It's Now Or Never

I need a hobby further evenings too. Watch far too much tv these days...... This will sound so old, but it.really fancy cross stitch....... lol
OLD?! :D You're not old hunnie, I'm younger than you and I cross stitch, I love it, would highly recommend it, really helps to pass boredom etc and you can make some beautiful things :) xx
I have a friend, 23 years old loves cross stitching! She got married last year and every single invitation and order of service she cross stitched by hand! So it's not an old thing!

I would love to make one of these:


I love vintage and vintage inspired things but have never managed to find one of these at the charity shops / car boots. So imagine how awesome it would feel to be lounging under one you'd knitted yourself!!!

Something that would keep me occupied and be helpful, would be to do some beaded door curtains. I want some to cover the patio doors in the kitchen. Though I'm a bit concerned that the cost of the beads will end up far more expensive than just buying one ready done on eBay.
On phone so will keep this brief. Yesterday I ended up going slightly over syns - had 17 in total, mostly in cereal bar type food. Did it, won't beat myself up too much about it.

Funny day today. Didn't do my usual batch of packed lunches in advance yesterday (we ate out at spud u like), do just defrosted some jambalaya, was a bit grim just cold. Heated test up for tea tonight though, it was far better like that. Was really busy at work though which meant I didn't have time to think about food.

So food - Tuesday 15th Feb.

Mixed frozen fruit, prunes (2 syns), branflakes (HEb), shape yoghurt.
5 clementines, 2 apples, banana, americano with skimmed milk (1.5 syns)
cold jambalaya (bleurgh)
Heated jambalaya, 2 quorn sausages all laid on top of a bowl of spinach. Yummsy. Grapes, clementines and banana for pud. Oh, and as I had only had about 3 cups of milk, I had a 20g cheddar cheese portion on top for my HEa. Bedtime cup of tea 0.5 syns.
Total syns = 4.

Tomorrow is swim day. Me and the bairn are off for optician appointment after school. So will try and fit in a healthy tea before we go or something. Chilling tonight catching up on some reading. Am also considering another OU course to keep me our of mischief. They do a nutrition one, which I thought could be quite apt....
I am so pooped - but I have been more pooped so could be worse! ;-)

Bit of a frustrating day - sent an email to my new boss asking what was already a stupid question - to then realise I had asked him the wrong question (and he will know I have too) - and now look even more stupid! Gaahhhh!!! Ah well, I'm new to the role, I'm sure he'll overlook it for now. Just would have been nice to have been all super efficient and look like I know what I'm doing etc etc ha ha

I was really good today and did my half day hours first at home - THEN signed off, and went out. Usually I end up working most of the day - which they don't pay me for - so sod them. It's not like they aren't making millions, and no one else on my project puts themselves out. most notably the project manager.

Anyhoo, I went to B&Q and bought some red tester paint pots to do my kitchen. Have just been testing them out - have settled for the most scarletty looking red I could find. The current units are white, with very, very dark green almost black work tops. At the moment the walls are green (it's called Chelsea green, I found the tin in the garage, and I recognised it as that is what I had painted two walls in my bedroom in my old flat years ago - christ, a good 12-13 years ago in fact - scary stuff). I digress. So my kitchen will be awash with colour soon enough. I blame the diet for this - I am getting generally a little more motivated full stop to do useful things with my time. And I seem to be nesting as it were - for me, I am always happier in myself when my surroundings are clean, neat and tidy - so I am looking at it as a positive.

I then went for my swim - nearly 50 mins, and got 72 x 20m lengths in - so 1.44km. Not too bad a work rate, considering I haven't been for months. I think I'd have got up to about 1.8km/hr had I managed the full hour. I was really shakey afterwards though. Went for my jacuzzi and steam (they are obligatory). Oh my, spent about 20mins in the jacuzzi with 5 really not too bad looking young men. One was particularly yummy - so a few sneaky smiles there. :)

Then collected the bairn from school and went off to Bluewater to get our eyes tested - more new glasses and expense for me. But I bought some really funky ones - well funky for me anyway. The amusing thing was that they were £30 from the kiddies/NHS section. Of course, the primary pair I bought happened to be designed, plus the extra £60 per frame for thinner lenses - and next thing I know another £240 has gone. :-( Still, I desperately needed new ones. I broke my old ones last August, so have been trotting about in 8 year old glasses - which I absolutely hate the look of now. Sounds vain - but there is no avoiding them, and they very much define the way you look. Anyhoo - I'll post up some pics when I collect them - should give you all a good chuckle.

When we got back from Bluewater - 20:00 by this point - manhandled the bairn into sorting his stuff out and bed, whilst I cooked roast veggies for my lunch tomorrow and a.n.other day.... Sneakily had a bowlful too - was lovely! Though I'm a bit pleased here too - as I was so tempted to scoff up the other bunny. But I didn't - I ate something healthy instead. I have done this a few times now lately - so a very, very good change in habit - am a teensy bit proud of myself.

So yeah, I am now a bit pooped, and thought I'd quickly type my food up before I shut the PC down. Should have a decent night's kip tonight though hopefully.

Food: Wednesday 16th January

Breakfast: mixed fruit, inc prunes (2 syns), branflakes (HEb), shape yoghurt
Early lunch: loads of spinach leaves - with a spinach omlette on top of that, and MORE supernoodles (yay!) on top of that. Oh my it was truly heavenly. I am so addicted. I think I'd have two a day - but I'm trying to be sensible. It just works so easily for me when I'm homeworking - takes no time to prepare and is delish! :)
Snack: 2 bananas and a geo bar (6.5 syns) a little later
After swim: banana and apple (was feeling shakey so knew I needed something)
Tea: jacket potato with baked beans whilst out
Late snack: clementine, 1 cadburys chocolate caramel bunny (5 syns), bowl of roasted veg (this included butternut squash, courgette, peppers, mushrooms, shallots and cherry tomatoes, with some spices and seasoning.
Skimmed milk in tea throughout day (HEa), 2 pints of water (not so good)
Total syns: 13.5

Am relaxing now with a glass of slimline tonic and a copy of housekeeping weekly, reading their ways to sneak in some exercise whilst going about your normal business section....

Night all! x
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Oh, AND I walked the bairn to school this morning rather than taking the car. It was a gorgeous day and made for a lovely walk. Was really nice to chat as walked along too - far better than the stinky old car, and cheaper and better for my thighs.

I really am determined to get my loss up to 2lbs per week. So best get that water down me too! :)

Really, night night now! x
Sounds like you had a lovely day! Sunny walk sounds great- yesterday I was super happy to see lots of snowdrops and crocuses growing around school- spring is on its way! We deserve a good summer this year!!!!
Yeah that turn of the seasons is lovely isn't it?
Just managed to miss train into work, so have to wait 20 mins for the next one. Grrrrr

Still really pleased with myself for putting one of the caramel bunnies aside. That is a big deal for me. I always finish up everything. It just feels like there's been a definite corner turned in my attitude. Just hope it's a permanent one.
Well done Pinkie. You are very good to resist the bunnies. Im sure that you will indeed get used to it. I used to be terrible- could open anything without finishing it. Now, especially if I have things tucked away in a tin (my dad got me loads of lovely vintage tins from my nan's house!) I can make things last for ages and enjoy a treat loads more!

I love the change of season. So happy it's now light when I leave the house. Makes such a difference to my mood!