It's Monday**** Lets Do It Hour By Hour****

Hi guys, just got back from my placement and i thougt i'd see how everyone is doing.

I haven't got the energy to read through all the posts, sorry :eek:, so i hope everyone is well and you're all having a good day.

I managed to get through 1 litre today during school placement and i finished the litre i started this morning, so i have had 2 litres so far. I am going to drink 1.5 litres by 7pm and then maybe another litre before 10pm.

I am so shattered tho, i have been up since 6:30am and i am on day 4 of CD. I hope i am in ketosis by now.

Anyway, i will check in later and say hi. I'm going to have my water now and maybe have a little nap.

Speak to you soon :) xx
Afternoon everyone.....

I have been out to get a DVD player to keep my little man occupied on our trip to Brum from SE London...... i feel i will be hating In the night garden by the time the battery cuts out :character00182::banghead::giggle:

This morning did a very hard work-out at the gym- i was aching all over..... guess it means it's working. Hope everyone else is having a good afternoon x

Sian xx

Iggle Piggle, Ops a Daisy etc etc - i know it well
my little one is mad about it! good luck xx
its a Bannatynes gym and is the best one ive seen in the local area. It is a bit pricey, but you can really tell the difference in what you get for your money. £50 is full membership so I can go anytime between 6am and 10pm 7 days a week, swimming and all classes are included. £50 is a lot of money but I think I deserve it and it will really help me fight my battle with the flab as well as give me some quality me time between working full time and looking after the family.

Bannatynes are really nice gyms - most of the machines have mini tvs in them dont they?! I say spend the money - its for a good cause and you deserve it xx
£50 a month for the gym which gym you thinking of joining sounds abit steep to me.

I have a package in a health club in a 4* Hotel - fully-equipped gym, sauna, steam room, pool, jacuzzi and all the classes free - for £31 per month. Plus discounts on hairdressing, the beauty room and on meals/rooms in the hotel.

Evening everyone

Had a couple of days away from the pc, just checked e-mails and come straight back off again, spent some time with K.

I'm doing ok, picked a bit of K's curry yesterday, but only a tiny bit and I'm still in ketosis. Feeling pretty good, have suffered with hunger a bit and was worried I'd dropped out of ketosis on Friday, cos I was too warm, but then I remembered I'd not taken my hrt for the day LOL

Still feel too warm to be in ketosis, but it's definitely pink
Catch you all 2morr

Well done everyone - Mondays nearly over!!!!!!
I'm off til tomorrow when I shall give you my verdict on the ''cranberry crunch'' me cuppa's just about ready and the newspaper & bed are calling.

I've got take me Dad to the cancer specialist first thing, he's hard of hearing so I have to make sure he knows the score - bless him! So I need to be firing on all cylinders!

Catch up with you all in the morning.

Hi ppl :)

How are we doing tonight?? I am shattered and i have been craving food all night. I would love to have some chapatties and chiken curry, mmmm, yum yum.

But i decided to make my last CD sachet for the day into a muffin and it was gorgeous, mmmmm. I never used any of the recipies last time i did CD but i thought i would give it a go. I didnt use any sweetners tho because i wasnt sure which sweetners i could use :(

Is there a specific type of sweetner that you have to use?? :confused: :confused: :confused:.
I want to make a muffin tmrw.

I thikn i'm going to go to bed now, I'm so tired and i have aheadache that wont go away.

I hope you're all well :) xx
its a Bannatynes gym and is the best one ive seen in the local area. It is a bit pricey, but you can really tell the difference in what you get for your money. £50 is full membership so I can go anytime between 6am and 10pm 7 days a week, swimming and all classes are included. £50 is a lot of money but I think I deserve it and it will really help me fight my battle with the flab as well as give me some quality me time between working full time and looking after the family.

I used to go to a Bannatynes gym and thought they were worth every penny.
Ithink I used to pay more like £60,and that was three years ago.Thats London for you!Add to the list of reasons to move back to Solihull
Well done everyone - Mondays nearly over!!!!!!
I'm off til tomorrow when I shall give you my verdict on the ''cranberry crunch'' me cuppa's just about ready and the newspaper & bed are calling.

I've got take me Dad to the cancer specialist first thing, he's hard of hearing so I have to make sure he knows the score - bless him! So I need to be firing on all cylinders!

Catch up with you all in the morning.


Hope everything goes ok with your dad
BLAH! That's it really just BLAH!! Why oh why do the scales go down all week and then when you get to weigh in they start going up again???!! 1.25lbs BLAH!

Sue - I didn't know you went to Bannatynes - perhaps you can use your powers of persuasion to get me to go to a gym! Mission impossible?!

Oh ah! Good point well made, there was me thinking it was a clothes horse!

You bet your ar*e we do, we live in squalor the rest of the time!

Evening all, reading through sounds like another very positive thread :) Well ive had a lovely day i'm now on my 4th litre of water and still thirsty lol am very tired tonight and got an early start tomorrow as it took me 2hours to get to work this morning so gotta leave extra early to get there on time grrr i hate rush hour traffic
Evening all

Have had a good 790 day again today .... I had a few moments earlier where I thought I felt hungry ... have been rushing around a lot today so Im wondering if it was from that, using up more energy maybe? I didnt give in to the little voice that was starting to talk, I had more water, some bouillon and a hot summer berry instead and it passed.

Hope you all had a good evening and have a good day tomorrow x
Had a good day. a little tired but think thats down to work. Ive had my three packs and 4 litres of water.
Hope you all have a good day tomorrow xx
I have some bad news :(

I haven't been able to SS today because i blacked out this morning and i've been feeling dizzy and faint since :(. I couldnt even go into my placement because i was so unwell (which i'm annoyed at :mad:).

I didnt sleep well either due to aches and pains and i have had horrible headaches all night. I am alittle better now but everytime i stand up i feel dizzy and as though i'm going to faint and i have to hold myself up. So i have had to take some strong painkillers this morning with some food :(

Mum made me some chicken soup this morning because i also have a bad chest, runny nose and sore throat :(. I'm hoping to get some antibiotics today but thats upto the GP.

I think yesterday may be to blame for all this. I had a long day starting at 6am and i was in school untill 4pm. I had my first shake at 7:30am and my 2nd at 1:15pm but i didnt have my last sachet untill 8:15pm because i was trying to save it. I spent the evening tired and trying to rest.

I'm not used to being busy all day whilst on CD. When i last did CD i was only at college once a week and that involved free periods, so CD was much easier to do. I dont think i can handle it this time especially with my BMI nearing 25.

So i have abit of dilemma now. I can either continue SS tmrw and hope i can get through the rest of the week, which invloves a day in school (to make up for missing today) and a day commuting to derby and back with a lecture in between. Or i could move to 790cals/100cals and try to lose my last stone and half that way. I am also considering taking the healthy eating and exercising route because i am desperate to start training for the race for life and build exercise back into my life. I will have some CD sachets to spare so i could replace a meal with a milkshake or something.

I would appreciate any suggestions or advice please. I have had the most awful frightening morning and i dont want to go through it again.

I hope you all have a good day :) xx
Sorry, posted this in the wrong thread, its meant to be in tuesdays thread. I guess i'm not with it today. I'll copy and paste into todays thread :) xx