It all starts now...!

Oops haven't eaten properly today- I was just busy all day! Mushroom and cheese omelette with salad & dressing and now some of my mams birthday cake. Woke up to lots of snow this morning...pic attached :) just home from the Lawson gig. OMG...just out of this world! Amazing!

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Where are you stranger? Hope everything is okay xx
Where are you stranger? Hope everything is okay xx

Hiya! I'm around but just haven't been posting in my diary- naughty me. I think I'm just really frustrated as the last couple of weeks, I've vastly improved my food and the pounds just aren't coming off. Next week I'm considering doing the IF (Intermittant Fasting) diet to try and kick start things. A couple of my friends are doing it with great results! Basically you alternate 500 calorie days and the other days you eat normally. I'm not taking it to the extreme of alternating every day- I'm thinking i'll do 2 500 cal days over a week and see how I get on xx
Blimey, 500 cals is nothing at all! No wonder the weight is dropping off them xx
Blimey, 500 cals is nothing at all! No wonder the weight is dropping off them xx

Yup but then you eat however you like for the remainder of the days, in my case 5 :) It's not something i'll follow for a long time but something has to give to start me on the weight loss train again! I've done a lot of reading on it and it's been pretty well recieved by a lot of people out there, the main criticism is that people could turn to binge eating on the 'eat whatever you like' days but I'll be following SW on those days so no problem there. We shall see! Doing SW as normal this week as I'm going to London on Friday for the weekend, and guess we'll see what I decide on Mon xx
I have some friends at work doing the IF diet (or and 5 and 2 as they call it) and they've ha great results and say they don't struggle too much on the 500cal days because they know its only for one day then back to normal the next. Not sure how I'd cope as they tend to live on yogurt which I can't stand!
I have some friends at work doing the IF diet (or and 5 and 2 as they call it) and they've ha great results and say they don't struggle too much on the 500cal days because they know its only for one day then back to normal the next. Not sure how I'd cope as they tend to live on yogurt which I can't stand!

Yep exactly, I know I won't starve to do death as I know i can eat normal the next day and realistically, it's only 2 days a week. My friend has a book on it which has proper meal planners for the days including recipes..gonna get it off her in preparation for next week!

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Hey honey, just catching up and see you're looking at doing IF/5:2. My work colleague is doing that and I've seen a fair few people on here that do too (I even considered/am considering it!). Pretty sure you must have a holland and Barrett near you, if so check out the zero noodles and pasta. They are like 4cals for the pack and great for the fast days as you are still having a carb but reeeeeally low cal ones. The noodles are supposed to be the better of the 2.
Also, my work colleague was saying that she made batches of soup which is pretty low cal but made sure she left it part chunky so she actually felt like she was eating something - when she started she blitzed till smooth and what with only having yogurt that day she felt like she was only eating baby food!
Good luck with it and let us know how you get on! Xx
Hey honey, just catching up and see you're looking at doing IF/5:2. My work colleague is doing that and I've seen a fair few people on here that do too (I even considered/am considering it!). Pretty sure you must have a holland and Barrett near you, if so check out the zero noodles and pasta. They are like 4cals for the pack and great for the fast days as you are still having a carb but reeeeeally low cal ones. The noodles are supposed to be the better of the 2.
Also, my work colleague was saying that she made batches of soup which is pretty low cal but made sure she left it part chunky so she actually felt like she was eating something - when she started she blitzed till smooth and what with only having yogurt that day she felt like she was only eating baby food!
Good luck with it and let us know how you get on! Xx

Thanks love! I'm popping into town tonight so will have a look in H&B and see if I can find those :) going to download the original book tonight which is so cheap as a kindle download, so I'll get the kindle for iPhone app and have a read through. I want to give it a go for 3/4 weeks initially and see how it goes. Once I'm back from london on Monday, I'll start posting daily in here again so yous can see how I'm managing! Xx

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Thanks love! I'm popping into town tonight so will have a look in H&B and see if I can find those :) going to download the original book tonight which is so cheap as a kindle download, so I'll get the kindle for iPhone app and have a read through. I want to give it a go for 3/4 weeks initially and see how it goes. Once I'm back from london on Monday, I'll start posting daily in here again so yous can see how I'm managing! Xx

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I'm really interested to see how this goes! Miggt be just what I need :) xx
Hiya! I'm starting it on Monday...I'm actually really looking forward to it, sad or what :D I don't come back until late on Sunday, so Monday will be a Feed / Feast day (they have various names!) as I wouldn't have sat down to think about what I want for my first 500 day, which will be on Tuesday. I'm planning on Thursday being my other fast day and i'm already thinking of things I want to include :) Many skip breakfast but i'll still be having 3 meals as it were, I need me some food in the morning lol!
Going forward though, I want Mondays and Thursdays as my fast days but they are interchangable, if I have something happening on one of those days, then I can just change it. My weigh in will be on Fridays so I did weigh in this morning, so I can compare it next week.

