Gobolino's Food Diary - converted to ww now!

Thanks for your advice Teresa! I think thats definitely going to be a good idea for me to pack in the superfree's, super speeds and speedies :) Thinking about your good week now gives me some hope that I could have a good one too, speed foods could be my friends too! I love the name you've given to the chow mein - lazy girls chow mein - he he.

Today has gone really well. I cant remember if I mentioned that I had 35 of my syns last night and so planned to cut back to 70 for the week. I've text my consultant and her advice was to increase superfrees and keep syns to as low as possible but to also have a treat (so it looks like we're all singing from the same hymn sheet). So I've made little tweaks today, definitely going with the idea of saving a treat for the evening as that was helping me the last few days. I've had an extra easy day, had less cups of tea so my HA lasted for a nice hot choc tonight. I've made my hot choc with 1 sachet so it looks like a hot chocolate, not like thick chocolate soup (made up with 1.5 or 2 sachets worth)!!!

Wednesday: Extra Easy
B- vlf fromage frais, blackberries, pear
D- greek butter beans, new potatoes, lots of tomato and cucumber, cup of tea (HA for milk all day)
snacks-pear, apple, banana, 2 sugar free sweets (1/2syn), 1 peanut M+M (1/2syn)
T- salmon, cauliflower, asparagus, carrots, 10g light salad cream (1syn)
snack- HiFi (HB), rest of milk in a hot chocolate (2syns)

Syns- 4 !
Exercise- none, I think wednesdays are going to become my new cooking evening, equally as important to keeping me on track. I've made stewed rhubarb, pasta sauce with veggies and boiled some eggs for tomorrows dinner. Also had to go food shopping.
B-rhubarb (1/2syn), vlf fromage frais
D-egg salad, nectarine, melon and kiwi
T-pasta, homemade veg packed pasta sauce, quorn mince and 57g l/f mozzarella (HA), cauliflower
snacks-milk in tea (HA), apples, weetabix before body jam class (HB), hot chocolate (2 sachets, old habits die hard!!! 4syns), Hi Fi (HB)

20mins walk
60mins body jam :)

Total syns 4.5 :D
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B-rhubarb (1/2 syn), vlf fromage frais, apple
snack- apple, milk in tea (HA)
D-pasta, pasta sauce and quorn, cucumber, tom, nectarine, melon, strawberries
snack-2 scan bran (2 syns), banana
T-starter-roasted chicory with stilton (28g HB) and walnuts (4 halves=4syns)
T-main-green thai curry with 113g prawns (HB), 4 tbsp l/f coconut milk (3 syns), mangetout, green beans, broccoli, courgette, pepper, onion and h/m thai paste.
T-pud-vlf fromage frais , hot choc (2syns), then another liquid form hot choc (2syns)

Total =13.5syns
Wow I feel like I've had loads but all still within my syns :)
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B-quorn sausages (3-free), baked beans, tomato, banana
D-butterbeans (this time made with a little spray of olive oil HB), 42g feta, 2 filo feta parcels (10syns), gherkins, salad, vlf fromage frais in dips, greek yog l/f, walnuts (4 halves =4syns).
Snack-strawberries, milk in tea (HA)
T-pasta, quorn mince, pasta sauce with veggies

body balance class, body jam class, 20mins walk
Review of syns so far this week:
weds4, thurs4.5, fri13.5, sat14

Review of whats working well so far this week:
*more exercise, I've managed to go back to doing a few more classes
*drinking more, I'm usually pretty good at this but in work I think I was drinking tea quite alot. This week I drank more herbal teas too.
*having a free breakfast and dinner and using my healthy extras and syns for snacks and evening meal (this is something I've noticed I've been doing this week and its really helping the way I'm feeling)
*having lower amount of syns on weekdays has made the weekend days seem quite indulgent even though they are still within syns
*I'm really enjoying what I've eaten this week, this makes me feel really positive about the sw plan.
*I'm feeling that I'm listening to what my body wants this week, rather than thinking I have 4 healthy extras and 15 syns and I'll eat them just because I can!
Oh yes, loving your food definitely helps alot..... if I have a nice meal planned I look forward to that instead of looking around for snacks!

Also, while I'm being honest and getting my points down in writing I thought of another thing thats always on my mind in terms of SW. I always seem to want to defend the SW plan and show others that I'm by no way starving myself. This sounds daft but its almost like I'm showing off, eg to hubby, I'll show him my dinner and say things like look I can eat all this and lose weight. But, I think I've been taking this to excess and if I stop trying to prove this (to others and myself) then I can just relax into the plan :) <-- that probably makes little sense!!!

