Gonna give it another shot

The Punisher

Full Member
I've been rather half heartedly toying with Slimming World for the past 4 months, and while I'm enjoying the free foods etc, the weight isn't coming off in the manner I'd like it to-half a pound a month is doing nothing to help my motivation levels. SO...with my tail between my legs I'm returning to old faithful Weight Watchers. Tomorrow night I'm joining my local group with the snotty leader that I used to have, and I'm gonna show her a thing or 2 this time!

Wish me luck
Good Luck!! I'm sure you'll be fine... SW free foods are great, but it just wasn't a sustainable way for me to lose weight; I lost quite a lot the first time I went on it, about 2stone, but put it all back on as soon as I started to eat more variety of foods... WW has definitely helped me stay slimmer for sure! I stopped going to my class last time as I wasn't keen on the leader; but, if you need motivation to lose weight showing her a thing or 2 might be just what you need!! xsamx
Is there not another class? Its not nice to have a snotty leader! :(
Is there not another class? Its not nice to have a snotty leader! :(

I know, it's horrible when the leader isn't nice! This class is the only one that fits in with my shifts/footie fixtures and life in general. Plus, it's literally across the road from my house so I'll never get away with bunking off!
Hi I dont go to groups/meetings as the 2 leaders here are
1 comparitive saying the same person each week is working harder than everyone else as she losses most...We all know EVERYONE loses at different rates.
2 Boring the same stuff everyweek and I hate group work where they put you with each other s h u d d e r..........You always get a know it all and quiet one and loud one and a me who listens and thinks god I wanna leave :rolleyes:

So I think save £5.50 p week and do it at home,although many people need group help.

I expect the leader sees many people leave and join and they may seem snooty as they maybe a little nervous themself?

Good Luck you havent much to lose so 1lbs a week would be gone soon xx