Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

Lol glad it's not only me that weighs in the same spot! I weigh on a particular tile lol.

The things we do! X
I'm not entirely cured - if I go to anyone's house that has scales I obviously cant resist a cheeky hop on but as it's only once in a while the reading means nothing lol

I am turning into a serial weigher!!
Do you find your weight is stable now? I am maintaining and I find hopping on the scales every morning helps me decide on food for the day. If its low no. I will eat a treat if I want it but if its a no. I don't want to see I am sooo good for a few days!
Do you weigh weekly?
I am turning into a serial weigher!!
Do you find your weight is stable now? I am maintaining and I find hopping on the scales every morning helps me decide on food for the day. If its low no. I will eat a treat if I want it but if its a no. I don't want to see I am sooo good for a few days!
Do you weigh weekly?

I get weighed at class but before I gave away my scales to my friend I was on and off them all day and it would totally dominate my mood. Granted, IF I have a gain I would maybe like to know about it before the moment of truth at class but if I weighed that morning at home and thought I had gained then I would be in a foul mood all day.

It's hard to give them up - but since doing so, it's one less stress. x
For the first time in 6 months since starting SW I totally lost it yesterday, 3 jaffa cake bars, 4 dark choc digestives, 2/3 bottle red wine, 1/4 tub ice cream, plate of oven chips with 2 pieces white bread and butter and about 3/4 packet of chunky chocolate cookies oh and not forgetting a packet of toffee popcorn. I honestly don't know what came over me!

Needless to say the scales were not looking good this morning! 10st 0.1 so up over 1lb yesterday and the first time I've seen a 10 in the morning for over a week :(

Having a red day today I think and getting back on the wagon. Already paid for my syns with a L2 30 DS, might even go to the gym later for a bit more!
It was hard to begin with but I can honestly say I don't even think about it now.

I am no longer a serial weigher

Well I am - I'm just behaving at the moment lol - Boots is only a minute from my house and they sell lovely ones in there - no no stop

I'm watching you Liz, behave ha ha!!!
Omg this is brilliant..... I could kiss my scales lol!!

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Wow! Happy days :) I think it's going to take a LONG time for the novelty of seeing a 9 at the beginning to wear off for me! I was SO excited this morning! X

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