Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

Scales are not my friend this week, hoping to get them down by WI on Wednesday.
Uh oh, what's the matter Hun?xxx

Day at the beach and I thought I'd get away with just fish and chips which was bad enough but the in laws packed a day full of treats which I just couldn't resist! Biscuits and sweets for the journey, oh man!!!! Not looking forward to weigh in now :-(
11st 3.4 this morning- that's what happens when you fall off the wagon AGAIN!!!
Hubby's fault- he brought Doritos (our weakness!) yesterday and beer and a lovely wholemeal roll for burgers (sounds ok but I'd already had my B choice and it works out about 12 Syns!!!!) so I'm blaming him!

Having 2 Green days in hope of pulling something back. Really want to be under target as I'm going on holiday on Thursday- Sunday camping and there will be lots of alcohol involved lol.
Showing 8.4 1/2 this morning. Need to seriously do some walking/cleaning or anything good today!

Got a chicken out for a roast but I think I'll change that to chicken salad!
Showing 8.4 1/2 this morning. Need to seriously do some walking/cleaning or anything good today!

Got a chicken out for a roast but I think I'll change that to chicken salad!
And what is your target? 7st 13?

Good plan- I've spied a salad in the fridge that needs eating up so I told hubby its mine!!! Will have it for dinner I think!
9st 2.0lb this morning :D
WI tomorrow, been good the last few days & going to be good now until atleast then!
Trip to Pizza Hut on Thursday so will be good until then (A)
13.4 Saturday.
13.6 Sunday
13.9 Monday.

I had a BBQ yesterday & although all SW friendly food there was so much and my portions were rather large. Oops.

Fingers crossed I can pull some back by Saturday.
Mine seem to be stuck! They've been exactly 11st 11.75lbs since Saturday morning now, despite me being angelic all day both days (compensating for Friday's naughtiness) - going to get on the melon and berries today to see if some speed food will help me shift a bit, any other tips?! xx
Well done Jodie! :)