Head lice!!!!

..... We then apparently brought some illegal immigrants into Australia with us, either that or she became infested with them again after we got here ...... Headlice are truly the work of the devil :8855:

Ozzmoz with all the critters you guys have over there I would have thought this was the least of your worries :eek:

Getting this thread back on track, Last year there was a plague of lice at my daughters school, we used the tea tree oil and neither of my daughters got them, but this could have just been luck.
Anyway despite regular inspections and countless leaflets sent to the parents the school just couldn't seem to get rid of them. The school then introduced a policy that every kid had to have a nylon "cape" to hang over their jackets. Anyway the lice were gone in no time, apparently the kids were simply reinfecting each other via the jackets that were hanging next to each other at school.
now I can imagine that giving just one child a cape could be stigmatising, but I think maybe taking steps to eliminate the source might help.
Good luck.