HELP - My Dress Doesn't Fit!!!!

Ahh, I feel for him having his jabs, I used to hate taking my kids for theirs but they didn't bat an eyelid.

Your mum spoiling them is all the fun of being a grandma and not a mum. When my daughter has her first, I bought her some really nice stuff from Gap - my daughter couldn't believe it, she said, ' you'd never let me buy my clothes from there!' Difference is, I had to buy all her stuff, whereas for a granddaughter you just buy stuff when you want and you can spoil them.

I laughed when I read that about thinking you look cool in the slacks and t-shirt. Over here there are a lot of retired people and they wear that in the winter and exchange the slacks for an elasticated waistband skirt in the summer. I call it the expat uniform. I have had it mentioned to me a few times that if my jeans didn't trail on the floor, they wouldn't get dirty as quick. I don't think I could bear to wear jeans that are too short.

You don't wear jeans that stop just at your ankles then?............ I should hope not.

I try to not wear them too long as if they drag on the floor they do get very frayed and I do hate it if they get wet! With small heels I find I am just about OK.

I can picture the expats wearing their elasticated skirts.... they look so groovey don't they....NOT!!!

You are right about spoiling the grandkids! My mum gets them all these presents if they are good when they go shopping with her etc. I never got gifts like that. I was expected to behave when we went shopping or else........
I'm guilty of having my jeans trailing on the floor, and they are all frayed coz they are cut off not hemmed. They don't normally get wet here and if it rains I don't wear them.

Grandkids are so much nicer than your own because you can spoil them. I'm getting another grandchild in about 6 or 7 weeks - another benefit, you just get a phone call when it's over and done with telling you what it is and the weight!

Frayed jeans.... you are still a teenager at heart aren't you? The best way to be!

Another grandchild soon, great news! Makes a change to hear something good!
Partly that and partly not liking sewing them - lifes to short to hem jeans.

It will be nice to have a new baby, the other two can't wait, they're 7 and 9 so will be old enough to help out. I'll have to plan a trip back to see it (got to call it 'it' coz don't know what it is yet). I don't go back often but I'll make an exception. I could stock up at M&S while I'm there - only joking!

I can just see you walking around M & S buying up all their t-shirts with gold and silver flowers............... and your frayed jeans dragging along behind you!!!

Will you have "it" in a baby carrier like a hippy gran, or will you be leaning heavily on the pram as you push "it" along?
I loved pushing my kids in the pram. I had a proper lay flat pram in a cream leather look material. Mum and I fell in love with it when we saw it at the baby show and any marks just wiped of.

As I had a small gap between the boys I had to get a double for when I took them both out but it still had a carrycot on one side and pushchair on the other.

I bought, to have at Mum and Dads an old Silver Cross style pram which we would take to their local park and mum managed to buy the seat that sits on top so that she could manage with them both.

Got to stop this conversation as I am feeling broody and I haven't lost all this weight to put it back on. Much as I love my boys they did help me to gain a lot of weight!

I have been sorting toys etc recently as I need to get rid of them along with all the other baby stuff. Also the boys are now at an age where I do not want to do it all again.

I also said if I hadn't had anymore before 40 that would be it and that date is getting closer..... Added to that is hubby has said no more, so I guess no more babies for me.
Don't worry, you'll have grandkids to look forward to eventually.

I had one of those big prams too - mine was a mothercare one - with a pramseat on for my daughter. And the double buggy but just a normal one.

My daughter has just been to my mum's to collect the crib. It's the same crib that my 2 were in, my 2 grandaughters were in, and a few other relatives. It's been in and out of my mum's loft for nearly 30 years now.

How lovely that the crib is still being used.

I borrowed a moses basket for a few months which we had downstairs and another friend gave me a lovely wooden crib which the boys fitted in until they moved into their cot in their own room.

I need to start to get rid of everything now, as well as the cot, which cost a small fortune, because I had to have Winnie the Pooh! I just need to feel confident with putting the youngest in a mid-sleeper before the cot goes.

Grandkids..... are you trying to make me feel older today. (Read my other post!)
A grandma at 38, wow I bet you could have won all the glamorous granny contests..... Last year a friend I went to primary school with became a gran at 38 and there is me only just started out on the kids front, with my oldest being just 5!
I think the frayed jeans would bring a great edge to the contest......

I still have a long way until the dreaded teens. All those male hormones in the house, not something I even want to think about for quite some time!
I will definetly make the most of them now, but I still get the odd tantrum, well whinge really! I guess this is just a tiny taster of what we have to come...........
Maybe they're in training for being teenagers. We all have to have an odd whinge though, I'd like to say I don't but I've whinged for England last couple of weeks. Mind you there's no-one to hear it but my cat and he doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between whinging and talking so I can whinge to him all day.

We English should have whinging as an Olympic sport and we would win gold everytime. The Aussies and Kiwis call us whinging pommes and I can totally understand why. I still love a good whinge every now and then!

Yes I think the boys are in training for when they are teenangers.....
Weight loss diet - that is we have to manage our diet system accordingly, I have taken advice from my doctor regarding to plan my diet system.
Hi Novabright, again,

I have just replied to another of your posts.

What has your doctor recommended?

I gave up asking mine as she just said try this or that but nothing specific.

Now with Go Lower I know exactly what I can eat and most of what I do eat is the food that Go Lower supply.