ProPoints Giles food diary 26pp

mrsgosling3 said:
We stayed in playa dorado - cant for the life of me remember the name of the hotel but it has a casino and a nightclub and was on the beach. Was lovely. Hope you managed to get an appointment

Sounds very like my hotel only the casino was literally next door! I stayed in iberostar costa dorada would highly recommend

Well ladies quick sneaky update from my hospital bed lots of tests think they might have found the problem so fingers crossed its only one night in hospital feel dreadful but they say you have to be worse before your better right? Hooked up to a drip so at least getting some's going to be a long night!!!
giles86 said:
Sounds very like my hotel only the casino was literally next door! I stayed in iberostar costa dorada would highly recommend

Well ladies quick sneaky update from my hospital bed lots of tests think they might have found the problem so fingers crossed its only one night in hospital feel dreadful but they say you have to be worse before your better right? Hooked up to a drip so at least getting some's going to be a long night!!!

You poor thing. It's not gall stones is it? Hope you feel better soon. No dieting for you when you come out. A treat is deffo in order xx
Sorry to hear you're still in the hospital but at least you are being looked after so that's good and they can help you get better :0)
Thanks ladies your right I am in the best place having more fluids shortly so It's a good job I have a view when stuck in bed...of another building seriously tho I'm glad in here to get sorted

Don't think it's gall stones hun think its a viral infection that I fought at home rather then meds reaction but they aren't 100% sure I'll ask about gall stones tho!

Had a shower so that's good feel slightly more human. No not straight back to dieting but think my parents are going to get me a puppy! (sad I live with them at 25 but they a bungalow so it's handy for now plus the puppy was recommended by gp so it's not just a cruel idea)

My friend is telling me ww is unhealthy and that's why I'm ill! I've said it's not she just doesn't believe you can get all your dietary needs through 26 points so we've agreed a truce still annoying me tho the plan itself is fine and I think I've been healthy on it?
I've noticed today that some of the food options in hospital are really unhealthy! Today for tea I was offered a mince and potato pie with Chips and gravy that must come to almost my full daily allowance?!? ( it did look nice tho hospital food has at least improved that way since my last stay))

Sorry it just kinda shocked me!
That's rubbish but at least you are able to eat now. The lack of food you have had I wouldn't worry about the points until you are home and better. How are you feeling now? Do you know when you will be home ?
Oh no sadly i couldn't eat it! I've actually had a slice of bread today that's all I could manage but thinking about points is hopefully an indicator that I'm getting better.

I feel a little better the room isn't spinning quite as much so that's an improvement mashing to drink a little more as well the food thing is still worrying tho hopefully the anti sickness drugs will kick in and I can go home tomorrow ( fingers tightly crossed as I have a thanksgiving service in Basingstoke on Sunday I really can't miss) :(
Aw I hope you can go home soon then :0) sorry to hear that about your friend,I guess she is worrying about you and cos you do WW it's easy to pick on that so to speak!
I might be going home tomorrow yay!!

Yeah it is easy to be conceded and I'm grateful she is but I've never eaten better then recently ( bar the holiday) lots of fruit less processed meals etc she is a foodie person tho so she doesn't approve of points

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Hey hun!! Sooo glad to hear ur feelin better and gettin sorted and yayyyy to the puppy!!!

As for the points ur friend could be right, in a way... Depends what your eating in your points, as I'm trying to eat super healthy and wouldnt have weeklies so I wasn't getting enough wen I worked it out, but if ur using the weeklies u should be fine! I doubt it's caused u being I'll though but She is right in u may not be havin enough depending what ur having :)

Oh and woooo to maybe home tomorrow!! Xxx

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I suppose Stef hadn't really looked at it that way tho I've increased my fruit and veg maybe I'm not getting enough tho I use my fitness pal as well and generally I'm ok with the fat carbs and protein.

Well when I'm home I'll just have to plan meals in advance to get the best nutritionally plus any help is more then welcome.

Puppy won't be till September but excited made a list if everything I need to pass some time as is designing shoes xx

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Basset Hound I think it wasn't second choice but probably the realistic choice as fits in with my knee issues quite well

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giles86 said:
Basset Hound I think it wasn't second choice but probably the realistic choice as fits in with my knee issues quite well

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Dont the howl a lot? Or is that a beagal? How are you feeling? X
ruby555love said:
Dont the howl a lot? Or is that a beagal? How are you feeling? X

They howl when they want something but apparently they grumble when they want attention apparently It sounds like their talking to you!

Any other breeds considered if anyone has suggestions of dogs that are happy on their own for a bit during the day and with an hour to two hours exercise a day?

I'm feeling a bit better thanks but still not right still feeling/being sick when I try eating trying new combination of tablets so fingers crossed as its now becoming a race against time :(

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giles86 said:
They howl when they want something but apparently they grumble when they want attention apparently It sounds like their talking to you!

Any other breeds considered if anyone has suggestions of dogs that are happy on their own for a bit during the day and with an hour to two hours exercise a day?

I'm feeling a bit better thanks but still not right still feeling/being sick when I try eating trying new combination of tablets so fingers crossed as its now becoming a race against time :(

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I have a shorkie, a shitzu crossed with a yorkshire terrier & shes happy being left & loves long walks. She keeps up with a labrador we go walking with. Ive just had her groomed as she naturally has long, thick hair. Her name is Ruby (yes, not my name) & shes 3 : )


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Awww she is gorgeous!!

I found a website about people with mobility problems and dogs it said either go small (but not terriers who love exercise and have blindness energy) or go big my first choice is a St Bernard which was one of the breeds recommended as they aren't too active but I don't think my parents would be they pleased with a dig that size in the house tho our garden would be big enough! Probably would be too strong for me tho

The basset hound needs its own little steps to get up to places which I just think is so sweet but only when their puppies or old the rest of the time then can happily get up to mischief!

I have to think small really as when I get my own place on a bad day it'll be something that doesn't need too much walking a play in a garden would do on occasions so the basset seems to fit well

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Bulldogs are not keen on much exercise but they do tend to have health problems unless you pick a certain breed of them :0)
ruby555love said:
I have a shorkie, a shitzu crossed with a yorkshire terrier & shes happy being left & loves long walks. She keeps up with a labrador we go walking with. Ive just had her groomed as she naturally has long, thick hair. Her name is Ruby (yes, not my name) & shes 3 : )

She's a sweetie :0)
I wouldn't mind a bulldog tho the health problems had put me off a little, are they good with kids?

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