It's Now Or Never

Aw thanks WG. I am stunned to say the least. Feel really pumped up though and want make sure I get some loss next week now. 1lb will do. :)

Right todays food:
Mixed fruit, prunes (2 syns), branflakes (HEb), low fat plain natural yoghurt. 2 cups of tea with milk (HEa)
Savoury rice with a huge handful of chopped green beans mixed in. Bbq rice cakes (6 syns), banana, alpen light bad (3 syns), coffee with sweetener and milk (HEa)
More tea and milk (HEa)
Alpen choc fudge light bar (3 syns), last of beany quorn sausage casserole (def making that again), with loads of spinach stirred in till wilted. Big bowl of grapes and mango with shape 0% yoghurt.
One more cup of tea and milk (HEa).
Total syns: 14.

Rice cakes weren't worth it, but that lunch was a pack up as we were out at Hever Castle for the day. Didn't get to see much of the castle as my sisters baby kicked off and I took him outside. But the bits I did see had the most fantastic wood panelling and carving. Really beautiful. Very Romanesque features in the ground which I was trying to show my little one in relation to our Pompeii visit last year. Slight success there. A good day out though, if a little chilly. May go for swimming and a trip to the library tomorrow before my sisters kids turn up for the afternoon. I have them staying for the night, so I get to do my fantastic Auntie act.

This next week though diet wise. I need to get my water back up again (hardly any today) and get at least two swim trips in (Saturday and Monday). Can't allow my body to put any of that 4lbs back on. I'd be gutted if I did. :)

I lost a stone, I lost a stone yay yay yay :D
Is that 4lb off this week?? Wow, well done on getting to your stone! You definitely deserve it considering your motivation this week!!! Keep up the good work, as you teacher types say!! x
1/4 there in just over a month is fab!!! Bet you're motivation is an at all time high!!! x
Oops been a bit lapse in coming on here and writing my food up - though I have been recording it in a written diary. Have been enjoying my half term week with the bairn though, AND managed to stick to the plan, despite various temptations.

He's currently singing in the shower at the moment though, so I have some time to enter my food for today if nothing else....

Snack: banana
Breakfast: mixed fruit, canned prunes (2 syns), natural low fat yoghurt, branflakes (HEb)
Lunch: low fat supernoodle omelette (first one all week!), with spinach stirred into the supernoodles and served with half a plate of salad leaves. Was yumptious. Afters had a choc/fudge alpen light bar (3 syns).
Tea: mixed lamb/chicken shish kebab, with pitta bread (7 syns) and lots of salad. Afters had an alpen light bar (3 syns)
Skimmed milk in tea throughout day (HEa).
Total syns: 15
Pints of water: 4 so far, I anticipate another 2 throughout the evening, so estimate 6.

The previous two days I have got up to 13 syns - usually in cereal bars/special k minibreak type snacks.
Having read another thread, I have started my own little syn bin. I've filled it with Special K mini breaks, alpen lights, a couple of cadbury caramel bunnies. That sort of thing - nothing over 5 syns. I've loved it too - I have been feeling the need for it, so it's nice that it's there and I don't feel like I'm depriving myself at all. There is a thread about it somewhere - most other people were saying that they don't eat theirs now that they've done it - I've gone the other way - am having my fill. But maybe the novelty will wear off.

I have also decided to start logging my exercise, as I really feel I need to start doing something.

So this week I have not done my usual 1 hour a day commute walk (3 days a week) - but did troll about a bit on Monday at Hever Castle (say 1 hour strolling walk).
Spent 2 hours trekking about in the mud yesterday doing an orienteering course with my sister and the various kids. We didn't walk fast (a physical impossibility quite frankly) - but it was hard work walking through the mud - and I have my sisters 20month old in a rucksack thing on my back too. (My sister couldn't carry him as she's recently had a lump removed from her back - so has to be careful not to strain it.) The guy at the part centre had a crazy idea that the baby would be able to walk it - possibly had the weather been great and the ground easy - but even then it would have taken forever - time we didn't have unfortunately. So last night, as a result, my thighs and ankles were pretty sore, and my knees quite painful. But I really enjoyed it. The bairn was scampering all over the shop, so he had a good time too. Would like to do it again- but not in the mud. :) Oh, we were also all playing the Just Dance as well - which was pretty funny.

This morning I woke up with a spring in my step, called my Dad, then hoiked the bairn out of the house, and drove over to take the dog out for a walk. Probably about 30 mins easy walking - but lovely to get out on such a beautiful day.

