Hello new weight loss blog :D

Thanks so much Gemstone.

Yes you're right, there's been too much to think about lately that my dieting was the last thing on my mind.

It's a combination of free hotel breakfasts, having to eat out cos we couldn't cook, lots of wine to destress and of course thinking that i deserved treats! ha.

Oh well, things are getting more positive and i am feeling that way too.

Hope youre ok Gemstone, I know you have a lot going on. I shall hopefully get chance to read people's diaries after lunch :)
Hi Bon, so glad you got the flat and you get to stay in the posh one for the time being.

Good luck for the interview and as Gem said, the weight will sort itself out once the stress levels go down xx
Hello lovely.
Glad to hear that the flat situation is slowly righting itself.
Really hope that the interview goes/went well. Let us know all about it!
Don't worry about the clothes, lets face it, you've got way too much to deal with at the moment.

Best wishes lovely.
Hi Bon x
Hi Guys, Aw thanks so much for your kind words :) I really miss being on here each day and I keep wondering how you're all getting on!

Well the interview went ok :S I don't have my hopes up though as there were loads of people being interviewed after me and I was sooo nervous :S Oh well, will see, I should hear back this week about how i did.

In the mean time I am off over to the new office with work tomorrow :( boo! So lots of traveling for me, in the snow too, sigh. At least they have put me in a new department though so it's not as bad - work wise - as i was thinking.

Am starting to feel a little festive now things are getting more back to normal :) I have an advent calender ready for tomorrow! and we're going to see Harry Potter at the cinema tmw too :D yays.

Hope you're all ok and all feeling well and enjoying the snow!

I hope to have more of a proper catch up on my days off on Fridays now then, since I wont be able to check this at work anymore :( boo!

Take care everyone *hugs to you all *
Hi Bon - great to see you posting and feeling better x
Hiya Bon, hope you'll be able to let us know about the job. I too am getting into the festive season for the first time in a few years. Not only did I get chocolate advent calendars for me and OH, I also got doggy chocolate ones for the dogs!!

Hope to hear from you soon with great news xxxxx
Hey guys, I thought I would use the last couple of minutes of my lunch to quickly update you nice people, sorry i've not been on here for agggges :S I have to actually work at work now :( and we have no internet access at home at the moment unfortunatly :(

Fortunatly that means that we've now moved and are in the new flat :D it's brill, we like it more than our old flat, so perhaps we'll stay there long term. Will see. It has been a very stressful couple of months with so much to sort out and everyone we're dealing with being useless (I hate estate agents :( ) but we're finally there. Just a few more things to sort, sigh, but at least we can settle for now :)

Hope to get the internet set up in the new year.

I didn't get the job :( they said that my interview went very well but there were more experienced people there, so that was that. Oh well, it helped give me interview experience and i am still looking and applying for places.

Well, I hope you're all ok? So sorry i havent time to read diaries now :( boo! But just to let you know I am thinking of you and hoping that you're all ok.

Have a fantastic Christmas everyone :D
Hi Bon, lovely to "see" you. I'm glad things are slowly coming together for you and you like the flat. Have a lovely Christmas and New Year xx
How lovely to see your post! It sounds like the last couple of months have been pretty trying for you Bon, glad you are in a new flat that suits, hopefully life will calm down a bit! Merry Christmas!
Heya lovely!
Glad to hear about the flat, that's great news :)
Sorry about the job, but you're right, interview experience is really useful :) And I believe that all things happen for a reason, so there's obviously something better lurking around the corner!

You still wii-ing it up? Or hasn't it been replaced yet?

Best wishes :)
Hi Bon,

Just popped into see how things are with you? Hope you're fully settled in your new home now!
