Hi i`m back again lol

Hi Barb,your baby in the pic with u looks sooo cute.
The only thing i am worry about is house training but i suppose its not much different to potty training LOL.

Will post some picks when we get her, hopefully next week.

Hows things with u Barb and how is your son.
Chat soon and take care xx
Hey Cheb, how u doing girl.I have hardly been online recently for many reasons but i am working hard at getting my head in the right place at the moment.

I am looking forward to getting this pup and especially when i have to walk it as it will be such a help for me to have some company.

Take care hun and have a good weekend, chat soon xx
Great to see you back posting Roch.

Look forward to seeing photos and hearing exploits of your pup!

And great if you come to Dublin too!
Hi Roch, Ozzie says thankyou for the compliments - although he is used to it.
We are all fine, Chris seems to be doing well, I still worry about him a lot but he is seems happy and now has a nice girlfriend so that helps. In fact he even tidied his room because she came round over Christmas and he didn't want her to see what a state it was!
Good to hear you sounding chirpier Honey, I worry about you but I think this is going to be your year!

Love Barb xx
Hey Barb, its amazing how they tidy their room at the drop of a hat when they want to, Aaron is just the same i said his room has to be spotless, as tidy as the rest of my flat if he wants the puppy and so far so good.
I am very pleased that Chris is doing good he is lucky to have such a kind caring supportive mum like u.
Take care hun xx
Today i got an email from my cousin asking me if i am coming to the family get together this May.
Every year since 1993 we have had a family get reunion and the past 7 years i have not gone.
It is a very special weekend away as my grandfather set up a family circle which is all his brothers and sisters and their children,grand children and great grand children all get together in a posh hotel for the weekend and he paid for us all, when he died 8 years ago he left shares in his company to make sure we continue to meet up for many years.

I come from a very traditional jewish family and i am the black sheep of the family big time, the only person who dated a non jew,the only person who had a child not being married and was a single parent living in a council house and def the only person ever to have a bi racial child and there is plenty more they most probabaly look down at me 4 !!

For the past 8 years i have not gone to the weekend aways as i feel shame for my family to see the way i look so i have always made excuses but that meant Aaron missed out seeing his family and that was not fair but unfortunately that still did not give me the courage to go.
The last 4 years Aaron has gone with my uncle and shared a room with my cousin who is just 3 years older than him and he has a wicked time and loves going.
Well last time i oromised him that i would go in 2007 and they weekend is usually is october around Halloween time but now they have bought the weeeknd forward to May 18/20 and i cant break my promise to Aaron i have to go.

This has worried me big time and i just sat here crying my eyes out as i am so worried about it, also i know the oast is the past and i cant change it but i hate myself for what i have done to myself and the person i have allowed myself to turn into.
When it comes to diet i never stick to one,i chop and change more times than i have hot dinners from Sw,Ww,Rc,LL,Cd and am sure plenty others but i cant think of them even having a gastric balloon inserted which was a massive waste of 5 grand.

I have wasted so much precious time that i can nevr get back and i am now 39 yrs old and super morbodly obese, a prisoner in my home and body all becuase i am a weak minded stupid lady !!!!

My gp said she would put me forward now for Wls as things are so bad for me now, but i told her i am going to try one more time, i know i have said so many times i am going to Ss or so another plan and failed at the first hurdle but i cant give up I DONT WANT 2 DIE AND IF I GAIN ANY MORE WEIGHT I WONT BE AROUND TO SEE AARON LEAVE SCHOOL !!

I am going to ss again yes i have said it many time and posted on her 2 many times that i am going to ss again and fail at the first hurdle but i cant take my life any longer at the weight.

I am going to ss with Lipotrim and i have spoken to the Pharmacy and have made an app to see him on Monday 22nd to pick up my packs.
The reason why i am not starting 2morrow is that i know i need to cut out my carbs b4 attempting to Ss and i also have to go and look for a car next week and the puppy for Aaron that it will be impossible for me as i have so much to do it will take so much out of me being out and about that i dont know if i could cope with Ssing as well,especially in the first week of Ssing when i usually feel pretty crappy.

Getting Cellulitus really scared me and has been very painfull and my sciatica bouts are becoming more and more regular like every 10 days or so and i know that if i had to call an ambulance out i would not let them carry me down the stairs and i would insist on crawling to the stairs of my flat then going down on my arse no matter how much pain i was in and i would feel so shame and that could easy happen to me at any time.
This is my last chance of trying to lose weight on my own b4 i opt for the gastric bypass where i could die on the table so i have to sucseed, i love Aaron so much i could not imagine not being there to watch him grow up and also what it would do to him if i died becuase of my own selfish reasons as i cant stop stuffing my face with food.

Sorry if this has been a morbid upsetting post but this is how i feel but i think i had to get to the lowest point in my life to realise how bad my life has become !!

It's little wonder you feel apprehensive about the family get together. Yo've got between now and May to do some SSS (serious sole sourcing) that's 5 months in which time you could lose 6 stones, or put it another way, a 'Kylie' :) Do it for you, do it for Aaron those are the only two people who are dependant upon your will-power and determination. Ease yourself in if you have to. Eat chicken with your evening shake if you have to, but all I ask is you never give up. You'll love yourself so much more if you don't. Additionally, your family's opinions and condescenion will mean a whole lot less ... hmmm ... I reckon about 6 stones less .... if you battle. The stronger you get within yourself, the more formidable your coat of armour.

