Gobolino's Food Diary - converted to ww now!

Well done on your sts how about trying a couple of SE days to balance out your week with the wedding

Thanks for the advice about being a pescatarian, I am really enjoying my food at the moment but i think getting the balance right is important,

:) Its good news - we had the all clear from the vet this afternoon. Sooooooooo relieved and happy :) !!!
Oh that's great news!! I was getting worried when you've been so quiet this week. Well done on the sts - good result if you're breaking the yo-yo pattern. Fab!
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Hello :) Thank you for your messages all! I'm back, sorry for the disappearing act, things got too much and too busy for me last week. I've enjoyed a lovely wedding on the weekend and I'm back with a 1.5lb gain at weigh in. I'm so fed up of yoyoing like this since April, that I did something radical and told my group I would like to lose 4lb by next week. Everyone including my consultant laughed !!!!

To be honest I think that doing less exercise over the last few months hasnt helped. So this weeks its back to basics: lots of water, lots of exercise and a good dose of determination :)

Hopefully catch up with your diaries over the week too ;)
Sorry about your gain but glad you enjoyed a nice wedding.

Good on you for setting 4 pound as your target and as i say to my members what plans are you going to put in place to get that? :) You can do it (or at the very least aim for it) but you have to have a plan. Have you thought about success express?

Good luck

Hi Teresa - thanks for your message! My plan is to plan and to stick to plan :) I'm also trying to fit in some more exercise. I might have a think about success express, will check out my books.

Hi PrawnchopSuey :) Nice to see you back!

Here's wednesdays food:

Weetabix (HB), yog, strawberries (a whole punnet)

apple, banana, raspberries (whole punnet), melon, snack a jacks (4.5syns), milk in tea (HA), grapes

Egg salad

SW marmite wedges, baked beans, 28g cheese (HB), a rocket lolly (2syns)

1 hour body balance
30mins walk

Syns total= 6.5

Just realised I've only used 1 healthy A choice. I originally had my cheese as a healthy A, but swapped it to a healthy B meaning that I've had 2Bs and 1A.

A's B's syns, water, exercise - I'm on plan!
Thanks Teresa - fingers crossed I can keep it up!

HI Beegee - the marmite wedges were an experiment as my consultant had mentioned them. She said to put the marmite over the wedges about 5mins before they are due to come out of the oven. I didnt want to spoil the wedges by over-marmiting so I used a squeezy jar and just drizzled a bit over all of them. Its a bit hit and miss I guess, but I'd use more next time. They tasted good and smelt delish!

Here's todays menu:

Thurs 11th Aug


28g oats (part HB)
milk (part HA)

Banana x 2
snack a jacks from multipack (4.5syns)
milk in tea (part HA)
2 scan bran (1 syn as the other is part HB)
2 weetabix (HB) with hot water

Large salad
Jacket potato
3 l/c deli blue cheese (part HA)

Large Jacket
Large salad (different to lunch though!)
2 l/c deli blue cheese (part HA)
5g (ha ha cutting back!) light salad cream (0.5syns)

Pudding No 1

Pudding No 2
strawberry split (3.5syns)

Pudding No 3
mixed berries
scan bran choc muffin (2syns)

30mins walk

A's, B's, syns (10.5), exercise, water -DONE :)
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Ha ha - it'll be nice to be cruising after so much treading water!!!

Here's today:

Friday 12th August

Forest fruits with l/f greek yog (100g 1syn), 1 scan bran muffin (2syns)

Spicy brown rice with sweetcorn, peas, gherkins and cucumber. Melon

Scan bran muffin (2syns), banana, clementines, apple, latte (HA),

Peppers stuffed with spicy brown rice, sweetcorn, peas and onions with cheese on top and garlic and chilli evoo oil inside ! ( HB HB), served with marmite wedges

Waitrose essential cornetto (8.5syns)
Latte (HA) and scan bran muffin (2syns)

Syns: 15.5
Exercise: none to talk of!
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Oooooh Marmite wedges! That sounds soooooo necessary!!!! :drool:
Hi Ermintrude - the wedges are nice, just needs a bit of experimenting to see how much marmite to squeeze over :)

Here's yesterdays menu, we were out all day (breakfast out too!) as we went to the races.

beans on toast (HB HB)

bananas, apple, scan bran muffin (2syns), 4 carrots

Dinner (later at races)
noodles and veggies (I know these wont have been totally free but since I have no way of guessing I'm not stressing about what they may or may not have been!).

During the day:
diet coke
3 brandys (12syns)
orange options (2syns) with milk (HA)

Tea (at home)
2 eggs
brown rice
sweetcorn and peas

Hot chocolate (2syns) with milk (HA)

Syns: 18
Exercise: at least 90 mins walking (walked the dog, walked to and from train, walked around the racecourse)
Syns review:
weds 6.5 + thurs 10.5 + fri 15.5 + sat 18 = 50.5

Its always an upward trend from weds to sat!!! But now, i'm going to word hard to take the syns down sun, mon, tues :)
Wow you did really well considering you were out all day! That's the sort of day that could have been disasterous. Good luck keeping the syns in check til weigh in! x