Hey All


New Member

My name's George (short for Georgina). After my weight creeped back up to 12st after Xmas I decided it was time to change. I'm single after coming out of an almost 8 year relationship in November so I'd like to reinvent myself a bit.

I don't have a particularly bad diet, it's more the amount I eat plus I am a terrible boredom eater! I do have weakness for salt and vinegar crisps and cake though!

I toyed with the idea of Weight Watchers or Slimming World but I'm not keen on the idea of diets, I've watched too many people yo-yo diet and end up bigger than they were before they dieted. As a result I opted for Paul McKennas I Can Make You Thin and so far it's working fabulously (except for the downfall when I baked some gorgeous chocolate cookies yesterday!).

Anyway I look forward to getting to know you all!

G x