IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Am sure you'll get to ketosis faster on the extra bran than those eating gojis and mullers.
How many days are you doing?

I'll be today and tomorrow - then work meal day - then 3 further days pp I think before alternating.
I'm going for three Attack, then PV on Thursday, PP Friday etc straight back onto my previous rhythm (which gives me PP Sundays which "had" solved my Sunday issues!).
(even when I get my big stick out?)
Mowning Jo, any signs of dukan flu?
I'm feeling better than I thought I would, but had forgotten how many trips to the loo attack requires.
Hello there Jaq - I'm (usually) lucky and don't suffer at all with the 'flu and usually go into ketosis quickly too. Am feeling A-OK. No surge of energy yet, but no hunger either, so that's good. (Mind you, that could be due to my having eaten enough in four days to keep a normal person satisfied for a year!).

The only problem I'm having is with clothes... I cleared out all "big" clothes way back and thought I had enough "give" in my current ones to give me the leeway required for those "back from holiday" moments. Alas not. I am really struggling to find anything to wear... which is great motivation to get this weight off PRONTO!

How are things with you?
I'm okay, feeling more energy than expected given my mornings are starting 30mins earlier.

Hope you fit into your clothes a bit better shortly.
Why earlier morning? I could have stayed in bed an extra 30 mins had I known it was raining when I woke so no walk!
Oh I see - sorry I hadn't realised. :D
Hi Jo,

sorry for the delay I'm still a bit busy with end-of-year stuff...

Glad you at least enjoyed your weekend and good to see you're already back on track. I suppose short episodes off-plan are 'acceptable' (in the very very loose sense), if they are what keep you roughly where you are now (and not at 80kg+). Still yoyoing I'm afraid but in the small scale is preferable? You have clearly learnt to at least reign in after a few (enjoyable....) days! Be very careful with longer holidays though!

Anyway you know what you're doing! Now when you say 'back on attack' is that not the same as '3 PPs in a row' esp is you stick with the oatbran quantities? I'm just wondering because really I can't see the difference now (except unlimited dairy). And I believe it was you who told us not to do it over and over again.

Ah and the clothes - stick it out, perfect motivation (which I know you are never short of anyway)
End of year stuff in July? (I know, I know!!!)... just that my officemate is already looking at Christmas catalogues for the office kiddie party!!

Of course I tell other people not to repeat attack and that they must make the first time their last... ;) That's how it should be done and how much easier is it the first time?!!

I'm however "un cas", as they say in French. Yes I'm back on track, but I really did gain a humungous amount, and seem to have developed rugby(wo)man shoulders! I've not weighed in, but I'd guess at 7K+...

I've no excuse.
I guess I haven't been in your diary for a while now Jo (mine has died a death so I am behind on keeping up here!)

But here I am thinking of extending my two PP days into 5/5, which, like Anja says, is essentially restarting the attack phase... I only had one enforced day of relaxation but I don't like the feel since, at all.

Morning Jo - hope you are well this morning. I was wondering how you are fixed for lunch or coffee on Tuesday (prior to our Wednesday !) If you are free could you pencil me in as I think I am coming into town by myself that day.
Lunch in a Dukan OK place I know near here would be lovely Mouse... :D

BE - five days' PP after one day's relaxation sounds a bit extreme. I have read of the problems you've been having consolidating/stabilising your weight loss and I know we disagree on the reasons so I avoid pestering you by repeating it in your thread! But in mine I can ) I really do think that you're aiming for too low a weight. OK with Dukan we can reach ANY weight we choose in Cruise - I got to 63K the first time - but as soon as I inhaled "normal food" again, up up up it went... then I lost the plot. Have you managed to do Conso at all, since your holiday?

Day 3 and I am VERY happy today... ketogenic manic euphoria (come out of hiding Sarah!!) or just relieved at having found something almost "my size" to wear to work this morning? Bit of both methinks!
Great news on your good mood Jo, whatever the reason. Well done getting back on track... have you worked out a long term plan yet?
Long term????? aaaaah! I think this is probably realistically the best I can hope for, don't you? Rather than setting myself up for failure over and again, best we all accept that I'll diet most of the remainder of my life to compensate for the days when I ingest nonstop.

I've tried the "other way" and I just can't do it! Normality and me are never going to be friends - not while I so enjoy overeating still. Sad but true but I'm being honest at least with you all, and myself too.
dont worry i will join you on that treadmill