Gobolino's Food Diary - converted to ww now!

Thank you both :) Hope you have a good day (& weekend!!)
Friday 13th, whats been eaten........

B-pineapple, banana, vlf fromage frais, quark
snacks-plums, kiwi, grapes, 2 sugar free sweets (1/2syn), 2 weetabix (HB)
D-roast BNS and sweet potato soup, strawberries, raspberries, diet coke (as a treat! ha ha!)
T-SW wedges, beans, broccoli stir fried with onion, garlic and chilli flakes
pud- latte (350ml skimmed milk HA), HiFi bar (HB)

Walks before and after work with the dog. I couldnt last all day with just fruit and veg I was really craving something else so I was glad to find some weetabix in my drawer in work!!! I have a HA left to use, so I may mix some milk with some highlights hot choc powder (2 or 3 syns worth).

Lowest syn day ever I think!
Oh no, I dont intend to go hungry, dont worry!

Saturday 14th May:
B- 57g wholemeal bread (I had to cut a soldier chunk off my normal slices to make it 57g!) (HB), beans, egg
D- pasta and h/m sauce with passata, garlic, peppers and 28g cheese (HA). Apple, rhubarb fool (2syns and still have the remainder to eat for after tea) made with rhubarb (1/2syn), honey (1/2 syn), l/f greek yog (1syn), quark and vlf fromage frais, all layered.
T- butter beans gigantes plaki with salad and possibly a wrap but just checked out the syns for one and its 180 so around 9 syns (wow!!), HiFi for after tea (HB)
snacks- latte (HA)

EDIT- I didnt have the 9 syn wrap. I'll have one sometime next week, but for now its too high in syns for me. So I had the lovely butter beans and salad with a little of the pasta I'd made for lunch on the side. I made the butter beans without olive oil this time as I wanted to keep my HB for other things, they weren't quite as nice but were still very tasty (and free!).

Syn summary:
yog, honey +rhubarb (2syns)
125ml glass of red wine (4syns)

Healthy extra summary:
latte and 28g cheese (HA HA)
wholemeal bread and HiFi (HB HB)

20mins walk, body balance class :) (very pleased I made it to this as I hadnt done one since bank hols).
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Sunday 15th May:

B-all bran 42g (HB), hot water, splash of skimmed milk (the rest to use in tea later HA), banana, strawberries
D-asparagus and poached egg(s), sliced tomato, cucumber and rocket. Pineapple
T-veg soup (1syn) followed by butter beans and salad. Lemon quark cream and remaining rhubarb from yesterday.
snacks- apple, pear, ryvita minis from multipack (4syns)

25mins walk.
60mins just dance 2
15mins walk

Still have a HB and HA left so that'll be a nice treat for me later -latte and HiFi :) - Oh yes, I had this and enjoyed it :)
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My syns round up for this week:
weds 54
thurs (1syn for yog, 10 for ben and jerrys frozen yog, 6 for glass of wine, 3 for sweet chilli sauce with meal, 3 for a chocolate seashell, 2 for a 1/2 measure of Baileys, 4 for crackers.... remainder of meal was covered by a HA for cheese and HB for prawns)=29
fri 3.5
sat 6
sun 5

Total so far= 97.5! wow I've managed to claw it back :)

I'm tempted to look at the scales, but also I'm realising that I feel much better if I dont step on the scales. I appreciate that my body will lose at the rate that it wants to and by me hopping on and off the scales all the time this doesnt help things at all! Fingers crossed for a nice surprise at weigh in.
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Thank you Teresa. It feels good to prove to yourself that you can do it.

Here's today:
B- vlf fromage frais, orange hot choc powder (2syns), pear.
snacks- banana, apple, strawberries, milk in tea (HA), 1 very small dark chocolate truffle (2syns)
D- veg soup (1syn), ryvita minis from multipack (HB), apple, pear
T- quorn sausages, jersey royal new potatoes, carrots and peas. Bisto (100ml 3syns)
snack later- latte (HA), plus it looks like I have a HB left too (I've been enjoying saving this for a HiFi each night but now I've run out!), so I'll have something.

20mins walk

So the weeks syns now look like this: weds 54, thurs 29, fri 3.5, sat 6, sun 5, mon 8.......Total so far= 105.5!
Wow - well done on keeping the syns within limits - just! Great result, hope your sterling efforts are rewarded at weigh in. Good luck x
Thanks Beegee!

