I challenge everyone to think of something good ...

i love all oof my tattoos my fav is my black sabbath one i have on my back and want to show it off more (when i get to goal)

i also have a job i love and a fantastically supportive husband and 3 beautiful children,
i am a very lucky lady all told :)
I am a great singer not my career (only in my dreams) too old now. With a bunch of friends our band "shake the bucket" (check us out on youtube) have raised 40k for local schools and charities around Chippenham Wiltshire. This makes me feel good and is nothing to do with dieting apart from I like to look good on stage.

I have a loving supportive husband in a solid marriage for 28 years 2 lovely kids (20 & 24) who are lucky enough to both be working.

there is lots to be grateful for in my life, just wish there was less of me to celebrate :)
Something good about me - I always give out compliments if I see something I like - giving someone a (true) compliment brightens up their day x
Something good about me .............I have a lovely hubby and a bright loving daughter. I'm a loyal friend who always puts everyone else first (not always a good thing, but that's just the way I am :eek: ) x
After 2 long years of greiving my moms death and the aftermath of PTSD, as it was a very traumatic passing- and on top of so many other stress factors as a result, I am finally coming out the other side. I have been afraid to say this out loud for fear of jinxing it, but I am starting to believe. ANd that is a good good thing. :)
im a good wife and im going to be a sexy curvy stud muffin at the end of my journey ;)
I'm a gentle person with lots of patience :)
I'm a good cook, I speak three foreign languages fluently, I have beautiful green eyes, and I'm good at listening to people.
Something good about me .. Well i have a great husband and a beautiful little boy <3 Im a very good friend whos always here to listen an give advice to everyone. An i bought a house for my sister to live in when she had nowhere to go. (not something most family & friends know)
A good thing about me is that I smile all the time! :D
I'm always there for a mate.
I'm motivated and loving :)
im the best mum i could ever be to my son :)