Going from two to three without eating for five!

Broccoli is good for iron and helps your body absorb zinc a building block while spud is still developing... Try and get freshly squeezed juice or do it yourself for max vit c... kiwi fruit are actually more dense in vitamin c than oranges... Smoothies would also be ideal for whizzing up some high energy boosting drinks... xx
Ooh I didn't know that about kiwi. I don't have any kind of juicer, I'll have a look though. I actually quite like brocolli, I just hardly ever buy it for some reason. I'm just looking online for some high iron soup recipes, I'll have a look at smoothies too. Thanks Chelle.
I've sorted my My Fitness Pal account and got it all up to date. I'm not going to track calories rigidly but I'm going to use it to track iron and vitamin c as well as fat. I'll use it to log water and in the notes comment on my energy levels that day. It'll be interesting to see if there's any pattern to my energy levels based on what I've eaten. It'll also be interesting to see just how well, or not well, I'm eating at the moment.

They've had a revamp on their recipes bit on MFP and it's great! You can now put the link to a recipe and it'll grab the recipe name and all the ingredients and then match them to their database. It actually does it really quite well and then when you save it, it saves the link so that you can still access the recipe. So I've just added a load of recipes that I've found over the past few days and saved them. I love this new feature!

Went to see my GP this morning for a prescription for a new inhaler and she asked me about how I'm feeling after some time off. I was honest with her and said that I do feel that it's helped but I'm still just so tired, I think today is the first time I haven't fallen asleep by early afternoon. She said that she thinks that I'd be best taking another 2 weeks, then it'll be the Christmas holidays, and going back in January. I feel bad but after thinking about it and talking to a few people I think it's probably best that I take her advice. The midwife had basically said the same to me on Monday. So I've now got another month and two days until I'm back at work, I need to find myself a hobby I think.
Went to see my GP this morning for a prescription for a new inhaler and she asked me about how I'm feeling after some time off. I was honest with her and said that I do feel that it's helped but I'm still just so tired, I think today is the first time I haven't fallen asleep by early afternoon. She said that she thinks that I'd be best taking another 2 weeks, then it'll be the Christmas holidays, and going back in January. I feel bad but after thinking about it and talking to a few people I think it's probably best that I take her advice. The midwife had basically said the same to me on Monday. So I've now got another month and two days until I'm back at work, I need to find myself a hobby I think.

When I was pregnant with DD I was extremely tired as well. I'd used up some holiday leave (it was end of the works year April - April and I always used to save days to add to the bank holidays at Easter so I could have more than the 2 bank holiday) and I took to having a nap in the afternoon while I was off. I'd gone to ante natal appointment and Dr asked if I was ok, told him I was just very tired, but I'd been having a nap in the afternoon, and felt better afterward. He gave me a sick note straight away, and I ended up having 4 weeks on the sick. That was the first and only time I have ever had a sick note or any sick leave. So don't feel guilty, yours and the baby's health come first .
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You know, that makes me feel so much better. Knowing you that isn't something that you'd do for no reason and it makes me feel like 'just' being tired actually is good enough reason. I contacted work and let them know, they were OK about it. I just have to post in my sick note so that they can claim on insurance for me being off, it makes me feel better knowing that they're not at a financial loss because of it too.

I've tracked my food today and it's actually quite surprising. It has been a fairly good day food wise, I've snacked but on healthy things with just a few bits that aren't so healthy. My calories have actually only come up to 1,315, which obviously isn't enough. There are days I snack more on things that I shouldn't but meal wise today is probably fairly standard, just a little low on lunch maybe, so it makes me think that maybe on the days that I've not been snacking and eating things I shouldn't that I might not have been having enough. I guess I'm so used to 'diet food' these days that meals are quite healthy and I'm used to aiming for under 2,000 calories so I can do it without that much trouble, especially as my portions have shrunk down quite a lot.

Breakfast: Nothing! - Will make sure that I do have something tomorrow, have smoothie stuff.
Lunch: Vegetable soup and bread
Dinner: Salmon and rocket linguine

Tomorrow I'm going to make sure that I have breakfast, that'll add around 300 calories in. I'm going to have a think about some higher calorie snacks that I could have that are still healthy, maybe some nuts and things like that. I might consider getting my Graze deliveries set back up actually! Ooh, it's pathetic how much that's just excited me.
Hiya Caz, hope you are resting, not an easy thing to do during the run up to Christmas too! Are you having a quiet one or off to visit all the family? Though you do have to wait until April to "open" the most special, precious gift of all :D

Diva x
Just wanted to jump on and say congratulations! I'm a bit behind on the thread. I'm due 17th April so were pretty close x
Hi Oasis :) I've commented on your thread, we're not far apart at all date wise.