Here's sundays food:
B- quorn sausage, beans, peas and an egg
snacks- 2 apples, banana, milk in tea (HA)
D- cauli&broccoli stalk soup with cheese (HA), 2x weetabix&apricot muffins (HB+6.5syns), quark cream
snacks-strawberries, quark, vlf fromage frais and hot choc sachet (2syns)
T- pasta, pasta sauce&veggies and quorn mince.
snacks-gherkins, HiFi (HB), latte using an extra 150ml in addition to my HA (2.5syns)

30mins walk
Syns-11 :)
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Oh another thing!!!!! Reverse physcology works well with me too....... especially where HiFi's are concerned. I pretty much told myself that each evening I could have one with a lattee (yum yum yum), however since I've declared this to myself I've actually managed not to have one every evening. Funny :)
Hello, ooh it sounds as though you have really shaken things up a bit this week - good for you. It almost seems as though you are seeing the plan with fresh eyes and your enthusiasm is really positive. Keep it up! x
Ha ha - thanks both! I think I've just been racking my brains to realise why things dont work for me each week, so hence the massive thinking session!
B-vlf fromage frais, rhubarb (1/2syn), strawberries
Snack-banana, apple, pear, weetabix (HB)
D- cauli and broccoli stalk soup with cheese (HA), melon
Snack-2 weetabix&apricot muffins (HB+6.5syns)
T- stiry fried green veggies with thai paste (homemade) and noodles, plus 60ml light coconut milk (2syns)
Snack- HiFi (6syns) and hot chocolate (2syns) in vlf fromage frais, strawberries

20mins walk
total 17 syns........................ plus I've also had 100g of ben and jerrys frozen yoghurt (9syns) and these are going onto tomorrows part of the diary just to make me feel better (dont want to throw everything up in the air and feel bad just because I had some frozen yoghurt!!!)

So syns for the week:
weds 4, thurs4.5, fri13, sat14, sun11, mon17, tues9 =72.5
but if I include last weeks weigh in treat which should really be deducted from this week it'll be 72.5+35= 107.5, which is as near as damn it.

I should hopefully be getting to a body balance class tonight too all being well.
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Well I'm feeling like I've cancelled out the 100g of frozen yoghurt, I've managed a 20min walk with the dog, 35mins of just dance 2 and a body balance class :) Feeling good for tomorrow, come what may, I do feel like a loss is in order this week ;)
Tuesday 24th
B-melon, banana, apple (or possibly something more substantial depending on how I feel in the morning)
D- butter beans (HB for small amount of olive oil), rocket, gherkins, carrots and houmous (3 syns?)
T-cheese on toast (HA on HB)
snacks-milk in tea (HA), HiFi (6syns)
How annoying, the rebel in me actually had more ben and jerrys this morning :( Self sabbotage! Hopefully things will still be ok if I manage to stay on track today. Definitely no post weigh in treat though.
Well not a great day but not too bad either :) I managed a 30min walk tonight and at weigh in I lost 1.5lb tonight so I'm 3lbs from my stone award...... feel like such a yoyo at the moment, but I can do this if I really knuckle down to it.

I'm out sat pm and sun pm this week for food with friends, so my plan is to take it easy on the syns during the week. I'm also going for packing in the speed and superspeed foods :)

Wednesday 25th:
B- redcurrants (ss), blackcurrants (ss), blackberries (ss) and raspberries (ss) with vlf fromage frais and quark.
D- mixed leaves (s), salad, feta (42g HB), pasta and roasted red peppers (s), more mixed berries (ss)
T- green thai veg curry (probably a mix of the following:courgette (s), broccoli(s), mangetout(s), green beans(s), pepper(s), onion (s), peas (ss)), 4 tbsp light coconut milk (3syns)
snacks- milk in tea (HA), banana, 2 apples (s), latte (HA), HiFi (HB)

Exercise- probably just a walk, weds is food shopping and cooking night :)
Thank goodness!! I'm so relieved that all your thinking and planning has paid off - great loss, well done you xx
Thanks Beegee! I'm trying to concentrate on having a good week this week too :) Fingers crossed!
Wow the only thing I need to add to Wednesdays menu is another banana, 2 sugar free sweets (1syn) and some rhubarb (1/2syn) with vlf fromage frais.

So, Weds=4.5syns

Here's Thursday:
B-blackberries, blackcurrants, red currants and raspberries (all ss) with vlf fromage frais.
D-broccoli & stilton soup (HA) with broccoli (s), onion (s), chicory (s), courgette (s), broccoli stalks (s), hopefully this will serve 4 and be HA but if it only serves 3 portions it'll be HA+2syns.
snacks-carrot (s) and cucumber (s) sticks, apple (s), banana, milk in tea (HA).... not sure about this I might go without tea meaning I can have cheese on my tea in the evening.
T-not sure really, pasta and broccoli (s) bake or wedges, beans and egg.
Pud-strawberries (ss) and cherries (s)
Pud 2-HiFi and latte (HB HA)

Exercise- body jam class

Here's a possible, red day Friday: red days take alot of planning for me and I need to feel they are worth it, I dont eat meat but do eat fish so for me a red day is plenty of fish.....I know this looks to be alot of tinned/non-fresh fish, if I'm happy with this red day I can plan another using more fresh fish. That takes even more planning for me :)

B-berries and vlf fromage frais and 28g oats plus scan bran to have with banana (HB)
snacks- apple, cucumber, milk in tea (HA)
D-piri piri sardines (1/2syn), large salad
T- smoked salmon rolls, stuffed with quark, garlic and herbs to start. Might also do a tuna and crab dip to have with melba toast as another starter. Tuna omlette for main course (tuna, spring onions, pepper) with salad
Pud-Hi Fi and Latte (HB HA)
Oh no I'm hungry :( Plus I messed up my HB choices today.... I had oats which I now realise I'd planned for Friday.....oh well no panic there. But now I'm hungry, in work with no emergency scan bran, just weetabix, so the weetabix are going to get it! Slight replan when I get home I think :)