Stabilization I think that is it for me :-)

Enjoy your Gala meal! :eat:
Hope it stays dry for your picnic.
Dear me it was wet! Luckily took a gazebo and amazing the British spirit when faced with rain and a field of inappropriate cows.

I ate my gala meal and enjoyed it. I was still careful with portion size and didn't just eat everything we brought because I could. Decided not to have a glass of wine, perhaps next time. All's good then eh? Well, came home late, no one really hungry so, yep I snacked on some of the remaining food for dinner.:eek: I ate it guiltily knowing I shouldn't but really couldn't be bothered to make anything else and it called to me. Needless to say my stomach ached and I didn't sleep very well. I am pleased that I didn't eat loads but my gala meal did turn into a gala day.

My PP day is supposed to be Tuesday but I am doing it today as I feel the need for my body to be clean again!
I was still careful with portion size and didn't just eat everything we brought because I could.

I think this is so important to be able to stick to. I definitely had a little difficulty in not taking too much advantage, and it will hold you in good stead if you can keep control like that! I think the PP day after the gala is a good system, too.

Well done!
Feeling a bit better now, tummy wise. The cramps were enough to put you off :-( Just noticed that hubby has left the cake here. Honestly he can take my last bit of Dukan food but not the cake! Men. Feeling grumpy so I am assuming totm is coming! That and being messed around with yet another house.
Yep TOTM. Grumpy old trout at the moment and feel so tired (probably lack of chocolate :p). Weight seems stable, have lost an additional pould but will keep my official weigh in's being Thursday. Still haven't found a use for the extra starchy portion yet, perhaps tomorrow. I am missing out the bread part as my body is really not liking it at all :( I am wondering if I should add something in its place but cannot be bothered at the moment. I am so enjoying being able to eat veggies every day, that seems like a treat - lol
When I was on conso (waving sadly in the distance) I didn't much care for the idea of adding in rice or pasta as I would very rarely have it anyway. I added pinto beans as a starch portion, which was great... as it still just seemed like a vegetable.

I didn't add the bread portion in either but I exchanged it for a wholemeal tortilla, which was a good swap!

Just a couple of ideas :)
That's a really good idea. Chilli with kidney beans with cheese on the top :) Can taste it now. I think I may still struggle with the wholewheat tortilla but I could try a plain white flour one. Appreciated as I have definately lost my way at the moment and don't really want to go away from Dukan foods and had to force myself to have some vegetables today. I am hoping tomorrow will be better.
Poppy, this month will be your first TOM on Conso so I think by next month you'll know your trigger, etc and will deal with it better. Look, you've still been good, although perhaps not eating enough but I am sure a Conso expert can help as it is still a distant dream for me!
I usually get extremely tired 2 days before my period starts. I know it's not in my head as last month I was 4 days early but I was still tired 2 days before, although I was unaware of the reason at the time.
It's rotten isn't it the way our bodies deal with these hormones. My TOTM has changed alot recently because, I assume, my body finally getting the right amount of thyroid hormone and I was very low iron so on iron supplements. Before I had my little one I was so regular you could set a watch to it but now I have not got a clue until it is here, apart from the tiredness and the cravings (yesterday). Can't understand my unwillingness to eat though as that is really strange for me. Perhaps I have a virus on top of it all. I am having a lot of stress though as we have found a house but it is, of course, just not that easy. Now going to final offers because it is a repo and we know that someone could just come in and snatch it away, which happened to us at the end of last year. So perhaps all the stress is having an effect too :-(
Hi Poppy, just been catching up as I havent been on here in a while. Hows things going now? have you had any luck with buying the house you like? x
Hi Emma. How are you? How is the dating going? Do give details as I am an old married woman so no romance!:sigh:

The house is a repo so even if they accept our full and final offer it goes onto the internet and anyone can take it before exchange. Not a comfortable place to be. We shall know if we have been sucessful tomorrow and take it from there. Unfortunately we were gazumped two weeks before we were due to move last year so feel very wary of estate agents and the like. There was some seriously dodgy dealing with the estate agent which is being investigated by the Ombudsman at the moment.