I feel even less of a feeling that I've lost weight, but perhaps thats just because I feel as I did last week and that resulting in a maintain. Fingers crossed, I've done what I can.

Here's today:
B-vlf fromage frais, quark ,cinnamon, strawberries
D-veg soup
T-cheese on toast
snacks-apple, banana, pear, ryvita minis+chilli philli
Ugh I gained 1.5lb :( I hadnt weighed all week but half an hour before weigh in, I did. I really didnt feel that I'd lost anything and I just didnt want any nasty surprises. So trying to claw back my weds/thurs syns didnt quite work.

I've just had ben and jerrys frozen yog (18syns for 180g), glass of wine (6 syns), peanuts (7 syns) and a HiFi (6syns) in addition to todays food. So I'm taking that off next weeks syns, giving me 70 syns for the week. I'm fed up to be honest but want to turn this around. Here's how:

* try to drink more water
* keep a HA and HB choice for the evening as a treat
* keep syns to 10 per day max
* try to exercise a bit more (even just walking a bit more)
* stay positive and keep believing in myself
Oh poor you, how very disheartening. Maybe because you're so close to target those last pounds are more difficult to shift. Is there any chance that you're really at your ideal weight and your body doesn't want to lose anymore, or am I seriously clutching at straws here?!

I'm also feeling guilty for recommending the B&J's yogurt that's been part of your (very understandable) rebellious nibble-fest when you got back from weigh in ....

Sorry not to have any great words of wisdom, but do stick with it. The alternative is to begin a descent down the slippery slope and I'm sure you don't want that. Take care of you, chin up hun x
Thanks Beegee - Ha ha dont feel guilty for the Ben and Jerrys, its a good deal syn wise so its a help not a hindrance :) I'm nowhere near my target yet, the target in my stats is for my 10% loss. I need to lose about another stone to get to BMI of 25 too. I'm sticking with it, the alternative isnt too pretty and too right its a slippery slope!
Hey just dropped into your diary!

I think ur gain was unfair this week! i work my syns like that. have loads over the weekend then very few throughout the week and dont seem to do as much exercise as you and i dont seem to have that problem.

I think your pointers for next week seem good.

Good luck for weigh in next week. dont let it get you down

Hi Siz, thanks for popping by and thanks for your support. I feel daft now that I splurged my syns last night in anger, but at least I know what I've had and will work with the remainder for the week. Hope you have a good week too.

Hi Teresa, thanks too! My consultant didnt have any tips as such. I'd sent her an email during the day to say I'd be disheartened if I hadnt lost but not heard back from that. In image therapy she just asked what I'd be doing this week to get back on track. I couldnt even set myself a weekly target as I'm fed up of saying ??lb for this week and not making it. Perhaps its my big portions ???? I mean when I say I have beans I'll have a whole tin, when I say quorn sausage I sometimes have 6!
It's certainly worth considering portion sizes. I try and think of the 'calories in' because for all the free food, no weighing and measuring mantra it's not necessarily that simple. I ultimately failed at SW about 7 years ago as I was taking the 'unlimited quantities' far too literally! Now I think they say eat until you are satisfied which is hard to do if you are an over-eater in the first place. Good luck with your week - you can do this x
Thanks Beegee! I'm definitely going to try harder in the area of portion control too this week.

So, I have 70syns to play with this week. Here goes!

Wednesday: trying an extra easy day
B-vfl fromage frais, cinnamon, blackberries
snack-apple, banana, milk in tea (HA), 1 (yes 1!) peanut M+M (surely its safe to count this as 1/2 a syn ??!!??)
D-butter beans and new potatoes, cucumber and tomatoes
T-asparagus, cauliflower, salmon
snack-HiFi (HB) and a cuppa tea! :)

If needed I may decide to change to a green day and will have asparagus and cauliflower with an omlette, thereby giving me an extra (HA and HB)....... this always seems the more attractive option!
Hi Gobolino,

I would say instead of thinking about changing you portion sizes think of increasing your superfrees and more importantly your superspeed and speed foods.

If you are anything like me even the thought of cutting back the amount on my plate makes me hungry !

I am a big eater and sometimes get embarassed about my portion size but i love to see a full plate. For example i just had a whole bag of stir fry veg mixed with a WHOLE pkt low fat super noodles, for a quick veggie chow mein followed by half a melon and raspberries.

YUM super filling and full of superfrees and ss.