Hi everyone!

Thanks everyone. I've got some water in the freezer to mix with the strawberry shake and loads of ice. I'll try a couple of soups next time, but I like loads of salt and I know you can't have it!
I'm not too bad at work cos it's so busy I don't have time to think about it. I haven't told anyone I'm doing lt cos I know the responce I'll get so it' s hard cos people offering sweets etc! Think i'l be worse when I'm at home making dinner etc for my little boy! But hey ho, I knew it was gonna be tough do taking it one day at a time!
Just gotta think thin....:) xx
I've started today I'm feeling ok at the moment. I found the choc and strawberry shakes not to bad. I'm having chicken soup for my tea. I've got a mammoth task ahead of me I need to lose 10stone.
I have almost that to lose too hun, you aren't alone. Im really hungry at the mo regardless of how much I drink. The dog is starting to look like a rack of lamb lol x
Hey guys,
Glad everyone is doing well. Toddshar, don't look at it as a mammoth task. You have to break it into little chunks which are more manageable psychologically. Decide your milestones now and fix a non food treat that you are going to buy yourself when you get there. When you have your first weigh in, the only thing that'll be mammoth is the weight you'll have lost! Just remember to keep going 100%. Cheating defeats the purpose totally. It's all or nothing. I also bought myself a kid's reward chart for a few euro in Tesco. I have it on the wall in my bedroom and I put a sticker on it for every day of 100% lipotrimming I complete and I write my weight loss at the end of each week. It's stupid and childish but you'd be amazed how much it helps me mentally to stay 100%. Ooh and don't forget to come on here for loads of support and tips.
Good luck everyone :)
Doireann, that is a great idea!! I'm thinking of each day as a little success as it is really hard - might do a countdown chart!!