I started today

Hi ladies ,,,, sorry for not getting back to you :( I am doing well but I am having a heavy headace :( I didn't go to work. I had a session with my PT and I looked so tired. I didn't liked the teast of some of the food but there is no option, I have to get use to it.Thank you so much for asking. It means alot :)
Sorry you're not feeling too good sweeti ...... surprised you're not liking the food. I know people have odd ones they're not too keen on but on the whole people seem to like them - I know I did too.

I think DC will take back and exchange things you don't like - why don't you give them a ring??

Hope you feel better soon. xx

Thanks for your kind words Laura .... I can't say anyone's noticed yet except for DH but he almost doesn't count (in the nicest possible way ;)) because he knows what his life would be like if he didn't comment - whether he's really noticed anything or not!! :)

In some ways probably my own fault. I disguise myself quite well and tend to wear clothes that expand and contract with me. I need to wear more tailored, fitted stuff. I have got a couple of things that fit the bill - I may venture into them soon.

The brown trousers which were my first 'goal' are actually quite loose now .... I must get the purple ones out and try them on!! xx
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Sorry you're not feeling too good sweeti ...... surprised you're not liking the food. I know people have odd ones they're not too keen on but on the whole people seem to like them - I know I did too.

I think DC will take back and exchange things you don't like - why don't you give them a ring??

Hope you feel better soon. xx

Thanks for your kind words Laura .... I can't say anyone's noticed yet except for DH but he almost doesn't count (in the nicest possible way ;)) because he knows what his life would be like if he didn't comment - whether he's really noticed anything or not!! :)

In some ways probably my own fault. I disguise myself quite well and tend to wear clothes that expand and contract with me. I need to wear more tailored, fitted stuff. I have got a couple of things that fit the bill - I may venture into them soon.

The brown trousers which were my first 'goal' are actually quite loose now .... I must get the purple ones out and try them on!! xx

So skinny minny you r going for the purple trousers now, you will get there in no time. I agree you must wear more fitted clothes you have your figure back show it off......
Ah :( Sorry the food isn't to your taste - maybe your tastebuds will adjust, but if you really dislike something you can swap.

Otherwise, how you doing?
hi darling ,

I loved the Original Granola,Chocolate Granola and Treacle & Pecan Granola but they are very low in calories so I eat them with Low fat yougert as well as the two kind of biscuts.

I hated the Chicken,Thyme Soup and the Beef Casserole & the fruit bars. Tomato and Vegetable Pasta was okay.

I called them yesterday and I asked if I can swap?, they said it should be okay. so, I want try everything before making my decision. Do you think I will be okay??

By the way, I didn't had any 100% day yet :(

Sweeti, don't worry about being absolutely 100%. I mean, that sounds bad but count your calories and make sure you're in deficit every day. Everyone's needs are different so I think that the one size fits all approach doesn't necessarily work well. I found a website that works out precisely how many calories you need every day to lose 2lb a week, they base it on your height, age, weight and activity levels. It's Weight Loss Resources if you're interested.

Also, with me it took about a week to really get into the right mindset with this diet. So just give it time, take it day by day and do your best! :D What finally clicked with me was when I thought, "Today is the day I start. Time will pass anyway, and I can choose to do what I want with that time: make choices that will lead to weight gain, or make choices that will lead me to a happier and healthier body. But the time to make those choices is NOW, not tomorrow or next week."

Well done for sticking at it and keep trying those different packs, they really do all taste completely different so it's worth trying as many as you can to see which you like and don't like.
thanks purpleButterfly I am really motivated now :)
So skinny minny you r going for the purple trousers now, you will get there in no time. I agree you must wear more fitted clothes you have your figure back show it off......

Hmmmmm - not sure about the figure thing but that's probably a matter of opinion!

One of my sons actually noticed today - couldn't bring himself to pay any sort of a compliment of course but he asked me how much I'd lost. I'm about to upload a photo actually because I did feel as though I looked 'ok' today - bit to go yet - but better. I'm also liking the fact that the brown trousers are looking a bit loose ;) xx
Hiiiiiiiiiiii CarolineM :D:D:D

sorry for not getting back earlier:( I am so busy with work today:(

today is my day 5 and I will go out but i will stick to salads and chicken brest. :)

I have not cheated at all (anly today). I don't fill like cheating either.

I hope I will lose at lease 1 kg this week. I am getting use to it. I don't fill hungry or sick anymore :)
Have you been measuring the inches Jan?


EEEEEEE perish the thought - don't 'do' tape measures - just trying on clothes and that only when I'm fairly confident I'll at least be able to get them somewhere near fastening!! x
I love all the food !! But then I just LOVE food !! I wouldn't say I have had my best week (as in 100%) but getting back on track each day ! I think !!! I have had wine tonight and last night but I have had a particulary difficult week at work (understatement !)
OOOO Laura - only 27 days till your fantastic trip!!!! OOOOO!!!!!
I know !!! We are all so excited and it almost seems 'heaven sent' as one of my colleagues suggested this week - I have had a particularily gruelling few weeks at work and mother in law will be discharged home to us tomorrow (not well or mobile enough to go home)....