I WILL get to a size 8!

Mmmm as long as I don't sabotage myself lol! I'm good at that :s ha
Awww no but you are so close! Are you still having good losses though now there's not much to go? Xxx

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Mmmm my last one was 3lbs but generally about 2lb not bad :) I'm just awful at being all excited about being almost there and. So. Allow myself a little treat grrr lol
That's def not bad seeing as there's not much left to go! Lol I can see why you'd give yourself that treat though. Xxx

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Yea it's good! Only 8lb left but I'm going to start refeeding a week Saturday no matter what otherwise I know ill start getting complacent and eat things I shouldn't and not refeed properly and put it all back on!! So I recon another 5lb by then and the last 3 should come off in the refeed! :)
Seeeeeee!!! Sabotage!! Grrrrr how can I be fine 100% and happy untill 6pm then ruin it even when I'm not feeling hungry?!?!?!
Draw a line and carry on, you can refeed so soon hun, just **** down the days

Maybe invease calories for you last week?? 800 cals or 700?

Chin up hun, you have done amazing Xx
Im ok and I did have things that weren't too bad eg prawn salad and oatcakes but a few buttons did sneak in! Oh well today is another day!! :)