Tomorrow we're out in London - it is forecast rain, but if it holds off enough I'll be walking through Green Park and back. Not a huge walk, but maybe about an hour.

Anyhoo, I will start keeping a log of my exercise under my food for each day too - in summary - not the verbose nonsense I've put above.

Keep plugging way my little chicadees! :) xx
Hi there

Just been reading your diary and wanted to say its really good!! You are doing so well with the weight loss!

Can you share your kebab recipe. I'd really like to try them but not sure how to go about making them (worried I'll undercook or overcook) and what do you like to serve them with (im on EE)
Hi Kat. Thanks for the compliment, however, my kebabs are just take outs. I checked them out and were assured they were syn free, I never have any sauce and count for a large pitta. I'm n EE as well. Have made them for bbqs many times in the past though, just cut chunks of lean meat, inch and a half. Grinding in low fat yoghurt is a good idea. I have a Greek recipe somewhere I'll hoik out for you. Sorry to disappoint. :)
Ooh, also meant to say that while the bairn had a little friend over this afternoon, I spent a few hours going through a three year backlog of old WW and Good Housekeeping mags, pulling out the recipes I liked and would probably make. The GH ones were the nicest, however, when WW did their core plan (not entirely dissimilar to SW) there were some good ideas for syn free recipes there. So got some great and fairly adaptable recipe ideas and finished a job that's been sat staring at me for 3 years. Everyone's a winner!

Am feeling very relaxed on my week off. Makes a very nice change.
I have a similar task in my to do list. I have been printing out recipes left right and centre so I intend to gather them all in one place and myself a little recipe scrapbook. My to do list is massive tho so unless I'm really procrastinating from something else, it may take a while!! xx
That's a great idea! Can't remember if I told you about Cook Yourself Thin or not - you can get it off Amszon for like 30p and all the recipes are great for SW!
Yeah popped to the shops earlier this evening (pick up new specs) and was looking for a nice concertina'd file binder thingy to stick them all in. Couldn't find what I fancied though. Hey Ho, I'm sure something will turn up.

Was in London today, went to Modern Sculpture exhib at the Royal Academy. Very good by the way if you're passing by in the next couple of months. So eating out involved.

Breakfast: frozen fruit, canned prunes (2 syns), low fat yoghurt, branflakes (HEb)
Lunch: ate out - mushroom and chicken risotto with side salad. I allowed 4 syns for oil content. Possibly more, but didn't taste greasy at all
Dinner: caramel bunny (5 syns), then supernoodles, with quorn pieces frylighted with a large handful if cherry tomatoes and a couple of handfuls of spinach. Very nommy. Large bowl of strawberries with shape yoghurt for pud.
20g cheddar, plus 3 small slugs if skimmed milk in tea (HEa)
Total - 11 syns

Tough day again tomorrow. Planning on an early morning swim, then up to London for a Susan Hiller exhib at Tate Britain, then off to footy. Will take something out if the freezer in the morning for evening meal. Will take done fruit ob my bag, but need to grab a syn free lunch somewhere. We'll see! :)
Yes, there is something very cultured about football.... lol

Seriously though, I've always had a leaning, but as I get older, and life has changed I just realise that I really enjoy something that gives me food for thought and I can research further at home (as a single parent I'm at home a lot by myself). As opposed to just getting pissed in various places, which is prob what I used to do more. Though I may be coming out of retirement and disgracing myself with a bunch of Millwall fans on St George's Day lol

I just adore London though, there is so much going on, you could never be bored. Love it!

Anyhoo, I also have the World Superbikes starting this weekend. So early night tonight so can I wake through the night watching the race, which is in Australia, oh and cricket tomorrow. Plus swimming etc with the bairn, tomorrow daytime. I'll be fit to drop by tomorrow evening. :)

Half term has indeed gone too quickly. Roll on Easter, I have another week off then. :)
Well done, your half term sounds like a lot of fun!! xx
Thanks Jules.

Right quick food update then I'm getting some sleep. Bike racing starts at 01.00 so need to try and get what sleep I can now.

Banana before swimming
1hr swim
Breakfast- mixed frozen fruit, canned prunes (2 syns), branflakes (HEb), low fat natural yoghurt.
Snack: banana, apple and clementine
Dinner: alpen light (3 syns), beef stew served on a small bed of spinach, 2 packs of special k minibreaks (10 syns)
Skimmed milk in tea (HEa)
Total syns - 15
Water - 1 pt (not so good)
Exercise - 1hr swimming + 1/2 hour walking.