I cant do this

Why wait until after the holidays Cheryl ;)
Oh Cheryl - exciting :D
Coz Mark got bored last time we were on hol and i ws pregnant, couldnt go jet skiing or go karting. We gets overly worried. Silly man. I adapt the only attitude i think a pregnant woman should "im pregnant NOT ill" but some people just want to wrap you up in cotton wool. Think its due to our 1st one but thats a whole different subject (not a miscariage). Last time i went wave hopping in the solent in a rib. Great fun. You wouldnt think i have a fear of water would you? Lol
Fear of water - and you do that lol.
Well best of luck for when you come back :D
Im crazy i know. My friend drowned in the sea with his dad and uncle when i was 15 and ive been like it since then. I cant take my feet off them bottom so cant even go swimming anymore
aww thats terrible :(how sad x
Hard on his Mum loosing her son, husband and brother all in the same accident. The weather took a change for the worst and took them all. Ive not been able to swim since. Mark has to take Oliver as I dont want him to know im afraid so i try to act normal around water but dont go in unless its waits level and my feet are firmly on the floor and i can hold on. i guess i would if i really had to.
What a cruel world we live in. xxx
wow Your'e brave then Cheryl.
Its just life hun but different things affect people in different ways

very true. My brother died 9 years ago and im a bit of a keep it in kind of a girl, whereas my mum likes to talk about it x
Oh jeez, what sad sad stories, my heart goes out to you both! :gen126:

Good on you Cheryl for not passing your understandable phobia on to your son, that's easier said then done xx
We can all dwell on the past or move on and realise that life is far too short so we should grab it with both hands and enjoy it while we can. I think if i had to i would swim but i dont need to so it still affects me but doesnt totally affect my life if that makes any sense at all. Vicky i think its nice for your mum to still talk about him, I like to talk about our daughter but mark doesnt to anyone else but me.
I agree Cheryl. we need to make the most of the time we have :)
What happened to your daughter Cheryl? Ignore me if I'm prying hun, I totally understand :wave_cry: xx
Not at all i did say i like to talk about it. I'll pm you though hun, dont want to risk upsetting people or boring them unless you all want to know
OK hun xx