Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

I've fallen off the wagon AGAIN! What is it with me and Cadbury whole nut?!?!?!
I don't blame you, it's one of my favourites!
It has become my favourite chocolate and I can't seem to get enough of it!
I've just eaten a small bar (49g) and now I want more!!
Might have to just eat my HEXB of a HiFi choc orange bar now (was saving it for later) to satisfy my craving!
The dark chocolate digestive abyss was calling to me again to and caught me unaware - I fell in well and truly with 4 biscuits scoffed plus 3 jaffa cake bars that I found laying around.

9st 13.0 this morning before descending into the abyss so down 0.8 from yesterday but not too hopeful for tomorrow given this.

I'm just hoping that the shop down the road doesn't stock caramel chew chew as I don't think I'll be able to resist later if they do! Dougal you are such a bad influence :p
The dark chocolate digestive abyss was calling to me again to and caught me unaware - I fell in well and truly with 4 biscuits scoffed plus 3 jaffa cake bars that I found laying around.

9st 13.0 this morning before descending into the abyss so down 0.8 from yesterday but not too hopeful for tomorrow given this.

I'm just hoping that the shop down the road doesn't stock caramel chew chew as I don't think I'll be able to resist later if they do! Dougal you are such a bad influence :p
Lol :p sorry!!!
I couldn't resist the Tiramisu at Prezzo tonight, its to die for!! Lol 100% day tomorrow!!!
9st 3.4lb this morning going to be 100% today and tomorrow, might even have a couple of SE days!
11st 3 this morning- I don't quite understand how it's going down when given what I've been eating it should be going up??
Oh well not going to argue with the scales, just going to be a good girl today- promise!!
After faaaaaaaaar too long, my scales FINALLY showed me a 9 today. And I couldn't be happier!!

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I'm still off them!

I wish I could be as strong as you!

Am trying not to step on the scales this week as last week iI was worrying all week that the scales hadn't budged but I ended up losing 3lb. All that worrying for nothing!

Fingers crossed I can stay off the scales all week!! X
It was hard to begin with but I can honestly say I don't even think about it now.

I am no longer a serial weigher

Well I am - I'm just behaving at the moment lol - Boots is only a minute from my house and they sell lovely ones in there - no no stop
Thats okay though - that's what 'normal' people would do as well.

She's right!

I can't tell you how many people have used my scales and use them every time they come round! I have had to mark out on the bathroom floor where they are meant to be (uneven floor and weighs differently in different spots) because they keep getting bloody moved!

How are we all today? x