Hi I'm new cant add my pic/avatar ??


Still fighting
Hiya I'm new and would like to add a avatar to my profile but when i select "user CP" and click edit avatar it won't let me uncheck the avatar box??
Can any kind soul help?
Hey tracey,
The general rule says, that u cannot add it until u reach 50 posts, but i managed to get mine after 20 lol
Keep trying every now and then, and keep posting:)
Good luck with your weight loss
Thanks guys - guess I'll have too keep posting in the meantime! Looks like a great site better than WW'ers official site as u can see who your talking too - well in theory u can after 20+ posts...lol
Welcome to Minimins. Nice to see another WWer join us.

I think this site is much more user friendly than the WW one, the main thing I hate about the forum there is that the thread order never changes, its such a faff to find out whats been added to since you last posted. I prefer the Minimins way ;)