If You Are Doing Lipotrim Please Post Here And Tell Your Story!

Hi all,
I'm starting Lipotrim again today after about 6 months of trying to start and failing!...I lost 3 stone on LT in 2006 and so I know it can be done but even though I have the biggest motivation to lose the weight (I'm getting married in August) I have just had such dreadful willpower!!!...Found this site the other night and think this may be the extra support I need, reading all the success stories has inspired me to lose, lose, lose!!!...2 shakes down on my first day!!......fingers crossed, fridge closed and mouth wired!! ....
Hi all,
I'm starting Lipotrim again today after about 6 months of trying to start and failing!...I lost 3 stone on LT in 2006 and so I know it can be done but even though I have the biggest motivation to lose the weight (I'm getting married in August) I have just had such dreadful willpower!!!...Found this site the other night and think this may be the extra support I need, reading all the success stories has inspired me to lose, lose, lose!!!...2 shakes down on my first day!!......fingers crossed, fridge closed and mouth wired!! ....

Moomin - well please stay around. I'm getting hunger pangs at the moment and feeling weak but trying to focus on the weightloss. I'm drinking so much water but its just not filling the gap. I'm going to try and make a chocolate mousse tonight so I feel like I am at least eating. I have tried a soup which was grim and have swapped for shakes. I may just go home to bed so I don't eat
Hi I started lipotrim last monday for the first 3 days I was on the female shakes with nothing but water, by day 3 I had cheated :( By Thursday I decided I was still very serious about losing weight that I was going to try LT a different way. I started having 2 maintenance shakes throughout the day and one small meal in the evening. This has worked wonders! Instead of feeling deprived all day I look forward to my meal in the evening. It was my first weigh-in last night and I lost 7lbs I was delighted! I am going to keep this up I realise i am losing at amuch slower rate than i would have done on strict LT but it is working out ok for me!Is there anybody else on here doing anything similar? ;)
Hi my name is michelle, just started lipotrim today. I have been avoiding stepping on the scales since christmas. Had my first consultation and weigh in today and to my horror 83.10 kgs (13 stone), lost 1 1/2 stone last year during weight watchers but it all slowly crept back. I need a big jump start to get me movitated. I hope to get down to about 11 stone. I am really determined, getting married in just over a year and hope this weight loss effort will have long term effects. My details are as follows;
Current Weight: 13 stone
Height: 5ft 6"
Goal Weight: 11 stone
Best of luck to all.....looking forward to a newer thinner me.

Good luck michelle - I think a wedding is the best incentive ever! The first few days are definitely the hardest but it does get so much easier. I used to eat eat eat all day now I am down to 2 shakes and one small meal in the evening, it is really working! Good luck :)
Thank you bitbot for the message... on day two and like you drinking lots of water but am fighting the hunger....food is suddenly everywhere!!...still, on a positive note, I got on the scales today and before they yelled at me to "get off" I saw that I've lost 2lb inmy first day which has left me in a hopeful and determined mood....I do not need food, I do not need food, I do not need food, I do not need food!!...
How are you feeling today?
Thank you bitbot for the message... on day two and like you drinking lots of water but am fighting the hunger....food is suddenly everywhere!!...still, on a positive note, I got on the scales today and before they yelled at me to "get off" I saw that I've lost 2lb inmy first day which has left me in a hopeful and determined mood....I do not need food, I do not need food, I do not need food, I do not need food!!...
How are you feeling today?

Having a manic day in work so not actually having time to breathe let alone think about food. Just been offered some food by my boss so I could eat on the go but managed to resist...well know burger chain!
Last night I was feeling weak...about to give in so tidied the house to keep me busy. I'm getting married next year and want to get down and maintain my weight. What day is your weigh in Moomin?
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Lipotrim Success

Hi all,

Just started liptotrim again after a 2 year break.

The 1st time was very successfull! I lost 5 stone in 11 weeks!

Since doing it 2 years ago I had a baby and put on 2 stone :( so trying to lose "the baby" weight & get out of the bad eating habits I have started!

Now I know I probably shouldnt say this but I found that I was starving after 2 weeks and ready to pack it in so I replaced the 3rd shake with a tin of tuna in springwater. This contains less calories than the shake and seemed to boost the weight loss. I also treated myself to sugar free chewing gum and got a different flavour everyday - it was my treat! Again this had no effect on my weight loss.

I am on my 4th day and have lost 8.5lbs already so a really good start again. I am really hungry tho :(!!

Fingers crossed that I lose my weight as quickly as last time xxx

I beleive that this diet is as close as the miracle drug that we all dream of taking one day and waking up thin the next day....

It's not for the faint hearted but has amazing results.

That sounds good 'Helenme' but I cant trust myself. If i start subing other foods, even just one meal, i will be tempted to try other things too. i look at the complete LT as a kind of training. I enjoy having not to chose my meals for now. I got to the point where thinking about food or what to eat next was stressing me too much. So even though the variety isnt great Im sticking with the shakes....I would like to lose my last stone in the way you suggested. it sounds do-able. Thanks for the info.:D Gonna do another 20 min on the treadmill uuggh.How can i learn to love exercise? Is there a programme for that? LOL
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Hi all,

Just started liptotrim again after a 2 year break.

The 1st time was very successfull! I lost 5 stone in 11 weeks!

Since doing it 2 years ago I had a baby and put on 2 stone :( so trying to lose "the baby" weight & get out of the bad eating habits I have started!

Now I know I probably shouldnt say this but I found that I was starving after 2 weeks and ready to pack it in so I replaced the 3rd shake with a tin of tuna in springwater. This contains less calories than the shake and seemed to boost the weight loss. I also treated myself to sugar free chewing gum and got a different flavour everyday - it was my treat! Again this had no effect on my weight loss.

I am on my 4th day and have lost 8.5lbs already so a really good start again. I am really hungry tho :(!!

Fingers crossed that I lose my weight as quickly as last time xxx

I beleive that this diet is as close as the miracle drug that we all dream of taking one day and waking up thin the next day....

It's not for the faint hearted but has amazing results.


Hi Helenme

at least you have the results last time to spur you on...do you exercise in the first week. I haven't done anything so far and the weight is not dropping of as I'd hoped. I have stuck to it 100% aswell...not easy by any stretch of the imagination, nearly gave up last night...was so close. I'm glad I didn't or would have felt so guilty today.
That sounds good 'Helenme' but I cant trust myself. If i start subing other foods, even just one meal, i will be tempted to try other things too. i look at the complete LT as a kind of training. I enjoy having not to chose my meals for now. I got to the point where thinking about food or what to eat next was stressing me too much. So even though the variety isnt great Im sticking with the shakes....I would like to lose my last stone in the way you suggested. it sounds do-able. Thanks for the info.:D Gonna do another 20 min on the treadmill uuggh.How can i learn to love exercise? Is there a programme for that? LOL

Welland good
You have spurred me on to do some exercise saying that, I'm now on day 5 and not actually feeling too bad at all. Just willpower that weigns...I ask myself how come I can have the willpower to near starve myself on 500 kcals a day but can't actually stick to healthy salads with no treats. If it works it'll all be worth the pain for quick results. I just keep expecting to wake up the next day with my clothes falling off me :innocent0001:
Second day and struggling

Hi I am on my second day of LT and I'm really struggling with it. The first day was not too bad but today I feel miserable. I am so hungry and I feel like crap. I was very determined to stick to this programme and psyched myself up for a fortnight before doing it but two days in I don't think i'm going to be able to cope with no food at all. The reason I have come on this forum is to keep me occupied or i know i will go to the kitchen and eat something. I have been reading all the stories and after trying it for only two days i am amazed that anyone can succeed at this diet. You must have a great deal of willpower because i feel like i could bite someone's head off and I could cry i want some food that badly. Anyway it would be great to hear how other people have managed to do it and any tips would be gratefully received.
Chock chick
Please don't give in...I'm on day 6 and am feeling great today. It'll take a while for your stomach to start getting used to not having so much food so fill up on water and I have been having green leaf tea as its hot. Didn't think I'd like it but its ok. I nearly gave in on Friday night after a hellish day in work, getting in late and my partner trying to tempt me with a large glass of wine. I have weigh in tomorrow so will make sure I post. A little look on the scales tells me I may have lost 6.5lbs in 6days...there is no other diet that will give results like that so stick at it. It isn't easy but keeping yourself busy is the key if you sit down in front of the tv you start to get bored and want to eat. Well hope you keep on the straight and narrow because you will come through the shitty stage and it will be worth it :cool:
A bit better today

Hi bitbot
Thanks for the words of encouragement i really need them at the moment. I am feeling a bit better today but I have to say getting on the scales and seeing that i have lost 5 1/2 pounds since starting on Friday has helped my motivation. I just hate those bloody shakes but i will persevere. It's my birthday next weekend and i have family coming and that will be the big test. On thinking about it really i should have started it after, but hey I'm on it now and i have only eight weeks until i go abroad so I need to keep thinking about getting in the dreaded bikini :cry:. With a bit of luck though I won't be the fat girl that everyone wants to lie next to so they can look thinner! Anyway I will keep on posting with my progress it's great to see that others are going through the same thing but even better to see them succeeding.
Im Starting Tommorow

Hi Everyone

Im new to Lipotrim and am starting tomorrow. I went out last night and stocked up on wine knowing that it will be my last chance for a month or two. Im also new to forums - ive never been on them before. I want to loose three stone and have done for as long as I can remember. I have never managed to loose more than a stone :confused: and it always creeps back on gradually so I wanted to do something a bit more drastic. Im feeling really optimistic and excited about starting the diet but am worried about whether I have enough willpower to stick with it. Ive joined the site as im looking for motivation and help to get me through. Its been helpful reading about peoples experiences in the first week of the diet - at least i know what to expect which hopefully will make it easier for me.
Choc Chick
Just get through every day at a time, my partners parents don't do 1 course a meal with them is 3 courses and even a bite to eat usually has a pud at the end. If it came to it and you couldn't last your birthday weekend then speak to the pharmacist and see what is on the re-feed programme and then do your shake for morning and lunch and then have small portions of high protein food with no carbs. I know this isn't the way but I know my in-laws would think I was insane. I'm not embarrased I'm doing something about it but they wouldn't understand.
Well a holiday is definitely something to spur you on - try putting on your bikini now and see how you would feel on the beach as you are, I did the same before my hols and that spurred me on dieting before I found lipotrim. Sadly I enjoyed my holiday and Christmas too much which is when a friend told me about Lipotrim.
I have had to lie to some friends as to why I won't be drinking or don't want to go out for a meal with them - I don't feel good but I want to lose the weight and then explain.
Well keep at it! Weigh in tomorrow I'm amazed I've made it this far. I've just tried the cold peppermint tea & chocolate shake which was ok.
There is no secret remedy but just think of this as weeks of hell rather than months to get to where you want then a new healthy lifestyle when you get off it because by then you'll be so happy with the new you, you won't want to go back.
Hi Choc chick, I, like you, struggled so much in the first few days i was so moody and I all I could think about was food! Seriously it does get better after the first few days your body learns how to deal with it and it gets used to it pretty quick, just keep drinking the water. After a few days you will get used to this as a way of feeling full and it is doing wonders for my skin too. Good luck chick, it will be so worth it in the end! x
Hi Everyone

Im new to Lipotrim and am starting tomorrow. I went out last night and stocked up on wine knowing that it will be my last chance for a month or two. Im also new to forums - ive never been on them before. I want to loose three stone and have done for as long as I can remember. I have never managed to loose more than a stone :confused: and it always creeps back on gradually so I wanted to do something a bit more drastic. Im feeling really optimistic and excited about starting the diet but am worried about whether I have enough willpower to stick with it. Ive joined the site as im looking for motivation and help to get me through. Its been helpful reading about peoples experiences in the first week of the diet - at least i know what to expect which hopefully will make it easier for me.

Crazy Frog
Welcome to the LT forum, I was new to this thing and firums a week ago but has been invaluable in 1) seeing that everyone else goes through the same thing and 2) for support and to keep you busy. I have been on LT for 7days now and have weigh in tonight. I am dreading it as although I have sticked to it religiously I don't think I've lost that much. I made the mistake on getting on my scales which told me I'd lost loads one day and then not as much the next and although its a loss I'll be distraught if I only lose 4lbs after the week I've got through.
Oh well it'll be a loss and any loss is a good think I'll be on later to post my weigh in
Bibot, just think, if you lose 4 lbs per week on average, then you will be losing over a stone a month. How can that be disappointing? Not evryone loses the same. Try not to 'study' others weight loss too much and stick to your own routine. My advice would be to gather the inspiration you need from the forum. I think that is what there here for. It has been great for me so far. I am also only one week on the LT programme and only lost about 5-6 lbs. I was hoping for 11 or 12 like some others here but ya know what? I'm very pleased with what I have lost so far. Im pretty sure I will average a stone a month. Maybe you just didnt have so much water retention. The first week loss seems to be the highest from water and then it evens out over the weeks. You did well. My WI is tomorrow, I will let you know how I do.(but I think it is only 5 or 6 lbs). I was dieting for 2 weeks already when I went on LT so I think my water weight was down and so i will lose less then some people on their first week.
Dont give up. :sigh:

Are you excited to know what youve lost - i want to get on scales now but its only the end of my first day - i think i might try and hold on for the week for better impact - it hasn't been to bad today but the thought of me in a bikini is spurring me on to not give up - the peanut bar nearly made me ill though so im sticking to the shakes from now on

hiya can anyone help of advise, this is my second time round on LT, goin great guns, but i have devolped and nasty rash under my bust and on my lower back, i also had the same problem 1st time round so i know its linked to the diet, the 1st time i did the diet it happend on the 6-7week, but im only on my 2nd weeks and its soooo ichie, and turned into blisters, im taking an anti-histamine every day and using a cream!!! i dont know if any1 else has had the same problem, which could give me adivce what to do! thanks katex