I DID IT!!!! I AM AT TARGET!!!!! With before & after pics now

Well done, good luck with maintanence!
Well done, that is a fantastic achievement and very inspiring to the rest of us! xx
Congratulations on reaching your target AND getting woman of the year vote from your group! Are you still floating on that cloud?! x
ooooo im so excited for you! congrats on the district finals.. i hope you get to go to HQ, and im sure you'l get far.. your an inspriation.

Isnt getting to target the most wonderful and odd feeling!? lol

xxxxxx congrats xxxxxx
Thank you everyone for all your congratulations - makes it all worthwhile & I have just been out a treated myself to a pair of pants that actually fit! I have gone from an 18 to a size 10, along with everything else that has happened I feel like shouting it from the rooftops!

I have also attached a before & after photo too.


  • Before.jpg
    508.6 KB · Views: 187
  • After.jpg
    236.9 KB · Views: 179
well done you look great
wow congrats you look great in ur new pic!

Julie you look AMAZING!!!! Well done... you really are an inspiration! xXx
OMG you look amazing! AND I hope you don't mind me saying, so very very much younger too!!
Wow!!!! Huge difference. You look totally different and I agree with the others a lot younger!!

wow - you look teeny, well done x