freezing. My hubby is in the Raf and I loved this Lego plane, it really tickled me. Love that it's got giraffe spots, such a clever play on words!!

Anyway plan for today is walk Mylo, poor puppy was neglected a bit yesterday, his uncle Steven looked after him, but he's used to having more company. Then we need a trip to b&q, mylos destroyed a door, so need to replace that, pick up some cable so Chris can rewire my mums new fire and few other DIY bits to get the house back up to standard. Plan to stick to plan this weekend. Need to be a good girl and finally get into the 12's on Monday, I've been 13 st exactly for 3 weeks now! That's too bloody long lol.



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Glad you had a lovely day. The last time I went was 13 years ago with my first serious boyfriend and my little brother (makes me feel so old). I'd like to take Grace maybe in the school term and she can go on the tame things! I'm a proper chicken when it comes to rides.

Hopefully the walking will counteract anything from the day and you are right you did really well, you could have just eaten everything!

Fingers crossed for some movement on the scales in the right direction this week! X
Boring Sunday jobs

Think we're having a pretty typical Sunday, getting lots of jobs done. Kitchen is getting packed up, but I'm running out of bubble wrap, so ill have to order some more.
Hubby has done all of his polyfillering apart from my pan shelves in the kitchen, but they'll be down this afternoon. Packed the majority of our plates and stuff.

I got the second horse on the National yesterday :) which was nice. Had a nice relaxing evening in with the hubby.
Ive been starving today so I've just had a nice big lunch, hopefully that will keep me going while I carry on with my jobs.

Food for today:
B: mango, pineapple and melon
S: muller Greek (0.5 syns) babybel 1/3 hex a
L: SW chips, leftover samosa mix with pasata, lettuce, tomato, roll ( hex b)
D: roast chicken, couscous, salad or veg....

now back to packing :-( it is such a dull job and its taking forever! This is going to be a very boring week! Not long left, need to crack on. X
Re: New to SW.... trying to find a new healthier me

Ahh you've made me want to go to Legoland so badly now! Think we'll be going as soon as the eadter hols are over :p G has never been and he's a total kid when it comes to theme parks.

Sounds like you did well there too- skimping on the bad breakfast they had and all the snacks. A mini doughnut is nothing and there's no way I'd syn 4 chips :p haha, how honest of you!
Good luck with WI tomorrow, fingers crossed for getting into the 12s! You look slim in that pic- I'm jealous ;) x
awww thanks hun :)
i thought i looked a bit frumpy from all of my layers. lol. i had tights, jeans, thick socks and ugg boots, strappy top, cotton top, cardigan, and then my coat... was still cold. ha ha. think ill be going back when the weather is a bit warmer!

Dont know about the rest of the country but weve had lovely weather this weekend in Norfolk, beautiful blue skies, sunshine, not overly warm, but i went out yesterday without a coat. and when i walked mylo yesterday mid morning, i was too hot wearing my coat, took it off and just walked in my fleece and was still warm enough.

I have been sat applying for jobs all afternoon, its crazy how long it takes just to apply for any of them, i hope i hear back from something soon. I tend to be quite good at interviews, so hoping i get an interview with somebody.

Food has been fairly good today, after starting off the day starving ive been ok since lunch. Had a yummy dinner and think after this, ill eat a few mini eggs, get 4 for 3 syns. think that will be a nice little treat. I have been having a think and i know we have been having a lot of takeaways lately, and even though i have generally been making good choices, i cant help but think im getting into bad habits, and maybe this has something to do with me staying the same for the last few weeks....
Its only 2 weeks tomorrow until all our removals and stuff, so im going to try not to get a takeaway until then. Weve got our leaving drinks on saturday night, so think i will cut up some potato ready to be made into chips when i get home, and mayeb some stodgy pasta or something just incase im too drunk to cook. I dnt really drink much anymore and im probably a bit of a light weight now. Plus were starting at 6pm. lol. Im sure ill be a mess by midnight. lol.

sorry not had chance to catch up with everybodys diaries this weekend, i have been reading, ill speak to you all tomorrow, when im not so tired. Think legoland has really worn me out. lol.
So jealous of the Lego land still! Looks like you had an amazing time, and did so well with your syns.

Don't feel you bad about all those take aways, your life seems to be a little manic at times. But I imagine that's a STS reason, perhaps you're not counting the syns right? I usually subconsciously count under to make myself feel better.

We had lovely weather too!! I got a slight sun tan from being outside all weekend. Crazy times.

Keep at it and have a good evening. Since losing weight my tolerance is at an all time low, so be warned!!

So....... Drumroll please......
I finally did it, I got into the 12's! It feels so good to not be stuck at 13 st, lol. Lost 1/2lb, but that's only since Thursday because they've moved our group. So I am happy. I'm hoping for a bigger loss next Monday so going to work hard at it this week. I'm writing my food diary again this week to make sure I'm not going wrong anywhere simple.

Really odd last night, I bumped into my ex before hubby's now gf. I was pretty serious with him, and they were friends when I was with him, so I knew her anyway, so can be a bit odd really, cos I actually get on with her. My mum told me they were having a baby a couple of months ago, but she didn't look pregnant at all, and didn't mention it. Plus would you really be joining SW half way through a pregnancy? Well anyway they're getting married, and she's trying to slim into her dress. I'm quite pleased for her cos he messed me about no end, but she's making an honest man out of him ( or not so honest knowing him). Anyway, just glad it's not me if you know what I mean. When I broke up with him, he begged me to stay, he'd already bought my engagement ring :-/
but I made the right one for me :) luckily.
Anyway, food plan from yesterday:
B: strawberries, grapes, melon, 3 slices ham, chunk of cucumber
L: small baked potato, Thai style chicken (2 syns), lettuce, cucumber, tomato, cheese
S: tangerine
S: cherry bakewell hifi ( hex b)
D: veg and chicken curry, 3 inches of French stick with a slither of low low in it. Reece's mini cup (2.5 syns)

I never have white bread now, so it felt like such a treat :) not sure on the syns but hadn't had an awful lot of syns and wasn't huge so I'm sure that will be ok.

Foodplan for today is a red day:
B: strawberries, melon and probably a banana or something. Might have something random with it like chicken or cucumber, really enjoyed it yesterday felt continental.
L: veg curry- onion, pepper, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, baby corn, mushrooms, pasata and chopped tomatoes and a tiny bit of leftover chicken.
D: chicken fajitas in lettuce with salad and a roll.

Ive got alpen lights for snacking, so fingers crossed ill get through the day without using too many syns.
Well Done! You must be super happy?

Must have been strange bumping into her last night? I can't think of one ex's (not that I have loads) new girlfriends that its not awkward bumping into. No matter how it ended I'm always intrigued what they are up to now. I guess it's just our age but loads of mine are getting married and you can't help but be a bit nosey.

Mmmmm white bread and butter. I've got a proper craving for 2 pieces of thick white bread smothered in butter with 2 runny fried eggs and a blob of ketchup in. x