Diet wise I am struggling a bit. I really not keen to eat outside of cruise other than the cheese (OMG soooo goood). I have lost an additional lb and I am at that bloat time of the month so concerned I might have lost a bit more. Not my intention as I am happy with my weight now. I think I am going to have to try a bit harder. I shall have my extra starch portion tonight and have spaghetti bolognaise with parmesan cheese on top (pretty much a gala meal there) but because I always have my galette at night with my dinner I totally forgot to have it at another time so now need to fit in my oat bran which will probably have to be put in yoghurt instead. God I am grumpy still :(
Had pasta last night, couldn't eat the whole portion recommended but did my best. Today is my official weigh in and I have lost an additional half a pound since starting conso. My little friend arrived yesterday so I am hoping I will start to feel better as well. Going to try to be more organised with my meal plans this week, a more back to normal feel. Well that's the plan anyway :)
Well done on the half pound, esp as you are in conso.
Do you feel like you are not on a diet so much in Conso?
How did your PP day go?
Loved my PP day! Trouble is that feels normal now and I like the way my body feels, like it is clean again. I am having a bit of trouble fitting the extra food into conso, which sounds ridiculous even as I type it. I need to get more organised about menus now as before I was quite contented eating my Dukan food. I do wonder if my totm has affected my mood so I am hoping things will get better this week. I will say though, I am loving the cheese!

I have 7 weeks in conso and I have done one already and the weight stayed off. Dukan knows his stuff that's for sure.
That should read 10 weeks in conso and done 1! Brain gone along with the weight :)

Have had a cheese salad today for lunch, very nice. Trying to up my eating a bit. Off to London this weekend for shopping and fun with the oldest and some lovely new clothes. Have decided to relax a little for the Sunday and not worry too much about how the gala meal fits in. As long as I am careful with portion size and not crazy then it should be ok.
Oh what fun Poppy. I want to go to London! I have always wanted to go to London! Most people dream of Paris and the Islands but as a kid - London it was. For some weird strange reason it feels like it would naturally be home to me. Perhaps because that is where my father and the otter boys of his village walked to during the war to save the family names from Hitler's and Stalin's reign. They were 6 - 10 years old. England welcomed them and that is what they called home. My uncle graduated from Medical School there and my dad began sailing the seven seas. I come from a long line of sailors on both sides.
Actually - I have a sister someplace in England. I have an old photo of her and that is all. She came along in my father's early years. There was no marriage that I know of and I have always wanted her to know that he loved her and has now passed on. I would very much like to meet her. But, I would need to remember her name.
My Aunt Dorothy is from Wales and was a model and actress back in the day. Unfortunately, her name last name was Trallop. LMAO.
She is the first Dorothy Meindok. I am the second. Actually, she is the second and I am the third. Apparently there was a another in England in WWI according to a newspaper article. What a small world.
Well, just wanted to say hello and catch up on your posts.
Have a lovely day!
Oh, what is quark? It appears everyone loves it there. I am also jealous of all the smoked fishes you have readily available.
Hugs! Didi
How was your trip Poppy?
Hope you've had a lovely time.
Red :heartpump: xx

(a lot of "regulars" seem to be AWOL at the mo) :(
Good morning. Shopping was great! I went in loads of shops, tried on more dresses, skirts, trousers and tops than I could have ever imagined and bought a stack too! One was on sale for a tenner so needless to say that is the price I keep mentioning to hubby - lol. My daughter is so great at picking out clothes. I would say, I don't think that will fit or not sure, she just took it into the changing room anyway. Yes she was right. One dress I got for a wedding that I need to look killer for (long, long story) is amazing. I put it on and actually had to walk out of the cubicle to get a better view, I feel like a million dollars in it. All this from a woman who hates to shop, hates to try on clothes and generally never buys anything but she gets too distressed. I love Dr D.

She was telling me you need to tuck in that top, I never tuck in tops as I like things to be covered up, but boy was she right. I even needed a pair of size 8 trousers and the 10's were too big!! Now I know they have definately made sizes bigger as I was a size 10 when I weighed 7st 10lbs! But hey, its a tight size 8 so who cares right!!!

Didi, London was fun. It is amazing how many American's I came across in my travels around. Chatting to one guy on the tube and he is from Queens and when he got off he said 'have a nice day'. Made me smile. In the USA everyone it seems has a link to the UK in some way. One big melting pot. I had to laugh at your aunties name, very unfortunate. It took me many years to not laugh when someone introduced themselves with 'Hi I'm Randy'. Even now I get a childish grin!

Well I had my gala meal yesterday. I had only a main meal, a roast, and a small glass of wine. No starter and no dessert, just didn't feel I could fit it in. I had a chicken caesar salad for lunch which apart from the dressing fitted within the conso mostly. I had a few crutons as my 'bread' and the cheese was part of my cheese portion and I used the dressing (which was already spread on) a the fat of the cheese portion. Only naughty thing I did was eat a wagon wheel type thing once we got home. It was sat there, calling me and I ate it!

So today back to conso and my PP day is tomorrow. I feel good about the eating and I feel really good about my new wardrobe. Got girly time with my oldest daughter, a good day all around.