Here's to getting the old me back!

Hope you get the re-assuring answer you need very soon Spangly.
Prayers for you. xxxx
Well, sorry I've been MIA for a bit. I haven't lapsed though, and today is my last day of Foundation! I did it! No lapses! Didn't even lick a spoon when cooking, lol.

Off to my Christmas party tonight. Still sticking to the programme as I think I'd find it really difficult to stop and start. I'll see if I can take a photo of my outfit later. I've got a dress and some very high heels, but was alarmed to hear the other day that most people aren't dressing up. Gah! So I've put leggings on and swapped the stilettos for some very high 'hiking' style boots from Miss Selfridge. Get me! Lol

Soooooooooo happy. Really starting to feel like 'me' again, and my GP was pleased with my progress post-scare when I saw her yesterday. I've still got to go for the tests on Monday (great start to the holidays!) but she thinks it will be reassuring news. I really hope so.
Glad to hear you're feeling upbeat and positive!
Enjoy your Xmas party. I bet you'll look stunning! :)
:0clapper:on completing foundation. Well done you. does'nt it feel fantastic.:D Have a fantastic time at your christmas party. x
Well party was ok but bit rubbish. I think I just don't like events like that very much tbh! Got some great compliments, which was fab but then quickly turned into 'let's find out all about this weird diet and rubbish it'. Sigh. Anyway. Am on my way home and am now on holiday until 29 December! Yay! Lots of time with my lovely family!!!
Woohoo! Big loss this week which makes up for milk week and the week before, when I didn't lose very much. 52lb lost so far!! Nearly 4 stone!! :)
Sorry to hear that, Mags. Do you get a break after Christmas is over? I still plan to come in for my makeover - you have been warned!!

Not sure what's got into me today but I've been really grumpy and out of sorts all day. Spent a long time at the Royal Marsden yesterday having some very unpleasant tests, and I'm still quite sore today, which doesn't help. Looks like all is fine, though, which is a relief, although I still have to go back for two follow up appointments to make absolutely sure, so it's not over yet.

Just seems that everywhere I look at the moment there are adverts for yummy Christmas food and my 'rebellious child' has gone into overdrive with 'it's not fair!' feelings. Aagh, I haven't lapsed but oh, the thoughts I've had!

I feel brilliant having lost the weight though, and being able to start creating a wardrobe of clothes that is really 'me' rather than based on making myself look least awful. But I still feel rubbish today. Sigh. Help! Also stressing about RTM and how I'm going to manage not to put it all back on again. Some of the *****ier women at my work would LOVE that, I'm sure! They were being really horrible at the party when I said that one of our male colleagues had signed up for LL and said they'd seen it all before and he'd just put it all back on again.

Very sad day today. Had to make a very difficult decision at the vet's and have said goodbye to my cat, Bramble. She's been with me since before I got married and I am going to miss her hugely.
Well, I'm not having a great week. The best I can say is that I haven't lapsed though I have been sorely tempted. What with my cat, cancer scare, my husband having major MS-related health appointments, it's all I can do to not dial for pizza and open a bottle of wine. Gah.

Feeling really rubbish. I was looking forward to my group tonight (moved because of Christmas Eve tomorrow) and then discovered it was actually last night! They must have moved it when I was at the party last week and I left my mobile in the office by mistake so if they texted me I didn't get the message. Ugh.

Trying to tell myself it may be for the best as I know everyone else in my group has already lapsed at least once and several were planning to lapse over Christmas, but I'm still disappointed to miss the group. I'm heading up there later for WI and to pick up my packs, but will miss the chat.

I know this season does tend to revolve around food and drink but I hadn't quite realised how much. It's mad. You can't escape food advertising, wherever you go or whatever you do. Aaaaaaargh!! :mad:
So sorry to hear about your cat. Pets become so much part of our lives and it is so deperately hard when we have to let them go.
Thinking of you xx
Well, Christmas has been ok... I've survived with no lapses, but it's been really difficult. Everyone eating loads of yummy things. Ugh. Today has been a very long day. Mind you, the festive season will be over soon enough and I guess everyone will be dusting off their new year's diet resolutions. Oh but it's been tough. Feel really sorry for myself today, which is mad, given that I feel physically better than in years. Harrumph, crooked thinking or some such, feeling left out somehow even though it was my choice to continue to abstain.

Notice how many of the normal irritations of being cooped up with the family i would usually suppress with over-consuming!
So what have I done? Replaced over consuming with over spending in the sales!!

I am usually so good but being a smaller size than I ever dreamed possible has gone to my head a bit. I know I should feel bad and guilty but I don't. I am just so proud of what I have achieved and how I look, finally, after years of feel fat and frumpy and ugly. I should feel bad but I feel amazing! Eek! I've lots of things coming in the post in the next few weeks and I'm so excited. Short skirts, skinny jeans, cool stuff I would never have dared wear before. I can hear you all cry 'mutton!' but I don't care!!

Someone tell me I'm not about to put all the weight straight back on again! I've just cleared my wardrobe of my bigger things and it's so empty! (Well, until the parcels start arriving lol.)
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Looking forward to seeing some pics of you wearing your lovely new clothes :)
Well done on staying abstinent during Xmas. I didn't lol
I kind of wish I hadn't decided to stay abstinent as it was so difficult and still is. Really jealous of all the yummy food and drink I've made for everyone. Actually finding myself looking forward to going back to work tomorrow as I'm sure it will be easier in the office than at home. Cooked everyone a gorgeous lunch today before the in-laws set off for home. Think I deserve a gold medal!! (modesty)

Been having an odd couple of days with a sore tummy. Not TOTM. Wondering if I've got a bug. Really sore. Then the crooked thinking starts and I find myself thinking it's hunger pangs!! Is that possible? I can't have slipped out of ketosis as I've been following the programme 100%, but its really bugging me. Might have a bath later and hopefully will feel a bit better.
Hi Spangly!

I am honestly completely in awe that you stayed abstinent over Xmas, you really do deserve a gold medal! You say that you wish you hadn't stayed abstinent, but just remember that missing out on one xmas is worth it, there will be plenty more christmases (is that a word?) to come. And you'll feel so much better next year when you are maintaing your new weight and are able to really enjoy yourself without feeling 'guilty' for lapsing on LL!

You definitely won't be out of ketosis. But not sure what could be causing the stomach ache, I started to get stomach cramps towards the end of my time on abstinence and thought it was my bodies way of saying it needed food! But hope you feel better soon. If it continues might be worth mentioning it to your LLC?

Enjoy your bath!
Thanks, Hannah.

I managed to resist having anything off-plan to eat last night, despite feeling dreadful and wondering if food would help. Had a bad night but feeling a bit better today. I decided to take the day off today (was meant to be back in the office) as I'm still quite shaky, wobbly and achey. Just glad not to have such horrible cramps today!

I've got the option of going to a group tonight. Not my usual group but an extra Christmas one as my LLC is only doing pop-ins, so her colleague has set up this extra meeting. Will be people I don't know, but I still might go to it as I think it would be good to talk about my Christmas angst!
Well the cramps came back with a vengeance a couple of hours ago. The duty doctor is available on the phone at 3:30 so I am lying in bed waiting to call. I am wondering if it could be gallstones? Agony!
Hmm. Dr was useless. Said to take some paracetamol and call back in 48 hours if the pain hasn't settled. Great!