Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

I was a daily weigher but I'm trying to quit!!! I've only weighed three times in ten days. That's good going for me. I might just throw them then I can't be tempted!!!
10st 0lb on the home scales this morning will see what the group scales have to say tonight *please be 9st 13lb please be 9st 13lb* :p
I'm in the 9's yay! (And that's the official scales) :D only 9st 13.5lb but I'll take it ^____^
That's fab - well done you! I'm sure you'll get that 3st sticker next week.

I'm 1lb down from WI so hopefully I can shift most of my gain by next Monday!
Lol my friend did that as she is a serial weigher. She came to work one morning and said thats it ive hidden my scales. I said "where have you put them" she answered - in the spare room - I said so theyre not hidden then u know where they are
Anyone as bad as me and track it daily though?

I can only go to class every other week so I weigh every morning first thing, write it down and compare it to actual weigh in .

Never matches though, and by quite a bit, why I bother is a total mystery!!
Jenna I wish I could come and confiscate them! Our 100% days this week will make sure we kick the scales ars*s this week! I will need to be on the straight and narrow after my total fluke weigh in this morning!

11st13.5lbs. Totally undeserved 1.5lb loss so I'm very aware this week could come back to bite me on the backside unless I'm good this week! I actually weighed myself 6 times to make sure..
1.5 up...scales are pi$$ing me right off!

Hey Jenna I agree with Scarlett you need to bin that bad scale it's messing with your head. Your body isn't a steady vessel anyway it changes constantly through the day and from day to day so it's never going to please you. If you go on the scale and weigh yourself then drink a big glass of water, you might weigh a pound more but it's not a pound of fat obviously which is what we are here to get rid of. Be kind to yourself lovely cos they will make you cry otherwise. ;-)
I'm back to 10.4 so will try and shift that last pound this weekend to get me back to 10.3. Then with everything going on pre Christmas I think I'm just going to try and maintain there til the new year! Good luck for WI tomorrow Jenna x

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