Step 1 Sole Source I will not be 'the fat daughter from the UK' this time (and all her CD buddies!!)

Oh well done linz!!! xx
Well done Linz!! Fantastic weight loss!! You must be so pleased

i ended up having just 2 slices of brown bread and lots of water. Hopefully wake up a little better tomorrow!! I hate anything coming up that makes me mess up plan.

It's so weird what you go for when your having a weak moment isn't it. I have been craving carbs so badly.

Night girls, can't keep my eyes open any longer! Xx
come on guys don't let me down I am feeling rubbish this cough and cold is crap and i am only day 2 of SS so I am starving and onl able to take paracetomol. I havve drank somewhere between 3-4 litres of water 3 cups of green tea and 1 coffee on the plus side have 1 pack left to have.

I must keep focused as OH will not be happy if i spend all this money again and then fail.

Bed for me soon I think
You will not fail spinky! We may have the odd slip but the HUGE difference is it doesnt continue into anywhere near the binges we must all be prone to and we get right back on it!

I have just fake tanned as that always makes you feel better and now glugging on water wearing my pjs, i think i'll get into bed now cos there aint much else to and im reading a good book xx
Hi y'all, and welcome mrsspinky (I liked the thought of you being called mrsspunky, btw!)

Well done everyone, you all sound totally committed. I'm sticking with this thread because some of the others have got some shocking whiners on them! Who thought it was going to be easy, doing this? Not me, not you, so why did they??

I haven't 'eaten' since 2.45pm so must go and have my dinner but just wanted to say hi. Glad you like my 'x pounds lost' chalkboard, Puds, it cheers me up every time I go to the fridge to get milk out for my tea. I feel so lightheaded today, I feel like I must have dropped a stone overnight - if only! Looking forward to changing 8lb lost to 16!

Well, catch you later.... Me
Oh and day 2 was tge absolute worst for me and have been feeling fine ever since, well apart from the occasional hunger pangs of course ;-) xx
This being my 4th attempt at a VLCD I can say from experience that as soon as let one item of food pass my lips I will start to fail so I have to stay 100% SS. 1st time on LL i lost 51/2 stone in just under 4month and I did not deviate from SS for the whole time however attempt 2 and 3 i nibbled on non carb items as even hough I lost I found I was nowhere as near as committed so for me I have to stay 100% SS to keep me on track, my only worry is my foot surgery in 2 weeks which may need me to break from SS for a few days but will have to come across that bridge if it comes to it.
Morning lovely ladies good start so far woke up not feeling hungrey but that only lasted about 30 mins so I am now downing water. For some reason green tea has become my friend not sure if it is because of my cold or just something that is warm. This week I only chose shakes and before I have not really liked the soups but this is the first time I have done this going into winter so may give them ago again next week.

Well hopefully everyone is feeling better as it is a new day so a new start - Goodluck :)
Well said puds, I ate the biscuit but I did not eat the pie and chips on offer, nor did I touch a drop of the wine!!! The old me would have said 'well its ruined now' and eaten everything in sight after the cookie. I am not worried, putting it behind me and moving on, remembering why I am doing this and that I am only human, not beating myself up over it.

Exactly, I was thinking this morning that thats got to be the biggest learning curve for me definitely - knowing when to stop and that I CAN stop.

Morning everyone, yep I'm peckish too and there's the most giant cupcakes in the office kitchen from someones birthday...! I've woke up with a bit of a sore throat and headache today, I know I drank no where near enough yesterday so its probably that so I'll be off to fill my water bottle in a sec. I think today is going to be tough. I'm just too impatient. I keep telling myself I will do it, this is only short term and I need to be good until 3rd November when I'm out for lunch and at a party!

Right must crack on xx
Good morning girls.

so woke up and my body resembles a 90 year olds!! Just managed to crawl to the sofa from bed, luckily my mummy lives next door to me so just had a cuddle! Haha. She just made me half mint hot choc to try to get some energy in me. I going to try to just do this shake, a soup and my dinner later. I really don't want to ruin my hard work.

puds you saying you want it to happen quickly. The last 2 weeks for me have flown by, I think it gets quicker, next week you might be at a stone already! By November 3rd you could be nearly 2 stone gone!! And that's not time at all away :)xxx
Morning girls sorry some of you are poorly :-(, I'm feeling the great I've lost 9 3/4 inches since I started measuring myself last week and its been great its kept me off the scales and its kept me motivated. I'm a restarter and yes the diets hard but we have to make it fit for us, somedays we have bad days other days its easy but at the end of the day we are making them steps to healthier people. :) is it worth it hell yes! A stone a month is great could be more could be less buy by December all of us will be less of what we are now :) x keep going x
Quick question - I notice someone mentioned occasional hunger pangs - I'm hungry ALL THE TIME!!! Is that normal? Surely not. I must have been overeating for years!

