Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

I've gone up a pound but that's due to the Chinese takeaway and cupcake I had last night! Back on it today! Xxx
15.11 3/4 or 15.12 - I'll take that as would be 2lb loss! I went running last night but body seems to have got used to exercise again. 2 days until weigh in.
Raaaah scales say 1lb gain!!! 5 syns today and tomorrow before weigh in...and off to buy superspeed for lunch and dinners. I will lose 1lb this week!!!
Getting on the scales is just depressing me ATM! Not having a good week :( xxx
I'm still the same as I was last week by my scales :( xxx
Shocked to see 8st 7 3/4 this morning after staying at 8 st 3 3/4 since fri!!!

Did overeat yesterday and ended the evening with a Chinese but 4lbs over night?! Aggggghhh!!!!
Awww Lucy I felt this peed off this morning too with a 4lb gain for no real good reason!!! It's so infuriating when we have these body blips. It ruined my morning like I'm sure it did you too :(

Eat well...because that's the only way of hope for an accurate number again! I'm sure your scales are playing silly buggas. Drink lots of water and hopefully it will go away like I'm praying mine will by Wednesday!
I'm back up to 15.12 1/8 which would be a sts (or maybe 1/2lb gain). I'm OK with that as had an indulgent weekend.

I hope your blip disappears and I don't blip for Thursday! I'm about to be back on track.
Ffs....still showing a 4lb gain. Feel like I may as well have eaten the whole house out of all it's food right now! All this well planning isn't paying off and it's infuriating.

This sort of thing makes me wanna give up and throw those bluddy scales out the window!!!

Don't give up! There's nothing more frustrating than trying really hard and the scales not playing fair. Are you exercising? My consultant said when exercising your body retains fluid xxx
I've been running 3 times a week for over a year now so it shouldn't make any difference really :( I just can't help but sit and think about what I am possibly doing wrong. And I know my
Consultant will just say I shouldn't weigh at home as they will be wrong....but my scales are always 1lb too heavy and always have been! :( they predicted my 5 1/2 loss the other week but now they say 4lb gain so it's hard to believe that they're suddenly wrong.

I will carry on tho thanks to you :) :) no point in giving up as then I know what to blame including myself!
I've just been looking at your progress and you've done amazing! Well done! :) xxx
Well my 4lb gain turned into 2lb's this morning, its still bad for one weekend though! Onwards and Upwards Lauren, or should that be onwards and downwards!!?? ;/