"The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory"

Keep going, I, like you have started and stopped and never trully got to grips with the diet. However the kind members of Minimins have never given up on me and that has enabled me to never give up on myself.

I won't give up on you Roch. You are beautiful.

CC xxx
hey roch... just wanted to post my support to ya... you can most definitely do this girl!!!!


Gen xx
Good on you Roch for putting it in writing - not an easy task.

I can't give you much advise except this

I used to buy all the diet magazines and recently purchased a copy of "Now" magazine - the diet one of course. I was reading the bit about the celebs and their trainers and one of the quotes hit home. It was under the first one - can't remember who he was other than he was russian (i think) but his view on dieting and exercise

To follow a diet / exercise routine we need

Focus, Attention and COURAGE

That struck a cord with me. We often say we lack will-power but is this always the case. Maybe is it that our courage fails us and we need to encourage ourselves to hang in there. To stick it out a bit longer.

You had courage when you agreed to go to the family gathering in 2007. Give it a poke and rekindle it. You have the courage to look for a car and get a puppy now channel that courage into yourself.

Now for the stern bit - Banish dwelling on the negatives and embrace the positives

Remind yourself everyday that you have buckets loads of courage although some may be hidden and waiting to be released. Remember all the good things you have.

Hope it helps
Hello Beautiful Roch,
As i read your post it struck a chord you sound so like me i do not do family birthdays weddings and school open evenings i am totally ashamed to say i have not been to one for 4 years i have stopped swimming with the girls i cant do rides when the fair comes down and i feel guilty (then i eat) .

Some days i feel i will never get this sorted then i have a positive day and i am ok what we need Roch is a positive 8 mths or so !

I have tried to ss but i feel so cold and i know that for the first 2 weeks i will feel really lousy they go straight through me unfortunately without warning not good when i am at work .

I will try again soon because i know that there is a thinner healthy person inside bursting to get out we will do it Roch i know we will !
With you every step of the way hunny and i think getting a dog will be great for you they have to be walked so its hard to say no to a puppy !
Lotsa love sweetstuff hope your arm gets better soon Julie xxx
Dear Roch

What a great start - 15lbs :D Wish mine was that good :rolleyes:

That was such an honest post - thank you for sharing that with us.

You have given so many of us unconditional support during our own struggles - please accept mine as you undertake this journey.

Remember, take it a day, an hour, or even a minute at a time if that's what it takes - have courage and you WILL get there
OH HOW i CRY FOR YOU - you have so many issues going round in that head of yours especially the feelings of failure!
I failed so many times with my weight and became more reclusive each time.
This time I have learned to love myself as I slimmed down to firstly an acceptable weight and now an enviable weight [speaking from sad experience of friends who I thought would share my joy in my new found confidence and health but instead became jealous of it and me!]

I have only achieved this through my lighter life counsellor who helped me to find myself.

The reason I am stating all of this is that I feel you would benefit from the counselling?
I am sorry if you have tried this route before but I am so confident it would help you!

Love yourself Roch as you love Aaron - treat yourself like the princess that you are and release yourself back into the living world.

You will be so beautiful in 6 months time - so liberated and happy.
Good luck and be kind to yourself as only the inner you can make this happen
Hi Roch,

Wonderful excellent advice and support here and I echo it all.

I know you can do it:)

Be gentle with yourself and best of luck with your new start.

Love Mini xxx
"The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory"

Keep going, I, like you have started and stopped and never trully got to grips with the diet. However the kind members of Minimins have never given up on me and that has enabled me to never give up on myself.

I won't give up on you Roch. You are beautiful.

CC xxx

Hi CC, thanks hun for the support, i feel so alone so much of the time and when i am failing i find it very hard to get the strength and courage to come online as of course i feel like a failure and read all the other threads of peeps with more problems than i have and they still sort theor head out and get on with things and theres me just giving in and eating.
I often feel that because i dont believe in myself that no one else will believe in me so it meant so much to me read your post, thank you so much xxx
Hey Julie, how u doing hun,we both know its hard when u have missed out on so much with your kids because of our size and these times are hard to get back.

I am trying to be posiitve but sometimes it just takes something so small to just throw me off track then i hate myself for it and i know i have to work on that big time.

I know that once i get my car at least i will be mobile and not stuck in 7 days a week and i am sooo looking forward to getting the puppy.
All i can say is that i am going to try my best as i cant get any lower and i am scared to die whilst having a gastric bypass so i have to be strong and not give up no matter what.
Just droping the forst 5 stone will turn my life around so much,would be able to get a job and have a life for the first time in over 2 years, i am looking forward to that.
So girl how r u doing, u r doing Sw now ??
Chat soon and thanks hun xxx
Hi Nadine, thanks hun u always write such lovely posts.I would luv 2 be able to afford LL but i am a single parent and due to my weight i am not working so unfortunately on benefits i am not able to afford LL.

Me loving myself is very hard for me but i hope in time i will learn 2, unfortunately for some time now i have not even like myself the person i have turned in 2 i hope to change this in time.

So how r u doing girl, every time i look at you pic i am amazed how amazing u look !!
Chat soon and take care xx