Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

Jenna88 said:
Agh ladies, I'm at my wits end. I'm a) as usual obsessed with the scales and b) convinced SW is driving me slowly insane.

One minute I'm on the scales/looking in the mirror thinking wow, how far I've come..the next I'm on the scales/looking in the mirror feeling totally $hit because I look a certain way or weigh a certain amount.
PLEASE tell me I'm not on my own with this.

I think if the scales are affecting you this much it's time to put them away and only weigh once a week.
I got on the scales yesterday and was 1kg up from Sunday,was really good yesterday and today I'm still 1kg up but I'm not letting it bother me cos I know that eventually my hard work will pay off-it might just take a few weeks for my scales to catch up xx
I completely agree that I need to put them away but I'm terrified of becoming complacent (which I know is stupid because they're showing a gain
At the minute when I've been 100%).

I think my problem is I've been doing so well and the idea of a blip is killing me. I can't stand the idea of becoming 'fat' again.

Thanks for the advice though, the chances of me
Being able to take it are slim but I honestly do appreciate it.
i usually weigh myself midweek but i know it can fluctuate so i tend to have a quick peek about saturday, day before weigh in and that gives a truer picture
it is hard not to have a quick peek though! mine are digital weightwatchers scales and at the moment are going the right way!
Jenna88 said:
I completely agree that I need to put them away but I'm terrified of becoming complacent (which I know is stupid because they're showing a gain
At the minute when I've been 100%).

I think my problem is I've been doing so well and the idea of a blip is killing me. I can't stand the idea of becoming 'fat' again.

Thanks for the advice though, the chances of me
Being able to take it are slim but I honestly do appreciate it.

1kg on does not make you "fat again". It makes you a little bit constipated, or due on, or suffering a bit of water retention, or in my case sometimes, about to come down with a bit of a cold, or a bug or something. My bathroom scales can be 5lb up if you put them in a different place in the bathroom.

Lots of reasons why - none of which are "I ate 7000 extra kcal which my body is storing in fat cells". So no need to stress. Whatever the reason, it will resolve itself in due course, so stop panicking.
MLM your post REALLY helped me. I think I was freaking out because I feel I ate LOADS yesterday and that panicked me to start with and then bamn the scales are up. I know that even though I did eat more yesterday you're right that I obviously haven't over eaten by 7000 cals!

Fresh head today, well I'm trying to have one. Thanks for the advice ladies, and I do apologise as I KNOW I constantly bang on about the scales going up and down even though I know that's part of the reason we're only supposed to weigh once weekly. Maybe one day I won't rely on them so much! Thanks!
Something for us all to try and remember ( as hard as it may be)

I confess - I weigh each day morning and night and I think there is a part forme that is motivational but you have to be prepared to deal with body fluctuations !! I weighed in Monday night at 16st 6lb and about 20 mins ago was 16st 13.5lbs ... ARRGGHHH !!! Hoping it is with all the water I have drunk today and over the next few days should fall back in line :)

What it does make sure is that i am considering the impact if I am thinking of going off the rails

Lisa xx
The battery has gone in my scales :( asked OH what sort it was, it was one of the round disc type ones, not sure what they're called, he said it was a 3v one, so off I tootle into town to get a new one, only to discover that there's 3 different kinds, I text him asking the number, bought 2 new batteries, and they're the wrong bloody ones!! Arghh!!!!
I'm there every morning without fail with my scales.
So apparently today my problem isn't with my bloody scales it's with the mirror! Got an unexpected call in to work tomorrow and as such was looking at what to wear tonight. I struggled to find clothes that weren't too big which is amazing but EVERYtime I looked in the mirror I felt I looked a million times fatter than what I did before?!?! Agh the mind!

Edit: because predictive text is crap!
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Ooo hello, can I join you please. I am a serial weigher too. I am on my 4th set of scales and I keep throwing them away to try and stop myself getting obsessed but then end up buying new ones :) lol

I'm the same I weigh more than once a week, when I was. Doing just a Calorie controlled diet this was ok but on SS it doesn't seem to help as even though im stickin to the plan religiously iv gained 3ibs in 2 days? Is this normal to fluctuate so much :/
Ive gone to bed then got up the next day and been 7lbs lighter! I was convinced the scales were broken but this seems to happen a lot (although that 7lbs was a record for me) especially around mid month where I guess I am retaining water.