Hi Diva! It's definitely not a quiet one this year. We're off down to see my family (we had Christmas with A's family last year, next year I want it at home so might invite them over to us or we could have dinner there, they're only 5 mins up the road). We're staying at my sister's who is a vicar so she has two services to do Christmas morning so I'm on cooking duty. We're going to prepare all the veg etc. the night before but it might still be a bit manic, there'll be 14 of us! It'll be a bit less stressful than anticipated, my niece was due to have her baby on the 27th but gave birth today! To a little boy, A is highly disappointed because he wanted us both to be girls so that they could grow up as the best of friends and didn't want them to have a boy so that she wouldn't have two boy cousins to gang up together and pick on her. Apparently it's okay though because he'll be her best friend instead. Bless him!

We've got our 20 week scan tomorrow. I'd kind of forgotten about it in the excitement of everything, I think because we had one only a week and a half ago there wasn't that rush of wanting to see her and find out the sex. We're still looking forward to it though but, if I'm honest, I'm a little nervous. The midwife at an appointment last week say that I have an anterior placenta (at the front) which is why I haven't really felt Spud move yet (I feel like I'm missing out here and actually am quite sad about it, hopefully the movements will start soon!) but they'll properly check the location tomorrow at the scan. She could just tell from listening to the heartbeat but if the scan shows that the placenta is also sitting low then it gets complicated. A low lying placenta means having to have a caesarean but if it's also at the front it makes a caesarean difficult because it's in the way. Even if tomorrow they say it's low, it could move further up later on so fingers crossed that's what happens. The thought of a caesarean terrifies me even more than having to give birth!

Weighed myself this morning and I'm up 1lb from last week, which puts me at the same that I was about 5 weeks ago but 2lb less than I was at my 12 week appointment. My big goal that I set myself was to have not gained much weight by tomorrow's appointment with the consultant's clinic after the scan. As much as I've said up until now that I don't really care how much weight that I put on, I'm just going to eat healthily and whatever happens, happens... that's not quite true. I do care. I care more than I should and I need to be careful that I don't obsess over it. When I get on the scales (most days) I can be a bit hmm if the number goes up, I don't mind really if it stays the same but I don't like seeing it go up. I have been most bothered about not gaining loads before tomorrows appointment I think and, looking back, I think my experience of my 12 week appointment is what's made me that way.

The doctor that I saw within the Consultant's clinic really wasn't very nice. She tried to harp on at me about how it's important I eat a balanced diet now I'm pregnant, that I need to change my habits, that I need referring to a dietitian etc. until I told her that I'd lost 6lb since finding out 6 weeks before and that kind of shut her up but she was just so rude. So when I go back tomorrow I want a total up yours moment of being able to show her that I don't sit and eat crisps and donuts for breakfast, lunch and dinner as I've been able to not gain. Stupid I know. Though, if she walks in the room I think I may walk out and ask for someone else. Stupid cow.

I don't really care what she thinks because she made judgements based on knowing nothing about me at all. I'm just looking forward to going ha to her if I see her again. She did the whole if you put on too much weight you're at risk of gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, premature labour etc so you need to change your eating habits now when I already had, before getting pregnant. When I saw the midwife last week she kept saying that things seemed like they were going really well, really good heartbeat, no ketones or sugar in urine (so no indicator for pre-eclampsia or diabetes), blood pressure was perfect and all in all, I'm a 'picture of health' apparently. I just want to be treated as more than a BMI number, which I don't feel like I was at that last appointment so maybe tomorrow I can prove to her that I am.

Anyway, I think I've rabbited on enough now. Sorry ladies!
. A low lying placenta means having to have a caesarean but if it's also at the front it makes a caesarean difficult because it's in the way. Even if tomorrow they say it's low, it could move further up later on so fingers crossed that's what happens. The thought of a caesarean terrifies me even more than having to give birth!