I'm off to London this afternoon so I shall see you all bright and early on Monday morning! Have a good weekend xx
Sounds like a good plan there honey.

Hope you have a great time in London and if I remember rightly you're doing the Harry Potter Tour?? Or am I thinking of the wrong person.... Either way, have a fab one and can't wait to hear all about it xxx
Sounds like a good plan there honey.

Hope you have a great time in London and if I remember rightly you're doing the Harry Potter Tour?? Or am I thinking of the wrong person.... Either way, have a fab one and can't wait to hear all about it xxx

Hiya! Yeah I had a great time thanks- loved every minute of it! We got to KX at 6.50pm on the Friday eve and we had booked to see Matilda that evening, as they were the only seats we could find together. Very lucky as the weekends are sold out for weeks in advance and they were fab seats in the end :D that started at 7.30pm so we legged it straight over to Covent Garden (Omg the 193 spiral steps never get any easier!) The show was fantastic! After that we grabbed some food and just had a quiet night. Saturday we done the Harry Potter tour at Leavesden Studios in Watford....ahhhh its so amazing! Obviously you have to like Harry Potter but for us, we loved it.
got back to Central London and done some shopping and sightseeing before having a meal and some drinks on the night time. We came back early afternoon on Sunday so just had a wander down to the South Bank as we were staying pretty close by. Hope you're newspaper interview / shoot went well! :D xx
Right! Down to business :D T'is Monday, which means the start of a new routine for me. Like I said, it got to the point where I was getting a bit frustrated with SW, so I'm experimenting with the 5:2 diet- initally for 3 weeks and depending how it goes, I'll decide what I'm continuing with..whether it be the 5:2 until I've lost a stone or 2, until I'm at my target on whether I'm back on SW.
There are a few who disagree with this diet but it's my choice and it doesn't hurt to try! :D I think it'll fit in really well with my lifestyle as I can alter my fasting days if I have social events or depending on other circumstances. On the 5 feed days, I wont be over indulging or gorging...I'm way past that. But, it means if i'm out and don't fancy the standard jacket potato or salad then fantastic!! "I'll have an egg mayo sandwich please. With crisps" or if my friends all want to go to McDonalds, then brilliant. Not a problem!

For clarification, on the 'feed' days I dont count syns, points, calories or anything.

On my fasting days I'll still be eating 3 meals a day upto 500 calories and I've already planned them for this week, but i'll post what I eat on a daily basis. Hope I'm allowed to still post this in the SW section...oh well, don't tell on me! :D

This week my fast days are Tuesday and Thursday, in future my fast days are going to be Monday and Thursday. Weigh in day is Friday. Starting weight is 14st 1lb :( Gain of 3lbs. Not good but i'm not getting myself down- it's a new start and I've still lost over 2stone!

Feed Day


2 x WM Toast. 1 with Flora Light, 1 with Nutella


6 x Finn Crisp with Philli Light.
Velvet Crunch


Homemade Meatballs in a Tomato sauce, served with Wholewheat Spaghetti.


Special K Chewy Bar
Special K Mint & choc chip cereal bar
Special K Biscuit moment
Mint Kit Kat Chunky
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Can't wait to see how you get on with it! Is it 500 calories for the whole day? Wow thats so little. Do you have a sample menu for a 500 calorie day? Seems impossible!

Yep, 500 for the day. People manage by knowing that they have complete freedom the next day. I say people, as this is my first fasting day lol! I'll be posting what I eat on fast days, will do that next :) xx
Good luck, you've got to do what's best for you. Personally I don't think I could do it, what the eck are you going to eat on 500 calories, will you 'skip' meals?

Thanks :) Noo I'll not be skipping meals. Many do but I've never been one for doing that- don't think i could survive! xx
Fast Day

2 x Finn Crisp (40) with half an Ex Light Laughing Cow (10)

Apple and Grape snack pack (41)

Chilli Chicken Noodle Salad(195)

Cod Steak in a Butter Sauce (107) with Oriental Stir Fry (29) Tbsp light Soy Sauce (9)
Nimble bread (52)

TOTAL = 483

Jobs a good'un! :D


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Pleased to report that today has gone well so far! :) Starting to just get slightly hungry now but will be having my tea in less than an hour. Woohooo! xx