Total Solution Hoping to be a flab free 40!

Well day 4 in the back of the net!! Wasn't a great day, felt v spaced out and although was lovely having everyone at home, really I just wanted them all to bugger off! Lol! Ended up having a late night and letting myself get hungry again - bad move, had an extra bar - knew they were evil! Ah well could've been worse I guess. No more late nights for me!
Lots of washing and sorting and homework etc to do today so busy day which I'm looking forward to :)
Hope everyone has a fab day! Been reading through lots of yesterday's posts (seeing as my youngest decided 6 was a good time for us to be up!) and you're all doing so well and sound so positive! Its great motivation :)
Have a good day SarahLou. I also had an extra sachet last night .....earlier to bed for me tonight too! I'll be at DMIL and then my mum's for the next 10 days.

Day 5 everyone, we are nearly through the first week, a very strong coffee, sweetner mixed with vanilla shake - definately an improvement! Did have to have a boiled egg last night-oops . Here's to another day! Good luck everyone x
Woop woop! Over the hump! Beginning to wish I'd got some vanilla shakes just so I could whiten coffee... Miss my creamy coffee!
Ah well having a bouillon instead :) x
Just baked some moon dough cake creations that my little girls had made... Oven was on way too high and I've overdone them - the smell is intoxicating!!! Any fear of hunger has gone right out the window! I can recommend this plan if you're struggling! Lol!
Well managed to cook a huge spaghetti bolognese this afternoon, enough for today and in the week - it looked and smelt wonderful! But not once did it cross my mind to have some so that's a big step.. Half my problem is nom nomming in the kitchen whilst cooking or preparing food. The last few days I've noticed how much my hand automatically goes to my mouth! Lol! Cooking the bolognese, it was almost like it wasn't real food, just a task I'd been set to do... Am sure not all cooking experiences will be like this but today I was thankful that it was :)
I know the feeling i did a chilli for the family, smelt devine. But self control took over- felt very proud of myself, it will be nice to get week 1 under our belts, just mixing up the drinks has made a huge difference to willpower! I am looking forward to saying i'm in week 2 !
Well done for cooking and not eating. I've done an update in my diary.
juliebags said:
I know the feeling i did a chilli for the family, smelt devine. But self control took over- felt very proud of myself, it will be nice to get week 1 under our belts, just mixing up the drinks has made a huge difference to willpower! I am looking forward to saying i'm in week 2 !

Well done! Feels good eh... ketosis really is the don! I agree with getting week 1 under our belts... Am looking forward to our first weigh in! V excited! I think we all deserve a huge pat on the back for getting through the weekend :) :) x
I am alittle worried though , as nome of my pee sticks are not showing i am in ketosis?? The only thing tp pass my lips are; shakes, bars, soups, black coffee, peppermint tea , boullion, coke zero, strawberry water, water & a boiled egg???drinking 2-3 ltr a day apart from dog walks have not done my usual exercise??
juliebags said:
I am alittle worried though , as nome of my pee sticks are not showing i am in ketosis?? The only thing tp pass my lips are; shakes, bars, soups, black coffee, peppermint tea , boullion, coke zero, strawberry water, water & a boiled egg???drinking 2-3 ltr a day apart from dog walks have not done my usual exercise??

I don't think those pee sticks always work... You sound to me like you're in ketosis... You must be if you haven't deviated!! You'd be ready to eat a scabby donkey! Lol! I haven't done any exercise either - I plan to go back to the gym when I have a bit more energy... Ooh can't stop thinking about a boiled egg now!! Hee! x
Well another lb down this morning - 8lb so far so really hoping I can make 10lb by weds!! That would make me super chuffedy and well on my way to losing what I want for the end of April :)
Still feeling good and proud of myself for getting through the weekend!
Hope everyone has a great day x
Well done Sarahlou keep it up! I'm sure you'll get your 10lb loss. I think I'll be lucky with 6 given my atrocious fails! But I'll take six and a kick up ghr backside! Roll on weds! Have a great day x
Welldone, i will be happy with anything ! But lets hope its a good one,i am quite excited about weigh in on wed, don' t think it will a huge lose as already lost 19lbs with slimming world, on my final push for my holiday !
I am alittle worried though , as nome of my pee sticks are not showing i am in ketosis?? The only thing tp pass my lips are; shakes, bars, soups, black coffee, peppermint tea , boullion, coke zero, strawberry water, water & a boiled egg???drinking 2-3 ltr a day apart from dog walks have not done my usual exercise??

Sorry to crash your diary Sarahlou, but I wanted to reply to juliebags' post.

When I was on Cambridge we were allowed coke zero and the strawberry & kiwi water but I found that it kicked me out of ketosis. Some people are very sensitive to it apparantly, especially during the first 2 weeks.

Once I was heavily into ketosis (around 3 weeks in) I found I could drink 1 can of coke zero per day and my weigh loss wouln't suffer. Anymore than 1 can though and I was kicked straight out of ketosis and started feeling hungry again.

It's possible that you are sensitive to aspartame and saccharine like I am, and if you're having a can of zero AND strawberry water AND sweetening your tea/coffee, that could be leeping you out of ketosis. Try avoiding these for a couple of days and see if ketoss kicks in.

Good luck!
Icandoit81 said:
Well done Sarahlou keep it up! I'm sure you'll get your 10lb loss. I think I'll be lucky with 6 given my atrocious fails! But I'll take six and a kick up ghr backside! Roll on weds! Have a great day x

6 lb is a good loss in my book!! Roll on WI!! Have a fab day too :) x
juliebags said:
Welldone, i will be happy with anything ! But lets hope its a good one,i am quite excited about weigh in on wed, don' t think it will a huge lose as already lost 19lbs with slimming world, on my final push for my holiday !

Wow... 19lb doing slimming world is brilliant! I could never ever achieve that... Fingers x'd you have a great loss x