Caz a caesarean is nothing to worry about, and it was the best thing ever for me when I had DD, she was breech for most of the times they checked for position. I read about breech births on internet net and it terrified me, then at the hospital (38 week check I think) the stupid midwife said Doctor won't be happy with you if this baby is still breech! and she was (and not surprisingly) after the telling off and tut tutting from the midwife my blood pressure was slightly up, so they made me stay in and I had a scan and not only was she breech she had her legs up near her ears (extended breech was the term they used) and she was facing the wrong way as well! The consultant was really nice though and said "I'm really sorry but it will have to be caesarean!" I was delighted. Okay it does hurt walking for a few days after the op, but that's all, it soon goes away, but I had no tears or episiotomy scars to cope with, a lot of other mums I met afterwards were a lot worse, bad tears and episiotomy's. The biggest inconvenience was not being able to drive for 6 weeks.
That's reassuring. I know that a caesarean isn't even on the cards yet but just the thought of it freaks me out. The problem is you only ever hear the bad stories, no-one close to me has had a caesarean that I know of so it's good to hear a story that isn't a horror story.
Caz I know more horror stories from ordinary births than caesarean, I know quite a lot of people who had caesareans and the only ones with any type of horror stories are the ones who had been through labour trying for a normal birth first. Fingers crossed that you don't need one, but don't worry if you do,
That doctor sounds like a right Mare! They really bug me! When I was diagnosed with DD the discharging nurse was a little dumpy woman, who proceeded to lecture me on eating healthy ( cheeky moo was one of the ones who had chinese takeaway at the reception desk the night before!) X
The appointment actually all went fine. Scan was OK, all looks healthy but we need to go back on the 23rd for another scan because they couldn't get the view they needed of her heart and spine because of the position she was in. She was really lovely though, reassured us that if there was any concern even now they'd say and get the ball rolling and have detailed scans, they're just re-scanning to 'dot the Is and cross the Ts' as she put it. I saw a different person after the scan who was much nicer. Blood pressure has come down a little, it wasn't high before (124/78 at last one, 128/74 before) but is perfect now (110/75), just don't want it dropping any lower. My urine tests were all fine too. I didn't expect anything different but every time I'm told that they're both good, it feels good because it's like I'm proving them wrong and showing that overweight doesn't necessary mean unhealthy or complications.

I'm starting to feel a bit more human too. I don't know whether it's the multivitamins, the change in diet or just pure coincidence but I'm definitely starting to feel like I'm more able to be normal and function properly. I actually had a really productive day yesterday - tidied up some bits in the bedroom, packaged up some presents and things that I've needed to return, dropped two parcels at the courier, took one to the Post Office, took some baby clothes back to Mamas and Papas (I didn't know I'd have to pay for postage, which would have been £14 so I just drove the 25 minutes to the store instead), got a little bit of shopping, wrapped more presents and did some washing. I know they're all small things but that's more than I've done in a long time and they're things that I've been putting off for ages.

Today's jobs are as follows, I'm putting them here to try and make sure I do them!
- Put away the piles and piles of washing that have built up
- Wash clothes for the weekend
- Clean the bathroom
- Clean the kitchen
- Finish wrapping the last of the presents
- Order the last of the presents online

You ladies can hold me accountable to that, make sure I do them!
Boot poised near your rear if you don't ! Lol... Don't forget you and spud need a rest too though... so do a bit then rest then do more... xx
I'm just doing a bit, taking a break, doing a bit more, taking a break and so on. Priorities are washing and Christmas presents. I do want to get the house all sorted and on top form by the time I go back but I have got three and a half weeks to do that I suppose.
Glad to hear the scan went ok and that you are starting to feel better. Take your time with the jobs, you and baby come first.
Hope you've all had a lovely Christmas. We spent it down with my family this year, which was nice. We've said that we'll alternative so next year we'll be with his, we've pointed out to his mum that that means she gets baby's first Christmas. That seemed to console her disappointment over us not being there this year :)

It's nearly time to go back to work, I'm not ready yet! I'm a bit concerned about how I'll cope but I'm sure it'll be fine - there's only 93 days until I finish school, 59 of those are work days and only 57 with the children. I can do this... I hope!

We've got started on little bits around the house to get ready for Spud's arrival. We've bought and built a new small desk in the bedroom, which I now have my PC on. My old desk is now downstairs (bar one bit that I couldn't move by myself so Aaron needs to do it when he's home) for Aaron's PC to go on. I've tidied up and decluttered a lot of the stuff from the office, we'll need to do the rest (computer bits) and get rid of Aaron's desk and then the office room will be ready for transformation. I'm picking up the unit that we've chosen today ready to be put up this week, that and the bookcase is our only furniture for now. We still need to choose a cot but they're just so expensive! Once that unit is up though it'll mean that I can declutter a lot of baby stuff out of the living room and upstairs. I HAVE to get this house back to a semi decent state before going back to work or it'll just never get done.