Here I go again.....

Well done on the 2lb loss. It seems such a small loss compared to other weeks, but you need to take a look at the bigger picture - you've lost 17lbs in 3 weeks :D
Well done on the 2lb loss. It seems such a small loss compared to other weeks, but you need to take a look at the bigger picture - you've lost 17lbs in 3 weeks :D

I know I've had a work with myself!!!! Thank you x
17lb in 3 weeks is amazing!!! Well done you!
Feeling a little fed up today, feel fat (which I am) think it's pmt but craving food even when I'm not hungry, the scales even show a tiny gain (not even half a pound) but even at totm how can that be on 600 calories. I'm not giving up but oh man I'm sooooooo fed up :badmood:x
Ah Hun. I know it's frustrating. TOTM can add 2lb as you retain so much water.
The food thing - I crave food not because I'm hungry but because I have deep rooted issues with food that I'm not even sure how to tackle.
Can you distract yourself? Walk etc?
Oh and step away from the scales for a few days!! Are you drinking enough water??
The tiny gain is just temporary, it will go.

Keep guzzling the water :)
Thanks ladies! I know I didn't drink enough water yesterday so I'm trying to do better today. I need to do some exercise I do walk my dogs but need to do more but as I try I get that light headed dizzy feeling from the first few days back. Omg I'm annoying myself with my negative thoughts!!!!!! I will do this giving up is not an option x
That's the spirit!! I am forcing the water down - want a minimum of 3 litres per day plus I make all shakes with 400mls too. It will help with the headaches / dizziness. If not jump in the bath or get in bed (if you can). Tomorrow is another day!
I could fall out with myself over this today, I know its irrational as I know the diet is working but my head is all over the place. Wish I could just get weighed once a month but I know I can't! Stupid body and totm and pmt and everything lol! I'm trying to write what I'm feeling to see if this is the same next month also apart from just ranting lol x
Also I'm not even hungry only had one bar so far today but I'm dreaming of a nice Sunday roast so dreading the Easter weekend of I still feel like this x
I'm dreading it too. I'm not sure I'm ready for social situations yet and we are supposed to be going to the in laws!
Honestly those hormones have a lot to answer for! It's horrendous!
So I'm really not hungry today, just had my second pack and I'm stuffed. I've only had 400 calories and was planning an early night so don't think I can fit my 3rd pack in. I really don't know what's wrong with me today!!!!!! X
Stay away from the scales - you'll make yourself crazy :eek:

Weigh once a week at most, preferably first thing in the morning :)

.......hide the scales away the rest of the week! :D
I am driving myself bonkers Darcy! I don't know what is wrong with me lol I'm like a woman possessed looking what others have lost and thinking well I'm bigger I should be losing more. I'm going mad!!!! Hopefully it's the hormones lol x
Ok, time for tough talking :eek: ;) have lost 17 lbs in 3 weeks - what other diet would do that for you? :rolleyes:

Glory in having taken control of your weight, and the brilliant progress you have made

......and put the damn scales away!! :D
Bex!! You need an early (and chilled out night) and those scales need locking away.
I get what you mean about thinking you should see bigger losses having more to lose but everyone's bodies are different!! It will come off!! Did you take any measurements before you started?
I have taken the tough talk and put scales away! Thank you x
MrsN I didn't take measurements but I really wish I had now! X
Do it now then again in a month