I'm overweight because.....

I'm overweight because I've always tried to diet to please others - that never worked.

I saw a tarot card reader a couple of months ago and while I don't necessarily believe in it, a few of the things she said struck me. One thing in particular:

She told me to stop doing things to please other people, to start doing things to please me and to have more of a "f*** you" attitude (harsh but essentially putting myself first).

I'm dieting now because I want to, I'm enjoying it, and its so much easier. I don't feel guilty if I choose not to stay on plan for a day. I've got a lot to lose and this isn't going to be an overnight process. I need to be comfortable with what I'm doing.

I've noticed I've used "I" a lot in this post. My weight is my issue, no one elses. I've "chosen" not to deal with it previously and I blamed others for the way I was, but now I feel in control, and ready to deal with my issue.

Best of luck to you all

I agree Jim - thats brilliant Rach, your head is in the right place and you wil do this for you!
My excuses in the past 2 years (What was before that is a different story)
- It's not possible for me to lose weight
- I'm naturally big boned (I've even got my husband to believe this...)
- Healthy food is too expensive
Emotional eating and bingeing when things got on tips of me. Not thinking about whether I'm really hungry or need that food, not stopping when I'm full even if it's a healthy meal!
I was surprised when I started mindful eating that it only took around 2 cupped handfuls of food to fill a completely empty stomach showed me the extend of my over eating!
Looking back to when I was convinced I had every weight gain problem under the planet makes me laugh I realise where I went wrong now
Lauren xxxx
my excuses were:
It's genetic ( all my family and I mean ALL are big)
Healthy Eating is too expensive

The truth was:
I'm an emotional eater, instead of dealing with my feelings I just ate them. I was scared of being slimmer and not having the weight to hide behind. I ate too much of the wrong food.
I have used the I'm too busy excuse loads, plus I had a whiplash injury that flared up for years which was a great excuse for not exercising at all!

Now though I know why - I can't get motivated, I eat too much & don't move enough which makes me even less motivated. Plus following diet plans that make me miserable & just aren't liveable in the long term!
big boned, genetics, lazy, love food, life's too short......... blah blah I used them all, god they seem so pathetic now
i used to just say i loved my food (of cause all the wrong food)but i have giveing up nowand want to lose it good luck everyone
I'm overweight because .... I don't really like any healthy foods, and I have overeaten unhealthy foods
1) Laziness
2) Too big of portions, stuffing myself as though I would never see that food again
3) Comfort eat -- mostly drinks, like Starbucks Venti White Chocolate Mochas
4) Celebrate with food -- I eat when I'm happy more than any other emotion
5) Give up way to easily
6) Don't like to deprive myself of favorite foods
7) Love to binge, eat all my favorite foods of in large portions
8) No moderation. I eat an entire tray of cookies or half a pan of brownies in one night...after eating tons of pizza
9) Hate to exercise
10) Since I couldn't be thin immediately (drop 30 pounds overnight), it was too depressing to realize a diet would take months, so I'd keep myself busy from thinking about how fat I was

My main excuse was always that I was happy being big, now I've faced up to the fact that's not true I can finally start really dealing with the reasons I have got so overweight.
I'm lazy...