Just saying...

I find the hunger reduces after 5-7 days on 100% SS and if you stay 100% SS after 6 weeks I did not even want my shakes, if you are properly in Ketosis then the hunger should be gone or minimal. I am day 3 and I know today is my worst day from tomorrow will start feeling better
Curly are drinking lots? This is weird for me as I haven't felt hungry from day 1, but I think it was more or a physiological thing, I didn't allow myself to think I was hungry. But I do split all my shakes/soups over 2, so I eat more times in a day, every 2 hours. Really helps me get through the day. I'm on day 15 and now I struggle to eat all my pr
Only very occasional actual hunger pangs for me now, most of the time it is purely habit, I'm wanting food but I'm not needing food an that's going to be another big lesson to learn. There's definitely up days and down days, I'm not quite sure what today is going to turn out to be yet. I've just walked out the kitchen after staring at the cakes but I didn't do it!

I'm struggling focus-wise today if that makes sense. Can't seem to concentrate or really get into the swing of my work tasks today, feel a tad spaced out. I've got bootcamp tonight and really looking forward to that - oh that's something I normally think 'I'm going to bootcamp tonight so one of these GIANT cupcakes will be fine cos I'll be working it off' how many excuses do we think up for ourselves!
I've made enough excuses and my crash bang moment came when I sobbed on my husband about my weight and how it was making me feel and that's when it came! The only person that can help me is me! Enough crying and running to the choc bars they aren't helping get up and make a stand and it's working so far I'm the most motivated I've been in a long time because I've changed habits, I used to be hopping on the scales daily and it started to get where if I hadn't lost or it said I gained I was stricken for a bad cheat day and I realised then that the scales had to go! I measure daily instead and it's keeping me going and I have a goal in mind but also if ideal good in my clothes size I don't care much what the scales say if you see what I mean. I've done 30 mins of Pilates since day 2 of my restart and I don't miss a day even if I think can't be bothered no I'm doing it because I'm changing me and who i am so that I can feel good and start a family on feeling good terms :). Sorry for the long post I suddenly started rambling and couldn't stop :) x
Lol, rambling and not stopping - well that's a habit we shouldn't change!

Totally know what you mean, slave to the scales. Hopped on every single time I'd had a wee. Now that I've put my scales away and only my CDC is weighing me I feel a bit better if thats the right word. Definitely more motivated. I do try my ribbon each morning though but I might stop that after already losing two inches off my waist, the loss wont be quite so great now I dont reckon!

Just had my first tetra of the day, seems I can go quite long in the mornings without one which is good as I can then stretch it to having two after work in the evenings.

Just been chatting to a colleague who saw my shake, she's thinking of doing it and her mum has the same CDC as me! I like doing it alone though I think, when I'm dieting with a friend we're a bad influence on each other rather than motivational!

As you can see I'm still struggling to get involved in work!
Why haven't I got a ribbon??! So not fair!

Good on you for not giving in to the biscuits! At work I've got half a large catering box of Fry's Chocolate Cream bars with my name on them, and I'm determined to resist. They're in the freezer. I see them every time I get ice for the bar. *sigh*

I too have tried to ditch the scales, (A) because they read out so differently to my CDC's scales, and (B) because I think a week is a good long gap - I'm on 810 kcals, MUST have lost weight in a week, surely! My usual clothes feel looser but the real test will be when I start trying on things I used to wear. Don't want to do that too early or I'll feel discouraged if they're still tight.

Right must go to work. Catch ya laterz...........
I am also having my first pack of the day which is a frozen choc tetra and it is taking me ages to eat.

The first time I did this I also did it with a friend but she had alot less then me to loose an once she hit target she was nt very supportive kept saying things like how can you still stand those packs etc etc hence we are no longer friends since then I have done it on my own this time noone knows I am doing it I work form home so easy to hide.

Pudding KC I see you are in hampshire where abouts you CDC sounds very good. I too have no ribbon i weighed myself this morning and it shows 2lb loss but not going to bother again until the day of my weigh so i can compare scales difference.

good chatting ladies
