Step 1 Sole Source Hungry Hippo Day 1


New Member
Day 1 of Sole Source! Started optimistically this morning but feeling a bit demotivated as day is going by and tummy rumbling. :cry:
I know the first few days are the hardest and I am hoping that things will get a little easier. I was all psyched up and raring to go and didnt even feel the hunger as it was most probably eclipsed by the euphoria! ;)

Its good to know im not alone though! Feel like im joining a mass family. The CD herd lol

im setting a goal to reach 'overweight' BMI as opposed to 'obese'. Its a smaller goal but less scary to face and easier to tackle im hoping. So im starting with 2 1/2 stone to lose. Would like to reach 12 and a half stone by April. :cross:

