If You Are Doing Lipotrim Please Post Here And Tell Your Story!

Feelin good

Hi everyone it's great to hear everybody's comments on LT and the support here is fantastic. I'm now on day 4 and i feel fine now still a little on the hungry side but I can live with it. I even made myself sit in the car yesterday with my hubby while he ate burger, fries and a thick shake! I didn't breathe through my nose though so could not smell it!! lol. I think this site is really helping me because if i had not been on and read everyone elses comments i would have raided the fridge on Saturday for sure. Like you bitbot I am totally new to this forum stuff but i'm sure we'll all be dab hands at it in a few weeks. JoJo time thanks for your encouragement too and crazy frog and wellandgood we are all in the same boat so we can spur each other on.

Regarding the weight loss i think it must be different for everybody and i think it is a good idea to stay off the scales and just go for the weekly weigh in but personally I can't resist it i'm obsessed with weighing. I also got my hubby to take a picture of me on the day i started in my bikini, front, back and side view and i look like Bubbles De Vere from little britain (well not quite but nearly) and i thought i would take one every week to see if i could see any difference. Another thing i have been doing is adding a spoonful of coffee to the vanilla and chocolate shakes and adding a bit more water than they say and some ice, then pouring it into a large glass and drinking it with a straw. It helps to make it look a bit more appetising. I do feel like i can do this now and am really looking forward to loosing the weight and going on the beach without fear of being harpooned! Good luck to everyone we can do this ;)
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Ketosis Kate - it sounds like you have an allergy to one of the ingredients which would be helped by antinhistamine but I would speak to your pharmacist as you really shouldn't be loading your body with something that is causing an allergic reaction. If you keep overloading your body then in future tiny amounts of the same thing in normal foods may trigger a reaction as your tolerance will be low.
Basically I'd check this out with the professionals.

Choc-Chick, I said to my OH I looked like Bubbles to which he just replied daarling to me....I know I don't look like that.

I'll be honest we went on holiday in Jan and I was sitting down and the roomboy thought I was pregnant...you should have seen his face when he realised his mistake (and his tip was going to reduce..he he). But I was devastated hence me doing something about it.
Help - Disaster has struck

Ohh no - I was doing so well (in my life though im sure you'll all think im pants) - im at the end of my second day and have just eaten a pitta bread with roast chicken breast and worse than that a penguin - have i ruined the work of the last two days - is it back to the beginning, can i just carry on? Any tips much appreciated - I just felt so hungry - I avoided the kids pizza so it's not all bad but am very disapointed about the penguin - has anybody else fallen of the wagon and got straight back on again - if so please let me know.

Thanks a lot

Crazy frog
just carry on going. i think you might lose less in your first week. just having the chicken wouldnt have been that bad. im still very hungry all the time though so i understand completely. everytime i get hungry i just come on this site or read or paint my nails to keep my hands busy.
hope this helps.
Oh crazyfrog I really feel for you. I know exactly how you felt, i was like that on my second day and it took all my strenghth not to give in but i just about managed it. Just get back on the horse and put this down to a one off. I'm on day five now and feeling much better and it is totally worth it just hang in there. I know this sounds daft but i think if i smell food it's much more tempting than just seeing it so I try to breathe trough my mouth only and not my nose so i don't inhale the food smell, it seems to work for me. But don't beat yourself up about slipping just put it out of your mind and re-focus on what you are trying to achieve and why. Good luck, be strong.
thanks choc chick - i think you are right as it was the smell of the pizza that set me of - (it was the cheese - I love cheese) - I nearly went on a bender but stopped myself though some might call it a bender - ive just had the final shake for the day and my resolve seems to have strengthened though I am disapointed as im sure ive gone one step forward and two steps back - I would have felt better if I had just eaten the chicken but not a reason to give up - i want to get to that fat burning stage to spur me on as so far i know its only water. Thanks again

crazyfrog i did exactly the same thing but on my third day. The next day I just started right again and I still lost 7lbs in my first week. Dont beat yoruself up about it, just think you have still eaten well less than 800 calories for the whole day- compare that to how many you would usually eat - surely you will still loose something this week - chin up! x
Just started!

Hi all, ive just started Lipotrim, been on it 3 days now and feeling like crap.:cry:Im getting married in august and want to loose 3 stone but bloody hell this is hard!!Ive read alot of your stories and I think you guys are fantastically supportive to each other, its really nice to see that.
Anyway, wish me luck!Im hoping to stick this out for 3 weeks and then join WW and start going to the gym.Fingers crossed!And good luck to all of you as well!x:D:D
Well I'm done! I am at the end of my seventh day and I can't do this anymore. I thought i was over the worst but for the past two days I have been feeling as sick as a dog and still trying to force the formula down but feeling even more sick afterwards. I've had a headache, felt really weak, tired and achy. I don't know if it is a bug I've caught or if it is this diet but quite honestly I can't bear to go on any longer. I have not cheated one bit and stuck to it rigidly and i tested my urine today to see if i was in Ketosis and i wasn't so i don't think this is working for me. On a positive note i have lost 9lb so I think i'm just going to try and do the rest with WW or SW, at least I can eat some food then. Good luck to everybody I hope you stick at it and achieve your goals I'm sure you will.
Ohh Nooo

Chock Chick

Are you sure? You've been doing so well - I cant really comment as ive had more relapses than anybody in a short time but when ive fallen of the waggon ive always regretted it - maybe your poorly - how about having an early night and seeing how you feel in the morning - Im back on the wagon but I have a secret - I have been eating prawns - I know they say you shouldnt eat at all as it takes you out of ketosis but on the low carb diet you go into ketosis if you eat only protein so I thought prawns might be the best solution as they are also high protein and low fat/carbs. It might slow me down slightly but sometimes I think I need to eat and prawns are probably better for me than the alternative.

I was ready to give in until my husband said he could tell the difference already after only three days.

Anyway you have to decide what to do but good luck and I hope you feel better soon.

Choc Chick - I'm in the same place at the moment.... I'll keep going to my weigh in on Monday but then thats me for all out LT just going to do 2 shakes and a teeny meal instead. Its the evenings I really struggle.
Welcome and good luck daisyanne. The results are defnitely worth it...i'm just having a bad day. Had one last Friday but got through it so will persevere. Just feeling sorry for myself.
This is a great forum to keep you entertained and motivated.
Day one!

I have just finished day one. Looking forward to weigh-in already for some motivation.
Finding it fine so far.
Could do with some exercise advice...is going for a run too ambitious?!
dd26 Glad youre finding youre first day okay. I'm on week 3 WI on monday. I've been exercising whilst on LT but just making sure I've been drinking plenty of water to keep myself hydrated. They do advise no exercise for week one when youre body gets used to burning your fat as fuel instead of glucose but I've been fine. just take it steady and dont push yourself too hard, if you start feeling rough stop and try again in a couple of days once ketosis has kicked in.x
Thanks :)
I think I'll wait til after first weigh-in then. Went for a long walk today so will just keep doing that in the meantime.
How much have you lost in your first 2 weeks? Chemist told me the average is 1st per month but looking at people's results on here there seem to be people losing LOADS! x
I've lost 12pound so far so very happy. Everybody loses weight at different rates so as long as you lose anything its all good. I'm hoping to lose another 10pounds then I'll be at my goal weight, I'm sure the exercise is helping me 2 tho as its toning me up a bit.x
Thanks for the welcome!Am at the moment having a staring match with my daughters left overs from dinner....how did i end up here?Will not give in!
Hello everybody,

This is my first post but i am on day 6 of LT started last Monday. I have been looking at this site for the past few days and found some great advice so thought i would come on an introduce myself.

I am getting married on the 4th of July and would like to lose a further 3 stone by then (i have already lost 1 stone on ww but it was a bit too slow for the kind of results i am hoping for).

I am not finding it too painful but just wondering if it ever gets to the stage where you are just so used to it that you dont even think about it any more and it just comes naturally to get up and have your 3 shakes. At the moment i am not hungry but i am thinking about the fact that i am on the LT programme constantly.